287 research outputs found


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    Based on an extensive survey conducted on the representative sample of displaced persons from Croatian East the purpose of this paper was to highlight the differences in some sociodemographic characteristics, attitudes and expectations of the displaced who distinguish by their willingness to return home under the conditions of the Plan of Peaceful Reintegration. The majority (about 70%) of the interviewed persons intended to return to their homes unconditionally, about one quarter of them hesitated about the return because of the conditions of the Plan of Peaceful Reintegration or had not decided yet, and only 3% did not intend to return. By means of discriminant analyses the results of three groups of displaced persons were analysed: returnees, hesitant, and non-returnees. According to the results, the main difference between returnees and other two groups were their attitudes toward the Plan of Peaceful Reintegration, and the Plan was found to be prevailingly positive for the group of returnees. The group of non-returnees, although very small in number, differed from both, returnees and hesitant displaced, by younger age, poor family relationships, problem of invalidity and better adaptation to the place of resettlement. Present living conditions and expectations about future of the potential returnees were presented.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u nekim sociodemografskim osobinama, stavovima i očekivanjima hrvatskih prognanika koje se razlikuju s obzirom na namjeru povratka u mjesta progonstva. Istraživanje je provedeno na reprezentativnom uzorku prognanika s hrvatskog istoka. Rezultati su pokazali da se većina ispitanih prognanika (oko 70%) namjerava vratiti u svoje domove bez obzira na uvjete postavljene u Planu mirne reintegracije, oko jedna četvrtina prognanika ne namjerava se vratiti pod tim uvjetima ili to još nisu odlučili, a svega 3% njih ne namjerava se vratiti. Rezultati diskriminativne analize provedene s ciljem da se utvrde razlike u nekim obilježjima i stavovima između triju skupina ispitanika: povratnika, neodlučnih i ne-povratnika, pokazali su da varijable koje diferenciraju skupinu povratnika od drugih dviju skupina jesu stavovi prema Planu mirne reintegracije. Oni su bili pozitivniji u skupine povratnika nego u neodlučnih i ne-po-vratnika. Skupina ne-povratnika, iako vrlo mala, razlikovala se od ostalih dviju skupina po svojoj mlađoj dobi, lošijim odnosima u obitelji, problemima s invalidnošću i boljom prilagodbom na uvjete života poslije progonstva. U radu su prikazani i podaci o uvjetima života u progonstvu i očekivanja u vezi s povratkom skupine povratnika.Das Ziel der Untersuchung war, die Unterschiede zwischen bestimmten soziodemographischen Eigenschaften, Einstellungen und Erwartungen kroatischer Vertriebener festzustellen, deren Zukunftsplane bezOglich des intendierten Aufenthaltsorts voneinander abweichen. Die Untersuchung wurde an einer reprasentativen Gruppe ostkroatischer Vertriebener durchgefOhrt. Die Resultate haben gezeigt, dass die Mehrzahl der Vertriebenen (etwa 70%) in ihre Heimatorte zurOckkehren will, ohne ROcksicht auf die im Plan zur friedlichen Reintegrierung aufgestellten Bedingungen. Etwa ein Viertel der Vertriebenen hat nicht die Absicht, unter den geltenden Bedingungen zurOckzukehren, oder ist noch unentschlossen; lediglich 3% sehen ganz von einer ROckkehr ab. Die DurchfOhrung einer diskriminativen Analyse hatte zum Ziel, die Unterschiede in Einstellungen und Oberlegungen zwischen den drei verschiedenen Personengruppen, narnlich Heimkehrern, UnschlOssigen und Nicht-Heimkehrern, zu ermitteln. Es erwies sich, dass die jeweilige Einstellung zum Plan der friedlichen Reintegrierung jene Variable ist, welche die Gruppe der Heimkehrer von den Obrigen beiden Gruppen differenziert. Unter den zur Heimkehr Entschlossenen ist diese Einstellung positiver als unter den Obrigen Vertriebenen. Die Gruppe der Nicht-Heimkehrer, obwohl geringen Umfangs, unterscheidet sich von den Obrigen durch ein niedrigeres Durchschnittsalter, schlechtere Farnilienverhaltnisse, Invaliditatsprobleme und eine bessere Eingewohnung in die Lebensverhaltnisse nach der Vertreibung. Die Arbeit illustriert aufšerdern bestimmte soziodemographische Merkmale, Lebensverhaltnisse nach der Vertreibung und Erwartungen bezOglich der ROckkehr in die Heimatorte, die innerhalb der Gruppe der zur ROckkehr entschlossenen Vertriebenen zu beobachten sind

    Has the time come for Croatia to introduce chlamydia screening among the adolescent population?

