409 research outputs found

    Efficient reanalysis of structures by a direct modification method

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    A procedure for the local stiffness modifications of large structures is described. It enables structural modifications without an a priori definition of the changes in the original structure and without loss of efficiency due to multiple loading conditions. The solution procedure, implemented in NASTRAN, involved the decomposed stiffness matrix and the displacement vectors of the original structure. It solves the modified structure exactly, irrespective of the magnitude of the stiffness changes. In order to investigate the efficiency of the present procedure and to test its applicability within a design environment, several real and large structures were solved. The results of the efficiency studies indicate that the break-even point of the procedure varies between 8% and 60% stiffness modifications, depending upon the structure's characteristics and the options employed

    Partially Unbiased Entangled Bases

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    In this contribution we group the operator basis for d^2 dimensional Hilbert space in a way that enables us to relate bases of entangled states with single particle mutually unbiased state bases (MUB), each in dimensionality d. We utilize these sets of operators to show that an arbitrary density matrix for this d^2 dimensional Hilbert space system is analyzed by via d^2+d+1 measurements, d^2-d of which involve those entangled states that we associate with MUB of the d-dimensional single particle constituents. The number d2+d+1d^2+d+1 lies in the middle of the number of measurements needed for bipartite state reconstruction with two-particle MUB (d^2+1) and those needed by single-particle MUB [(d^2+1)^2].Comment: 5 page

    Experimental study of optimal measurements for quantum state tomography

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    Quantum tomography is a critically important tool to evaluate quantum hardware, making it essential to develop optimized measurement strategies that are both accurate and efficient. We compare a variety of strategies using nearly pure test states. Those that are informationally complete for all states are found to be accurate and reliable even in the presence of errors in the measurements themselves, while those designed to be complete only for pure states are far more efficient but highly sensitive to such errors. Our results highlight the unavoidable tradeoffs inherent to quantum tomography.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement discontinuity

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    We identify a class of two-mode squeezed states which are parametrized by an angular variable 0θ<2π{0\le\theta<2\pi} and a squeezing parameter rr. We show that, for a large squeezing value, these states are either (almost) maximally entangled or product states depending on the value of θ\theta. This peculiar behavior of entanglement is unique for infinite dimensional Hilbert space and has consequences for the entangling power of unitary operators in such systems. Finally, we show that, at the limit r{r\to\infty} these states demonstrate a discontinuity attribute of entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure