66 research outputs found

    A Phenotypic Point of View of the Adaptive Radiation of Crested Newts (Triturus cristatus Superspecies, Caudata, Amphibia)

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    The divergence in phenotype and habitat preference within the crested newt Triturus cristatus superspecies, examined across different ontogenetic stages, provides an excellent setting to explore the pattern of adaptive radiation. The crested newts form a well-supported monophyletic clade for which at least the full mitochondrial DNA phylogeny is resolved. Here we summarise studies that explored the variation in morphological (larval and adult body form, limb skeleton, and skull shape) and other phenotypic traits (early life history, developmental sequences, larval growth rate, and sexual dimorphism) to infer the magnitude and direction of evolutionary changes in crested newts. The phenotypic traits show a high level of concordance in the pattern of variation; there is a cline-like variation, from T. dobrogicus, via T. cristatus, T. carnifex, and T. macedonicus to the T. karelinii group. This pattern matches the cline of ecological preferences; T. dobrogicus is relatively aquatic, followed by T. cristatus. T. macedonicus, T. carnifex, and the T. karelinii group are relatively terrestrial. The observed pattern indicates that phenotypic diversification in crested newts emerged due to an evolutionary switch in ecological preferences. Furthermore, the pattern indicates that heterochronic changes, or changes in the timing and rate of development, underlie the observed phenotypic evolutionary diversification

    Facultative paedomorphosis and the pattern of intra- and interspecific variation in cranial skeleton: lessons from European newts (Ichthyosaura alpestris and Lissotriton vulgaris)

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    peer reviewedPaedomorphosis, the presence of ancestral larval and juvenile traits that occur at the descendent adult stage, is an evolutionary phenomenon that shaped morphological evolution in many vertebrate lineages, including tailed amphibians. Among salamandrid species, paedomorphic and metamorphic phenotypes can be observed within single populations (facultative paedomorphosis). Despite wide interest in facultative paedomorphosis and polymorphism produced by heterochronic changes (heterochronic polymorphism), the studies that investigate intraspecific morphological variation in facultative paedomorphic species are largely missing. By quantifying the cranium size and development (bone development and remodeling), we investigated the variation at multiple levels (i.e., between sexes, populations and species) of two facultatively paedomorphic European newt species: the alpine and the smooth newt. The pattern of variation between paedomorphs (individuals keeping larval traits at the adult stage) and metamorphs (metamorphosed adult individuals) varied between species and among populations within a single species. The patterns of variation in size and skull formation appear to be more uniform in the alpine than in the smooth newt, indicating that developmental constraints differed between species (more pronounced in alpine than in smooth newt). Our study shows that the cranial skeleton provides detailed insight in the pattern of variation and divergence in heterochronic polymorphism within and between species and open new questions related to heterochronic polymorphism and evolution of cranial skeleton

    Application of fractal geometry in urban pattern design

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    Fraktalna geometrija proučava objekte koje karakterizira ponavljanje istih principa raspodjele elemenata promatranjem na više nivoa, a to se prepoznaje u slučaju gradova. Budući da holistički pristup planiranju uključuje uvođenje novih procesa i postupaka u odnosu na razmatranje svih relevantnih faktora koji mogu utjecati na izbor rješenja gradskog obrasca, naglašavamo koliko je za ljudsko blagostanje potrebna svijest o važnosti fraktalnosti u prirodnom i izgrađenom okolišu. U ovom radu podsjećamo na fraktalnost gradskog okoliša kao kvalitete urbanog područja i ističemo nedostatke uobičajenih koncepata planiranja, koji ne uzimaju u obzir fraktalnost obrasca kao kriterij za poboljšanje okoliša. Nakon kratkog pregleda osnova fraktalne teorije i prethodnih istraživanja, predstavljamo ranije poznate mogućnosti i sugeriramo nove za primjenu fraktalne geometrije u projektiranju gradskog obrasca.Fractal geometry studies the structures characterized by the repetition of the same principles of element distribution on multiple levels of observation, which is recognized in the case of cities. Since the holistic approach to planning involves the introduction of new processes and procedures regarding the consideration of all relevant factors that can influence the choice of urban pattern solutions, we point to the awareness of the importance of fractality in natural and built environment for human well-being. In this paper, we have reminded of the fractality of urban environment as a quality of an urban area and pointed on the disadvantages of conventional planning concepts, which do not consider pattern fractality as criterion for environmental improvement. After a brief review of the basis of fractal theory and the review of previous studies, we have presented previously known and suggested new possibilities for the application of fractal geometry in urban pattern design