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    Uvod: Infekcije uzrokovane klamidijom ubrajaju se u najčešće spolno prenosive bolesti, posebno kod populacije mlađe od 25 godina. Često su asimptomatske, pa infekcija ostane neprepoznata i neliječena i može dovesti do razvoja komplikacija. Odgovornost za nadzor nad klamidijskom infekcijom je na javnom zdravstvu jer provedba preventivnih programa s ciljem pravovremenog otkrivanja i liječenja infekcije sprječava razvoj komplikacija. Cilj je ovoga rada bio utvrditi učestalost infekcije bakterijom Chlamydia trachomatis u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji, analizirati učestalost s obzirom na dob i spol, te na osnovu rezultata zaključiti je li vrijeme da Republika Hrvatska uvede probir na klamidiju među adolescentskom populacijom. Metode: Za potrebe ovoga rada analizirani su šestogodišnji podaci rutinskog testiranja na bakteriju C.trachomatis u Nastavnom zavodu za javno zdravstvo Splitsko-dalmatinske županije (NZJZ-SDŽ). Testiranja su napravljena PCR metodom na sustavu Cobas 4800 (Roche). Rezultati: U šestogodišnjem razdoblju (2015. - 2020.) ukupno je testirano 45 431 pacijenata na DNK C.trachomatis, te je otkriveno 1 010 (2,2 %) pozitivnih uzoraka. U skupini osoba mlađih od 25 godina testirano je samo 5 886 uzoraka (13,0 % od ukupnog broja testiranih), a među njima je bilo 6,1 % pozitivnih na klamidiju (5,7 % od testiranih žena i 9,0% od testiranih muškaraca, mlađih od 25 godina). Kod osoba starijih od 25 godina bilo je tek 1,6 % pozitivnih na klamidiju (1,4 % žena i 3,2 % muškaraca). Zaključak: Prema rezultatima naše studije, prevalencija klamidijske infekcije u adolescenata znatno je viša od 3,0 %, što ukazuje na neophodnost i ekonomsku opravdanost uvođenja probira na klamidiju među adolescentskom populacijom u Hrvatskoj.Background: Infections caused by chlamydia are among the most common sexually transmitted diseases, especially in population younger than 25 years. They are often asymptomatic, so infection remains unrecognized and untreated. Control of chlamydial infection is a public health responsibility, and implementation of chlamydial screening allows timely detection, early treatment of infection and prevention of complications. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Split-Dalmatia County, to analyse the incidence regarding to age and gender, and based on the results to conclude has the time come for Croatia to introduce chlamydia screening among the adolescent population. Methods: For the purposes of this paper, six-year data from routine testing for C. trachomatis at the Teaching Institute for Public Health of Split-Dalmatia County (TIPH-SDC) were analysed. The tests were performed by PCR method on the Cobas 4800 system (Roche). Results: In the six-year period (2015–2020), a total of 45,431 patients were tested for C.trachomatis, and 1,010 (2.2%) were positive. In the group of persons younger than 25 years, only 5,886 samples were taken (13.0% of the total number tested). Among them, 6.1% were positive for chlamydia (5.7% of tested women and 9.0% of tested men, younger than 25 years). In the age group older than 25 years, only 1.6% patients were positive for chlamydia (1.4% of women and 3.2% of men). Conclusion: According to the results of our study, the prevalence of chlamydial infection in adolescent population is significantly higher than 3.0%, which indicates the necessity and cost-effectiveness for introduction of chlamydia screening among adolescent population in Croatia

