197 research outputs found

    Daugiamačių regresijos modelių naudojimas infliacijai modeliuoti

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    This paper examines the Lithuanian consumer price inflation from 1996 January till 2006 December using a modern non-stationary time series and econometric theory.  The multiple regressionmodels are proposed for inflation modeling. The stationarity of Lithuanian inflation and the main explored exogenous variables are analyzed using the augmented Dickey–Fuller test.  All indicators are integrated of order one.  Vector error correction (VECM) model of Lithuanian inflation processes is investigated and proposed for inflation modeling

    Correlations in self-bound systems of identical fermions

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    A method for the calculation of translationally invariant wave functions for systems of identical fermions with arbitrary potential of pair interaction is developed. It is based on the well-known result that the essential dynamic part of the Hamiltonian for the system of identical particles is the Reduced Hamiltonian operator describing relative movement of two particles inside the system. The eigenfunctions of this operator take into account all correlations caused by interaction. These eigenfunctions are basic for the construction of the components (i.e. the functions with a lower degree of antisymmetry) of the system wave functions. The main problem of this approach appears to be antisymmetrization of the components. The developed universal algorithm for antisymmetrization gives a possibility to perform this operation in a simple way and keep numerical approximations under control.Comment: 20 pages REVTeX, submitted to Lithuanian J. Phy

    Expression of Engagement in Gamified Study Subject

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    Purpose – To analyze expression forms of engagement during the gamified study subject

    Gamification in fostering creativity

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    Purpose – discuss the assumptions for gamification application in fostering creativity. Design/methodology/approach – the author analyses the precognitions that allowed gamification to attract mainstream attention, the diversity of understandings about the phenomenon, and the possible relations between usage of gamified content and the development of creativity. The paper is based on the comparative analysis of scientific literature and related sources from sociology, business, and entertainment. The engagement is analysed through the theories of self-determination and the “flow”. Creativity is understood as “any act, idea, or product that changes an existing domain, or that transforms an existing domain into a new one” (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996). Gamification is analysed as “use of game design elements in non-game context” (Deterding, Dixon, Khaled, and Nacke (2011). Findings – although gamification is gaining more public attention, studies that would reveal its relations in fostering creativity are lacking. One of the main goals of any gamified platform is to raise the engagement of the participant while keeping the subject interested in the process or activity. In some cases, there is a relation between “flow” and creativity. However, the strength of this relationship depends on the users of gamified content and the domain of interest. Research limitations / implications – there are very few empirical studies that would support correlation between experiencing the “flow” state and the raise of creativity. This issue requires more surveys that would ground the idea. Practical implications – by developing further research in the use of gamification while fostering creativity it is possible to determine, whether or not the “creative domains” should apply more measures of gamification in their activities. Value – the article emphasises the theoretical analysis of gamification and its applicability in fostering creativity. First of all, the context of the rise of gamification is examined. The Generation Y, or the Millennials, is the main target group for gamification applications. The justification of the method is based on the social context formed by a generation of people who like to be stimulated, entertained and engaged. The Millennials are used to advanced technologies; they make the game industry one of the most profitable in the field of entertainment. This creates possibilities for a wider use of game mechanic elements and game thinking in the contexts directly unrelated to games. Furthermore, the definition of gamification is also a controversial issue, since scientists do not agree as to the range of elements that gamification involves. Although gamification is created as a method to increase engagement by using elements of game mechanics, it is explained through theories of self-determination and “flow”. The possible correlation between reaching the state of “flow” and fostering creativity is a questionable issue, as only a few studies have focused on the idea

    Parlamentinės kontrolės modelis ir jo įtvirtinimo ypatumai Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijose: doktrininis ir praktinis požiūriai.

