1,000 research outputs found

    Mass generation for non-Abelian antisymmetric tensor fields in a three-dimensional space-time

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    Starting from a recently proposed Abelian topological model in (2+1) dimensions, which involve the Kalb-Ramond two form field, we study a non-Abelian generalization of the model. An obstruction for generalization is detected. However we show that the goal is achieved if we introduce a vectorial auxiliary field. Consequently, a model is proposed, exhibiting a non-Abelian topological mass generation mechanism in D=3, that provides mass for the Kalb-Ramond field. The covariant quantization of this model requires ghosts for ghosts. Therefore in order to quantize the theory we construct a complete set of BRST and anti-BRST equations using the horizontality condition.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in Physical Review

    Effects of a torsion field on Big Bang nucleosynthesis

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    In this paper it is investigated whether torsion, which arises naturally in most theories of quantum gravity, has observable implications for the Big Bang nucleosynthesis. Torsion can lead to spin flips amongst neutrinos thus turning them into sterile neutrinos. In the early Universe they can alter the helium abundance which is tightly constrained by observations. Here I calculate to what extent torsion of the string theory type leads to a disagreement with the Big Bang nucleosynthesis predictions.Comment: accepted by General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Interacting Particles and Strings in Path and Surface Representations

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    Non-relativistic charged particles and strings coupled with abelian gauge fields are quantized in a geometric representation that generalizes the Loop Representation. We consider three models: the string in self-interaction through a Kalb-Ramond field in four dimensions, the topological interaction of two particles due to a BF term in 2+1 dimensions, and the string-particle interaction mediated by a BF term in 3+1 dimensions. In the first case one finds that a consistent "surface-representation" can be built provided that the coupling constant is quantized. The geometrical setting that arises corresponds to a generalized version of the Faraday's lines picture: quantum states are labeled by the shape of the string, from which emanate "Faraday`s surfaces". In the other models, the topological interaction can also be described by geometrical means. It is shown that the open-path (or open-surface) dependence carried by the wave functional in these models can be eliminated through an unitary transformation, except by a remaining dependence on the boundary of the path (or surface). These feature is closely related to the presence of anomalous statistics in the 2+1 model, and to a generalized "anyonic behavior" of the string in the other case.Comment: RevTeX 4, 28 page

    The Dual Formulation of Cosmic Strings and Vortices

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    We study four dimensional systems of global, axionic and local strings. By using the path integral formalism, we derive the dual formulation of these systems, where Goldstone bosons, axions and missive vector bosons are described by antisymmetric tensor fields, and strings appear as a source for these tensor fields. We show also how magnetic monopoles attached to local strings are described in the dual formulation. We conclude with some remarks.Comment: 18 pages, CU-TP-588 and CERN-TH.6780/9

    Abelian 2-form gauge theory: special features

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    It is shown that the four (3+1)(3 + 1)-dimensional (4D) free Abelian 2-form gauge theory provides an example of (i) a class of field theoretical models for the Hodge theory, and (ii) a possible candidate for the quasi-topological field theory (q-TFT). Despite many striking similarities with some of the key topological features of the two (1+1)(1 + 1)-dimensional (2D) free Abelian (and self-interacting non-Abelian) gauge theories, it turns out that the 4D free Abelian 2-form gauge theory is {\it not} an exact TFT. To corroborate this conclusion, some of the key issues are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the (anti-)BRST and (anti-)co-BRST invariant quantities of the 4D 2-form Abelian gauge theory obey the recursion relations that are reminiscent of the exact TFTs but the Lagrangian density of this theory is not found to be able to be expressed as the sum of (anti-)BRST and (anti-)co-BRST exact quantities as is the case with the {\it topological} 2D free Abelian (and self-interacting non-Abelian) gauge theories.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, journal ref. give

    The Abelian Topological Mass Mechanism From Dimensional Reduction

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    We show that the abelian topological mass mechanism in four dimensions, described by the Cremmer-Sherk action, can be obtained from dimensional reduction in five dimensions. Starting from a gauge invariant action in five dimensions, where the dual equivalence between a massless vector field and a massless second-rank antisymmetric field in five dimensions is established, the dimensional reduction is performed keeping only one massive mode. Furthermore, the Kalb-Ramond action and the Stuckelberger formulation for massive spin-1 are recovered.Comment: Three references added, 6 pages, late

    The time of the Roma in times of crisis: Where has European neoliberal capitalism failed?

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    This paper argues that the economic and financial crisis that has ensnared Europe from the late 2000s has been instrumental in reshaping employment and social relations in a detrimental way for the majority of the European people. It argues that the crisis has exacerbated the socio-economic position of most Roma people, immigrants as well as of other vulnerable groups. This development is approached here as an outcome of the widening structural inequalities that underpin the crisis within an increasingly neoliberalised Europe. Through recent policy developments and public discourses from a number of European countries I show how rising inequalities nurture racialised social tensions. My account draws on classic and contemporary theoretical propositions that have been propounded about the nature of capitalism, its contemporary re-articulation as well as its ramification for the future of Europe

    Finite, diffeomorphism invariant observables in quantum gravity

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    Two sets of spatially diffeomorphism invariant operators are constructed in the loop representation formulation of quantum gravity. This is done by coupling general relativity to an anti- symmetric tensor gauge field and using that field to pick out sets of surfaces, with boundaries, in the spatial three manifold. The two sets of observables then measure the areas of these surfaces and the Wilson loops for the self-dual connection around their boundaries. The operators that represent these observables are finite and background independent when constructed through a proper regularization procedure. Furthermore, the spectra of the area operators are discrete so that the possible values that one can obtain by a measurement of the area of a physical surface in quantum gravity are valued in a discrete set that includes integral multiples of half the Planck area. These results make possible the construction of a correspondence between any three geometry whose curvature is small in Planck units and a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravitational and matter fields. This correspondence relies on the approximation of the classical geometry by a piecewise flat Regge manifold, which is then put in correspondence with a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravity-matter system in which the matter fields specify the faces of the triangulation and the gravitational field is in an eigenstate of the operators that measure their areas.Comment: Latex, no figures, 30 pages, SU-GP-93/1-