17 research outputs found

    Towards High Fidelity Quantum Computation and Simulation with Rydberg Atoms

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    Individually trapped neutral atoms are a promising candidate for use in quantum computing and simulation applications. They are highly scalable, have long coherence times and can be entangled via strong dipole-dipole interactions by driving to highly excited Rydberg states. However, the fidelity of single atom operations as well as two-atom entangling operations is limited by intrinsic sources of decoherence such as atomic motion, as well as technical sources of noise such as laser intensity fluctuations and phase/frequency fluctuations. We study the effect of these factors on single atom Rabi oscillations and two-atom Rydberg blockaded Rabi oscillations, using perturbation theory and numerical simulation. We develop a window function approach which helps us qualitatively understand the significance of the different spectral components of the noise as well as quantitatively understand the dependence of the Rabi oscillation fidelity on Rabi frequency. This allows us to predict the maximum experimentally achievable fidelities using independent measurements of experimental parameters such as noise spectra and atomic temperature. Turning to the question of near-term scalability of the experimental system, we prototype and test a method of generating a ’ladder’ configuration of optical tweezers utilizing two independent lasers. Our setup allows us to fully tune the geometry of the ladder, namely the separation between the two rows, the angle between them, and their relative position along the axis of the ladder. This pseudo-2D configuration enables us to reach larger system sizes in the near future and allows us to access beyond 1D physics

    High-Fidelity Control, Detection, and Entanglement of Alkaline-Earth Rydberg Atoms

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    Trapped neutral atoms have become a prominent platform for quantum science, where entanglement fidelity records have been set using highly excited Rydberg states. However, controlled two-qubit entanglement generation has so far been limited to alkali species, leaving the exploitation of more complex electronic structures as an open frontier that could lead to improved fidelities and fundamentally different applications such as quantum-enhanced optical clocks. Here, we demonstrate a novel approach utilizing the two-valence electron structure of individual alkaline-earth Rydberg atoms. We find fidelities for Rydberg state detection, single-atom Rabi operations and two-atom entanglement that surpass previously published values. Our results pave the way for novel applications, including programmable quantum metrology and hybrid atom–ion systems, and set the stage for alkaline-earth based quantum computing architectures

    Hydraulic impact of Wan River Project with MIKE 11

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    Hydraulic assessment of Wan River Project was carried out using MIKE 11 model from the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI).  The approach for this model leads to unsteady flow simulations along stream channel reach.  The study aimed the development of MIKE 11 model based on stream cross-section (L sections) and water release data.  The global value of the model parameters i.e. manning’s roughness coefficient (n) and ground water leakage coefficient was found as 0.028 and 7.11e-005, respectively.  The hydraulic performance of wan river project was judged in terms of water delivery performance ratio and system performance ratio.  The average water delivery performance ratio WDPR ratio for canal network of the project declines from 1.05 to 0.68, 0.68 to 0.39 and 0.39 to 0.28 for head, middle and tail reach, respectively.  The system performance ratio revealed that the Main canal, Telhara and Warud distributory are drawing excess water, whereas Bathkhed distributory, Branch and Belkhed Branch canal are getting less water.  The study concluded that there was uneven distribution of water among the distributories and hence there is need to reschedule the irrigation.   Keywords: hydraulic assessment, unsteady flow simulation, river modeling, MIKE 11 HD, Wan River projec

    Doping a frustrated Fermi-Hubbard magnet

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    Geometrical frustration in strongly correlated systems can give rise to a plethora of novel ordered states and intriguing magnetic phases such as quantum spin liquids. Promising candidate materials for such phases can be described by the Hubbard model on an anisotropic triangular lattice, a paradigmatic model capturing the interplay between strong correlations and magnetic frustration. However, the fate of frustrated magnetism in the presence of itinerant dopants remains unclear, as well as its connection to the doped phases of the square Hubbard model. Here, we probe the local spin order of a Hubbard model with controllable frustration and doping, using ultracold fermions in anisotropic optical lattices continuously tunable from a square to a triangular geometry. At half-filling and strong interactions U/t∼9U/t \sim 9, we observe at the single-site level how frustration reduces the range of magnetic correlations and drives a transition from a collinear N\'eel antiferromagnet to a short-range correlated 120∘^{\circ} spiral phase. Away from half-filling, magnetic correlations show a pronounced asymmetry between particle and hole doping close to triangular geometries and hint at a transition to ferromagnetic order at a particle doping above 20%20\%. This work paves the way towards exploring possible chiral ordered or superconducting phases in triangular lattices, and realizing t-tprime square lattice Hubbard models that may be essential to describe superconductivity in cuprate materials