    Motor Abilities in Dance Structure Performance in Female Students

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the relation between motor abilities and performance in folk dances originating from the island of Hvar and modern social dances. Two groups of variables were used in a sample of 78 female students of the Teacher Training College from Split: 7 motor variables as a battery of predictors, and performance evaluation of 4 dances (2 folk dances, i.e. ciciliona and pašavijen, and 2 social dances, i.e. cha-cha-cha and rock-\u27n\u27-roll) as criterion variables. Canonical correlation analysis between the groups of variables yielded two canonical correlations of 0.94 and 0.73, with a level of significance of p<0.001. The first canonical correlation was based on marked determination of coordination and ciciliona dance, and the second one on explosive strength of the running type with below-average coordination and the cha-cha-cha, rock-\u27n\u27-roll and pašavijen dances. Regression analysis indicated the battery of motor variables used to be a good predictor of performance in all study dances, with multiple correlation of 0.93 in ciciliona, 0.84 in pašavijen, 0.75 in rock-\u27n\u27-roll and 0.73 in cha-cha-cha. In ciciliona and pašavijen, the latent dance structure is predominantly explained by coordination, in rock-\u27n\u27-roll by explosive strength, and in cha-cha-cha by explosive strength and speed. Discriminative analysis revealed the general dance performance to mostly depend on coordination, then on explosive strength, and to a lesser extent on speed (movement frequency). Dance is an irreplaceable educational tool in kinesiologic education of female students, among others for its considerable contribution to the development and maintenance of basic motor abilities

    Quality of life, life satisfaction and happiness in Croatia in comparison to European countries

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse various dimensions of subjective well-being in Croatia: life satisfaction, happiness, personal and national well-being, to compare some of these dimensions between 2003 and 2005, and to compare our data with available data from other European countries. The data used were obtained from two national surveys (2003 and 2005). In both surveys participants were representative samples of Croatian citizens. Comparisons with other European countries were based on the data set from the project on monitoring quality of life in Europe conducted in 2003 by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Results of analyses showed that Croatia's subjective well-being rates fit at the bottom of the EU-15 or at the top of the 13 acceding and candidate countries, according to their status in 2003. Happiness ratings in Croatian citizens were rather high and increased between 2003 and 2005. Satisfaction with personal life domains showed that the standard of living is the least satisfying, while relationships with family and friends were the most satisfying. When rating national domains, Croatian citizens were the most satisfied with national security and the state of the environment and the least satisfied with social conditions in the country

    Slobodne aktivnosti i zadovoljstvo osoba zaposlenih u sustavu zdravstvene skrbi

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    The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between off-the-job activities and subjective well-being of the healthcare professionals. The sample of 185 healthcare professionals from three medical settings in Croatia were administered a questionnaire which included the measures of worker’s satisfaction with the opportunity to carry out a set of 15 of off-the-job activities, as well as the measures of subjective well-being: life satisfaction, happiness and job satisfaction. Regression analyses were used to examine the effects of satisfaction with the opportunity to carry off-the-job activities on well-being measures. Out of various off-the-job activities, healthcare professionals in our sample were most satisfied with the opportunity to carry out family and household oriented activities (raising children, being with spouse or partner, shopping for household needs) and least satisfied with the opportunity to exercise, take part in organization and keep up with news. The satisfaction with the opportunity to shop for household needs was the only significant predictor of life satisfaction. None of the off-the-job activities predicted the overall happiness, only being younger was associated with higher reported overall happiness. Job satisfaction was predicted by satisfaction with balancing work and family life.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između aktivnosti koje se obavljaju u slobodno vrijeme i subjektivnog blagostanja kod zdravstvenih djelatnika. Na uzorku od 185 zdravstvenih djelatnika iz tri zdravstvene ustanove u Hrvatskoj primijenjen je upitnik o zadovoljstvu s obzirom na mogućnost da se u slobodno vrijeme obavlja 15 pojedinačnih aktivnosti te nekoliko mjera subjektivnog blagostanja: životno zadovoljstvo, osjećaj sreće i zadovoljstvo poslom. Regresijskim analizama ispitan je utjecaj zadovoljstva mogućnošću da se u slobodno vrijeme obavljaju različite aktivnosti na svaku od mjera subjektivnog blagostanja. Rezultati su pokazali općenito da su ispitani zdravstveni djelatnici najzadovoljniji mogućnošću da u slobodno vrijeme obavljaju aktivnosti vezane uz obiteljski život (bavljenje djecom, provođenje vremena sa supružnikom ili partnerom, kupovanje za potrebe domaćinstva), a najmanje zadovoljni mogućnošću sudjelovanja u različitim organizacijama, rekreativnog vježbanja i praćenja dnevnih događaja u medijima. Jedini značajni prediktor životnog zadovoljstva bila je mogućnost da se kupuje za potrebe domaćinstva, dok je za osjećaj sreće bila prediktivna jedino dob sudionika. Mlađa životna dob upućivala je na veći osjećaj sreće. Zadovoljstvo poslom najbolje je predviđalo zadovoljstvo uspostavljenom ravnotežom između života i rada