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    The article analyses the consolidation of parliamentary control pattern and its development in the United States (hereinafter referred to as US). The competence of the Congress, which allows a thorough and efficient parliamentary control implementation, is unquestionable notwithstanding the absence of governmental institute, the President and its administration political responsibility against the Congress in the constitutional governance system of US, whereas provisions of the Congress are “silent” about controlling competence of the Congress. The Congress control was developed through parliamentary practice and was approved by the Supreme Court commenting on the Constitution and “designing” pattern of separation of powers. It is universally recognized that the Congress control is one of the break and balance devices securing both, solid and effective execution of all functions of the Congress, especially legislation, and inter-balance of powers. However, referring to the doctrine, appearing in judgments of the Supreme Court, the function of the Congress control has its boundaries and the executed control is not absolute. Another significant restraint of functions of the Congress control is related to reception of information form executive power. Looking at American constitutional tradition and analyzing the content of break and balance system, the privilege of executive power is singled out. Because of the privilege executive power cannot refuse to subject the information to the Congress, thus not allowing examinations of the Congress “to prosper”. Hereby, parliamentary control as well as other break and balance devices (the President’s right of veto, impeachment etc.) secure the independency and equality of the President and the Congress.Straipsnyje analizuojamas parlamentinės kontrolės modelio įtvirtinimas, jo raida Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose (toliau – JAV). Nepaisant, kad JAV konstitucinėje valdžių sistemoje nėra nei vyriausybės instituto, nei Prezidento ir jo administracijos politinės atsakomybės Kongresui, o Konstitucijos nuostatos nereglamentuoja Kongreso kontrolinės kompetencijos, neabejojama Kongreso kompetencija visapusiškai ir veiksmingai vykdyti parlamentinę kontrolę. Kongreso kontrolė išplėtota parlamentinės praktikos būdu kartu su parlamento institucija ir patvirtinta Aukščiausiojo Teismo aiškinant Konstituciją ir kuriant valdžių padalijimo modelį. Visuotinai pripažįstama, kad Kongreso vykdoma kontrolė yra vienas iš stabdžių ir atsvarų mechanizmo elementų, užtikrinantis ne tik nepertraukiamą ir veiksmingą visų Kongreso funkcijų, ypač įstatymų leidybos vykdymą, bet ir garantuojantis valdžių tarpusavio pusiausvyrą. Nors, kaip rodo Aukščiausiojo Teismo sprendimuose formuojama doktrina, Kongreso kontrolinė funkcija turi ribas ir vykdoma kontrolė nėra absoliuti. Kitas svarbus Kongreso kontrolinis funkcijos ribojimas yra susijęs su informacijos gavimu iš vykdomosios valdžios. Amerikiečių konstitucinėje tradicijoje, analizuojant stabdžių ir atsvarų sistemos (mechanizmo) turinį, išskiriama vykdomosios valdžios privilegija. Būtent ši privilegija leidžia vykdomajai valdžiai atsisakyti pateikti Kongresui reikalaujamą informaciją ir taip neleisti „įsisiūbuoti “ Kongreso tyrimams. Taip parlamentinė kontrolė, kaip ir kiti stabdžių ir atsvarų mechanizmo elementai (prezidento veto teisė, apkalta ir kt.), užtikrina Kongreso ir Prezidento nepriklausomumą ir lygiateisiškumą bei nuolatinį bendradarbiavimą įgyvendinant nustatytas funkcijas

    Peticijos teisės įtvirtinimas Lietuvos konstitucinėje teisėje: parlamentinė patirtis.