    Amphibians in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns

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    Considering the need for an up-to-date overview of the distribution and diversity of amphibians of Serbia, we mapped the species distributions upon current, mostly unpublished, faunistic data. Also, we compared batrachofaunas of Serbia and other Balkan countries in terms of species number and zoogeographic batrachofaunistic elements. With its 21 native species (8 urodeles and 13 anurans), Serbia appears to be the second most diverse country in the Balkans. We found three main centres of species richness in Panonnian and Peripannonian Serbia (with 15-17 species per 50 x 50 km square) which signals urgency for their protection. Serbian batrachofauna is most similar to that of the eastern Balkan countries (Bulgaria and Romania). Zoogeographic analysis showed that amphibian fauna of Serbia consists of six chorotypes, with the central-European and southern-European as the most dominant ones.S obzirom na potrebu za najnovijim pregledom distribucije i diverziteta vodozemaca Srbije, u ovom radu prikazane su distribucije vrsta dobijene na osnovu postojećih i velikog broja do sada neobjavljenih faunističkih podataka. Dodatno, poređena je batrahofaunu Srbije i ostalih balkanskih zemalja u odnosu na broj vrsta i zoogeografskih batrahofaunističkih elemenata. Sa 21 autohtonom vrstom (8 vrsta repatih vodozemaca i 13 vrsta bezrepih vodozemaca), Srbija je druga zemlja Balkana po diverzitetu vodozemaca. Utvrđeno je postojanje tri glavna centra diverziteta u Panonskoj i Peripanonskoj Srbiji (sa 15-17 vrsta u okviru 50 × 50 km2) što ukazuje na hitnost uvođenja mera zaštite ovih centara. Batrahofauna Srbije je najsličnija istočnim balkanskim zemljama (Bugarska i Rumunija). Zoogeografska analiza pokazala je da se fauna vodozemaca Srbije sastoji od šest horotipova, sa centralnoevropskim i južnoevropskim kao dominantnim horotipovima.Projekat ministarstva br. 17304

    The herpetological collection of the Institute for biological research “Siniša Stanković”, University of Belgrade

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja popis vrsta gmizavaca deponovanih u herpetološkoj zbirci Instituta za Biološka Istraživanja 'Siniša Stanković', Univerziteta u Beogradu. Zbirka se sastoji od 8213 primeraka 65 vrsta gmizavaca sakupljenih iz 23 zemlje. Najveći deo zbirke sadrži materijal sa teritorije bivše Jugoslavije. Vrste zastupljene u zbirci klasifikovane su u okviru 19 porodica (tri u okviru Testudines, osam u okviru Lacertilia i osam u okviru Serpentes). Po broju primeraka, najzastupljenije su porodice Lacertidae (6043 - 73,6 %), Colubridae (612 - 7,5 %) i Viperidae (530 - 6,5 %), dok su porodice Cheloniidae, Chamaeleonidae, Phrynosomatidae, Erycidae i Elapidae zastupljene sa po jednim ili dva primerka. Primerci svih vrsta gmizavaca koji žive u Srbiji postoje u zbirci, kao i većina vrsta karakterističnih za Balkansko poluostrvo. Specifičan značaj zbirke ogleda se u velikim populacionim uzorcima nekoliko vrsta. Osim istorijskog značaja, posebna vrednost herpetološke zbirke ogleda se u tome što deponovan materijal omogućava studije sistematike, distribucije, ekologije, morfologije, konzervacione biologije kao i različitih evolucionih i biogeografskih fenomena (npr. endemizma, intraspecijskog diverziteta, hibridizacije taksona, itd)