    High-Fidelity Control, Detection, and Entanglement of Alkaline-Earth Rydberg Atoms

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    Trapped neutral atoms have become a prominent platform for quantum science, where entanglement fidelity records have been set using highly excited Rydberg states. However, controlled two-qubit entanglement generation has so far been limited to alkali species, leaving the exploitation of more complex electronic structures as an open frontier that could lead to improved fidelities and fundamentally different applications such as quantum-enhanced optical clocks. Here, we demonstrate a novel approach utilizing the two-valence electron structure of individual alkaline-earth Rydberg atoms. We find fidelities for Rydberg state detection, single-atom Rabi operations and two-atom entanglement that surpass previously published values. Our results pave the way for novel applications, including programmable quantum metrology and hybrid atom–ion systems, and set the stage for alkaline-earth based quantum computing architectures

    Emergent Randomness and Benchmarking from Many-Body Quantum Chaos

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    Chaotic quantum many-body dynamics typically lead to relaxation of local observables. In this process, known as quantum thermalization, a subregion reaches a thermal state due to quantum correlations with the remainder of the system, which acts as an intrinsic bath. While the bath is generally assumed to be unobserved, modern quantum science experiments have the ability to track both subsystem and bath at a microscopic level. Here, by utilizing this ability, we discover that measurement results associated with small subsystems exhibit universal random statistics following chaotic quantum many-body dynamics, a phenomenon beyond the standard paradigm of quantum thermalization. We explain these observations with an ensemble of pure states, defined via correlations with the bath, that dynamically acquires a close to random distribution. Such random ensembles play an important role in quantum information science, associated with quantum supremacy tests and device verification, but typically require highly-engineered, time-dependent control for their preparation. In contrast, our approach uncovers random ensembles naturally emerging from evolution with a time-independent Hamiltonian. As an application of this emergent randomness, we develop a benchmarking protocol which estimates the many-body fidelity during generic chaotic evolution and demonstrate it using our Rydberg quantum simulator. Our work has wide ranging implications for the understanding of quantum many-body chaos and thermalization in terms of emergent randomness and at the same time paves the way for applications of this concept in a much wider context.Comment: JC and ALS contributed equally to this wor

    Inhibition of miR-155 Promotes TGF-β Mediated Suppression of HIV Release in the Cervical Epithelial Cells

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    TGF-β has been shown to play a differential role in either restricting or aiding HIV infection in different cell types, however its role in the cervical cells is hitherto undefined. Among females, more than 80% of infections occur through heterosexual contact where cervicovaginal mucosa plays a critical role, however the early events during the establishment of infection at female genital mucosa are poorly understood. We earlier showed that increased TGF-β level has been associated with cervical viral shedding in the HIV infected women, however a causal relationship could not be examined. Therefore, here we first established an in vitro cell-associated model of HIV infection in the cervical epithelial cells (ME-180) and demonstrated that TGF-β plays an important role as a negative regulator of HIV release in the infected cervical epithelial cells. Inhibition of miR-155 upregulated TGF-β signaling and mRNA expression of host restriction factors such as APOBEC-3G, IFI-16 and IFITM-3, while decreased the HIV release in ME-180 cells. To conclude, this is the first study to decipher the complex interplay between TGF-β, miR-155 and HIV release in the cervical epithelial cells. Collectively, our data suggest the plausible role of TGF-β in promoting HIV latency in cervical epithelial cells which needs further investigations