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    The article treats the features of the right to petition in the aspect of constitutional law science. The relevance of the subject of the article is presented in the introduction of the article. Further parts of the article present the prevailing conceptions of the petition right, defining the functions of the petition right, describing the influence of the development of human rights to the conception of the petition right. The article analyses the aspects of the petition right becoming more constitutional in Lithuania since 1920 till 1939, also reviews the mechanisms of realization of the right to petition. Right to petition (in its narrow sense) is seen by many countries as a freedom to submit requests and initiatives to legislative and executive institutions, without fear of the legal damage (“by opening the public sphere”) and to raise society problems. In a broader sense, the petition right is understood as citizens’ (individuals’) opportunity to submit an appeal to the government institutions on the personal problems in the realization of individual rights and freedoms or to raise other individual problems. Right to petition makes it possible to inform the public authority institutions, that the existing legal regulation does not allow to effectively exercise individual rights and freedoms, or the absence of legal regulation restricts individual rights and freedoms, and the State’s duty is to examine the petitions filed, to check and reach a decision without formal legal means or court. Thus right to petition may bridge the gap of legal protection, i.e. to secure the interests of society and individuals, without using the classical instruments of legal protection (e.g. a complaint). Disregarding the variety of petition right functions, we may state, that the petition right in democratic rule of law states performs a double function: 1. to protect society interests; 2. to protect individual interests.Straipsnio tikslas – atskleisti peticijos teisės sampratą ir raidą Lietuvos konstitucinėje teisėje. Straipsnyje analizuojami peticijos teisės konstitucionalizavimas tarpukario Lietuvoje, taip pat tarpukario ir šiuolaikinė parlamentinė patirtis įtvirtinant peticijos teisės institutą, kuriant peticijos teisės realizavimo mechanizmus. Lietuvos konstitucinėje doktrinoje vyrauja dvi pozicijos apibrėžiant peticijos teisę (peticiją). Viena pozicija – peticijos teisę priskirti politinėms teisėms, antra pozicija – siekimas ją atskirti nuo politinių teisių. Pirmuoju atveju peticijos teisė (peticija) vertinama kaip piliečio individualūs arba kolektyviniai kreipimaisi į valdžios institucijas su skundu, pasiūlymu arba reikalavimu spręsti teisinį arba kitą visuomenei svarbų klausimą. Antruoju atveju peticijos teisė – tai demokratijos komponentas, leidžiantis visiems valstybės gyventojams spręsti žmogaus teisių ir laisvių įgyvendinimo ir apsaugos klausimus

    Baltijos valstybių mokėjimų balansų ekonominis statistinis įvertinimas

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    The balance of payments consists of standard items, i. e. accounts. Current account shows bilateral transactions in bade and services, receivable and payable interest, dividends and current transfers. Capital account registers capital transfers and the purchase and sale of non-financial funds and intangible assets by non-residents. Financial account (in Lithuania Capital and Financial accounts are combined together) registers the movement of financial funds from one country to another. Here we can find direct investments, portfolio investments and other investments to and from country. The main part of the balance of payments is changes in the official reserve assets. The goal of this work is to compare items of the balances of payments in three Baltic countries and to evaluate the current account deficit. As well as author introduces with developments of foreign trade indicators in Lithuania. In the first half of 2002 the biggest current account deficit was in Estonia, the smallest one was in Lithuania. Foreign direct investments, portfolio investments and other investments were the main sources of financing of this deficit. The official reserve assets were not as financing source because they increased in all three countries. However, the ratio of the gross foreign debt to GDP in Latvia and Estonia exceeded sustainable bounds. In addition, the ratio of gross foreign debt to exports of goods and services in Latvia was very high. It shows that in the future Latvia and Estonia could have problems related to the repayment of this debt As well as the costs of debt service can increase in these two countries.Straipsnyje pateikiami Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Estijos mokėjimų balansai, palyginami pagrindiniai jų straipsniai, apžvelgiama 2002 m. pirmojo pusmečio Lietuvos užsienio prekybos raida. Naudojant išvestinius rodiklius straipsnyje įvertinami Baltijos valstybių einamųjų sąskaitų deficitai

    Expression of Engagement in Gamified Study Course

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    Purpose – To explore expression forms of engagement during gamified study course. Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative study was being conducted in order to find out how engagement is being expressed among the students in university during one semester of gamified study course. The data were collected in two group interviews and one set of individual interviews. Interviews were conducted after second, third, and fifth month of the semester. Data were analyzed using thematic qualitative analysis approach. Finding – Study has shown that engagement in gamified study subject manifested itself in long term and short term forms of expression. Data analysis have shown that engagement is expressed in six forms: participation, rush, flow, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, and agentic engagement. It is different from motivation that was influenced by three factors: extrinsic rewards, intrinsic satisfaction, and lack of motivation. Research limitations/implications – The results of this study have shown that engagement is context sensitive. Since the research is done in exploratory nature the conclusions cannot be generalized. Ability to feel engaged is strongly dependent from personal characteristics of a student. Moreover, the external factors like relationships among group members as well as role of an educator might have significant result on student engagement in gamified study subject. Research results allow to connect two concepts of engagement. In educational sciences engagement is understood as a long term phenomenon while in game studies it is explained as temporal experience. Applying gamification in university study subject allows to explore what temporal features of engagement does transfer to long term engagement. Research results are also significant in trying to find consensus between two competing approaches towards engagement phenomenon in educational sciences and game studies. Practical implications – By revealing how engagement is being experienced in gamified study subject it is possible to better understand how different gamification techniques and mechanics lead to motivational outcomes. Also, not all forms of engagement might be desirable in educational context. The results of the study allows broader understanding about the functioning of gamification mechanics which could lead to improved gamified systems used for educational purposes. Originality/Value – The study takes an original approach in exploring expression of engagement in two overlapping disciplines - educational sciences and game studies. There are very few studies which use qualitative methods for deeper understanding of engagement in gamified learning environments