    Reptiles in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns

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    In this paper we present confirmed and potential distribution ranges of all native Serbian reptile species. The information provided herein presents the combination of the newly collected faunistic data and previously published records. The centres of reptilian diversity in Serbia were evaluated, in order to focus future conservation efforts on the regions of particular importance for the protection of this understudied group of animals. We found four main centres of species richness: three in Metohija and one in Šumadija, with 17-21 species per 50 × 50 km square. Analysis of the similarity of species composition in different regions of Serbia showed that South-eastern Serbia is the most distinct from other regions of Serbia, due to high number of Mediterranean species, with two being found exclusively in that region (E. quatuorlineata and P. najadum). Metohija is also very distinct, due to the highest number of species and significant number of specific (Mediterranean) faunal elements. The remaining geographic regions are grouped into three clusters, with Kosovo-Southern Serbia cluster being especially distinct in the terms of species richness and the presence of Mediterranean species. We also compared Serbian herpetofauna with those in other Balkan countries, considering species' numbers and zoogeographic herpetofaunistic elements. Serbian herpetofauna is closest to the Romanian. Zoogeographic analysis showed that reptilian fauna of Serbia consists of eight chorotypes, with the Eastern-Mediterranean (nine species) and Southern-European (five species) as the most dominant ones.U ovom radu predstavljeni su potvrđeni i potencijalni areali svih autohtonih gmizavaca Srbije. Korišćeni su do sada neobjavljeni podaci terenskih istraživanja, kao i informacije objavljene u literaturi. Ocenjeni su pretpostavljeni centri diverziteta gmizavaca u Srbiji, sa ciljem da se skrene pažnja na konzervacione mere neophodne za zaštitu pojedinih regiona od značaja za diverzitet gmizavaca u našoj zemlji. Utvrđeno je postojanje četiri centra diverziteta: tri u Metohiji i jednog u Šumadiji, sa prisustvom od 17 do 21 vrste na površini od 50 × 50 km. Analiza regiona Srbije po pitanju sličnosti sastava faune gmizavaca pokazala je da se region jugoistočne Srbije najviše odvaja od svih ostalih zbog ekskluzivnog prisustva dve mediteranske vrste gmizavaca (Elaphe quatuorlineata i Platyceps najadum). Metohija se odvaja po najvećem diverzitetu kao i prisustvu velikog broja mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Ostali regioni formiraju tri grupe, pri čemu se klaster koga čine Kosovo i južna Srbija odvaja po prisustvu mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Kada su na sličan način upoređene faune gmizavaca svih država Balkanskog poluostrva ispostavilo se da je fauna gmizavaca Srbije najsličnija onoj u Rumuniji. Zoogeografska analiza je pokazala da gmizavci Srbije spadaju u osam horotipova, pri čemu su po broju vrsta najzastupljeniji istočnomediteranski (sa devet vrsta) i južnoevropski (sa pet vrsta) horotipovi.nul

    Reptiles in Serbia: Distribution and diversity patterns

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    In this paper we present confirmed and potential distribution ranges of all native Serbian reptile species. The information provided herein presents the combination of the newly collected faunistic data and previously published records. The centres of reptilian diversity in Serbia were evaluated, in order to focus future conservation efforts on the regions of particular importance for the protection of this understudied group of animals. We found four main centres of species richness: three in Metohija and one in Šumadija, with 17-21 species per 50 × 50 km square. Analysis of the similarity of species composition in different regions of Serbia showed that South-eastern Serbia is the most distinct from other regions of Serbia, due to high number of Mediterranean species, with two being found exclusively in that region (E. quatuorlineata and P. najadum). Metohija is also very distinct, due to the highest number of species and significant number of specific (Mediterranean) faunal elements. The remaining geographic regions are grouped into three clusters, with Kosovo-Southern Serbia cluster being especially distinct in the terms of species richness and the presence of Mediterranean species. We also compared Serbian herpetofauna with those in other Balkan countries, considering species' numbers and zoogeographic herpetofaunistic elements. Serbian herpetofauna is closest to the Romanian. Zoogeographic analysis showed that reptilian fauna of Serbia consists of eight chorotypes, with the Eastern-Mediterranean (nine species) and Southern-European (five species) as the most dominant ones.U ovom radu predstavljeni su potvrđeni i potencijalni areali svih autohtonih gmizavaca Srbije. Korišćeni su do sada neobjavljeni podaci terenskih istraživanja, kao i informacije objavljene u literaturi. Ocenjeni su pretpostavljeni centri diverziteta gmizavaca u Srbiji, sa ciljem da se skrene pažnja na konzervacione mere neophodne za zaštitu pojedinih regiona od značaja za diverzitet gmizavaca u našoj zemlji. Utvrđeno je postojanje četiri centra diverziteta: tri u Metohiji i jednog u Šumadiji, sa prisustvom od 17 do 21 vrste na površini od 50 × 50 km. Analiza regiona Srbije po pitanju sličnosti sastava faune gmizavaca pokazala je da se region jugoistočne Srbije najviše odvaja od svih ostalih zbog ekskluzivnog prisustva dve mediteranske vrste gmizavaca (Elaphe quatuorlineata i Platyceps najadum). Metohija se odvaja po najvećem diverzitetu kao i prisustvu velikog broja mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Ostali regioni formiraju tri grupe, pri čemu se klaster koga čine Kosovo i južna Srbija odvaja po prisustvu mediteranskih vrsta gmizavaca. Kada su na sličan način upoređene faune gmizavaca svih država Balkanskog poluostrva ispostavilo se da je fauna gmizavaca Srbije najsličnija onoj u Rumuniji. Zoogeografska analiza je pokazala da gmizavci Srbije spadaju u osam horotipova, pri čemu su po broju vrsta najzastupljeniji istočnomediteranski (sa devet vrsta) i južnoevropski (sa pet vrsta) horotipovi.nul

    BMC Evolutionary Biology BioMed Central

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    Research article Sexual size dimorphism in the evolutionary context of facultative paedomorphosis: insights from European newt

    Testing the Hypothesis of Morphological Integration on a Skull of a Vertebrate With a Biphasic Life Cycle: A Case Study of the Alpine Newt

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    In this article, we explore the possible influences of the developmental and functional relationships between skeletal elements on the pattern of morphological integration in the adult skull of the alpine newt. Like many tailed amphibians, the alpine newt has a biphasic life cycle, which implies the possibility that two distinct sets of constraints on development and function of the cranial skeleton may act at different times. We study how trait covariation, resulting from processes early in development, affects patterns of covariation at the adult stage. We test whether the observed patterns of integration are consistent with those predicted from three a priori hypothesized sources of integration: developmental timing, hormonally mediated growth/remodeling during metamorphosis, and developmental and functional relationships. The analyses of the covariation among the landmarks in the dorsal and ventral alpine newt craniums yield somewhat contrasting results. Our results do not indicate a clear correspondence between the observed variations in the skull shape and any of the three proposed hypotheses. No traceable reflection of hypothesized developmental relationships in the pattern of morphological integration/modularity in the adult skull indicate that covariation structure is continually restructured by overlaying variation introduced through developmental and environmental factors at different stages of development. This finding supports the recently elaborated palimpsest view of morphological integration. Also, our results indicate that the allometry-free shape data have an even higher level of morphological integration than the data that contain the allometric component of the shape variation. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol) 314B:527-538, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Serbian Ministry of Science and Technological Development [143052