    Probleminiai ekspertinių sistemų panaudojimo teisės srityje aspektai

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    The usage of expert systems in law brings many problematic questions. Complexity and intricacy of law, combined with limited possibilities of information technologies makes it difficult to create flawlessly working expert systems. In this article the author analyses problematic aspects related to expert system usage in law. Comparisons of various research are made according to analysis of scientific articles. The author analyses practical difficulties of legal norm representation, creation of expert knowledge ontology, expert systems liability issues. Legal responsibility of expert system developers, users, and owners are also covered in this paper. Creation of legal ontologies is a complicated process because of the nature of the subject itself and the complexity and quantity of knowledge which must be represented in order to have fully functional legal expert system. Legal information basically consists of legal norms, doctrine, precedents and expert knowledge. All of these areas have specific representation issues, but the most difficult part is to make ontology and representation of expert knowledge. Different experts may have distinct points of view in some similar cases Human decisions are made not only by applying certain rules to the problem decision pattern. Providence, analytical skills and critical thinking is required in legal professional work. Human reasoning and decision-making is not only based on symbolic values, it also consists of intermediate symbolic assumptions. So the question is: is it possible to give a clear structure to something which has no permanent state? The other problem which is analyzed in this article is artificial reasoning methods, which are basically different forms of pattern recognition with some specific methods applied to them. The second part of the paper analyses the liability of expert systems. Nowadays expert systems can’t be legally responsible for their decisions. They lack intellectual potential in order to gain rights and obligations. They are not a legal subject, so they cannot be responsible for their actions. However, the evolution of intellectualized systems is rather slow but steady (compared to other computer sciences). So there is a possibility that expert system may have the ability to gain their rights and obligations in the future. There is some doubt as to whether intellectualized systems will be able to gain status similar to a human legal subject. Therefore some quasi-subject status may be applied to these systems in the future. Legal expert systems are applied nowadays in legal practice, and they do make mistakes. Who is responsible for these mistakes and who should be held liable for the negative consequences? It’s a hard question to answer, because of many factors which may cause the poor performance of the system. While there is no direct legal responsibility for expert systems, but damage done by their decisions may be real, the situation when there is no responsibility, subjects may occur. Some researchers claim that expert systems help improve the juridical quality of legal process, but the risk of mistake is always there, so intellectualized systems must be used only as advisers, but not as a justice implementation instruments.Straipsnio tikslas – išnagrinėti probleminius ekspertinių sistemų panaudojimo teisėje aspektus. Ekspertinių sistemų panaudojimas teisėje kelia daug probleminių klausimų. Dėl teisės mokslo sudėtingumo ir ribotų informacinių technologijų galimybių sukurti nepriekaištingai veikiančias teisines ekspertines sistemas praktiškai neįmanoma. Todėl reikia nustatyti galimas ekspertinių sistemų panaudojimo sritis bei atsakomybės ribas. Metodologija – remiantis literaturos lyginamąja analize aptariami autorių darbai šioje srityje, nagrinėjami praktiniai pavyzdžiai, pateikiamos išvados bei siūlymai. Akcentuojami tokie pagrindiniai elementai kaip teisės dalykinių sričių ontologijų sudarymo problematika, teisės normų aprašymas, ekspertų žinių atvaizdavimas, ribotos sprendimų priėmimo galimybės ekspertinėse sistemose. [...