22 research outputs found

    Prosodic cues in infant-directed speech facilitate young children's conversational turn predictions

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    Experienced language users are able to predict when conversational turns approach completion, which allows them to attend to and comprehend their interlocutor's speech while planning and accurately timing their response. Adults primarily rely on lexico-syntactic cues to make such predictions, but it remains unknown what cues support these predictions in young children whose lexico-syntactic competence is still developing. This study assessed children's reliance on prosodic cues, specifically when predicting conversational turn transitions in infant-directed speech (IDS), the speech register that they encounter in day-to-day interactions that is characterized by exaggerated prosody compared with adult-directed speech (ADS). Young children (1- and 3-year-olds) completed an anticipatory looking paradigm in which their gaze patterns were recorded while they observed conversations that were produced in IDS or ADS and that contained prosodically complete utterances (lexico-syntactic and prosodic cues) and prosodically incomplete utterances (only lexico-syntactic cues). The 1-year-olds anticipated more turns that were signaled by prosodic cues (i.e., prosodically complete utterances) only in IDS, whereas the 3-year-olds did so in both IDS and ADS. These findings indicate that children anticipate the completion of conversational turns by relying on prosodic information in speech and that the prosodic exaggeration of IDS supports this ability while children's linguistic and conversational skills are still developing

    Infant-directed speech from seven to nineteen months has similar acoustic properties but different functions

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    This longitudinal study assessed three acoustic components of maternal infant-directed speech (IDS) - pitch, affect, and vowel hyperarticulation - in relation to infants' age and their expressive vocabulary size. These three individual components were measured in IDS addressed to infants at 7, 9, 11, 15, and 19 months (N=18). All three components were exaggerated at all ages in mothers' IDS compared to their adult-directed speech. Importantly, the only significant predictor of infants' expressive vocabulary size at 15 and 19 months was vowel hyperarticulation, but only at 9 months and beyond, not at 7 months, and not pitch or affect at any age. These results set apart vowel hyperarticulation in IDS to infants as the critical IDS component for vocabulary development. Thus IDS, specifically the degree of vowel hyperarticulation therein, is a vehicle by which parents can provide the most optimal speech quality for their infants' linguistic and communicative development

    Novel word learning, reading difficulties, and phonological processing skills

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    Visual-verbal paired associate learning (PAL) refers to the ability to establish an arbitrary association between a visual referent and an unfamiliar label. It is now established that this ability is impaired in children with dyslexia, but the source of this deficit is yet to be specified. This study assesses PAL performance in children with reading difficulties using a modified version of the PAL paradigm, comprising a comprehension and a production phase, to determine whether the PAL deficit lies in children's ability to establish and retain novel object-novel word associations or their ability to retrieve the learned novel labels for production. Results showed that while children with reading difficulties required significantly more trials to learn the object-word associations, when they were required to use these associations in a comprehension-referent selection task, their accuracy and speed did not differ from controls. Nevertheless, children with reading difficulties were significantly less successful when they were required to produce the learned novel labels in response to the visual stimuli. Thus, these results indicate that while children with reading difficulties are successful at establishing visual-verbal associations, they have a deficit in the verbal production component of PAL tasks, which may relate to a more general underlying impairment in auditory or phonological processing

    Intrinsic and extrinsic cues to word learning

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    Multiple cues, external to the learner, are prevalent in situations where children are acquiring language. The intersensory redundancy hypothesis accounts for the mutual operation of extrinsic cues to word learning but does not provide a seamless account for how intrinsic word learning heuristics or biases could align with these external cues. The solution to the problem of forming word-referent mappings has traditionally been discussed in terms of learner-internal biases to form constraints that limit selection of the referent from the environment and that govern the extension of the word. W. V. O. Quine's statement of the problem focused on the size of the set of possible referents but ignores a further complication for word learning. Considering the multiple information sources available from this extra-linguistic, multi-modal, interactive perspective enriches our understanding of the learning situation and also reveals the complexity and subtlety of the learning that the child applies to navigate this landscape of information

    Delayed development of phonological constancy in toddlers at family risk for dyslexia

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    Phonological constancy refers to infants’ ability to disregard variations in the phonetic realisation of speech sounds that do not indicate lexical contrast, e.g., when listening to accented speech. In typically-developing infants, this ability develops between 15- and 19-months of age, coinciding with the consolidation of infants’ native phonological competence and vocabulary growth. Here we investigated the developmental time course of phonological constancy in infants at family risk for developmental dyslexia, using a longitudinal design. Developmental dyslexia is a disorder affecting the acquisition of reading and spelling skills, and it also affects early auditory processing, speech perception, and lexical acquisition. Infants at-risk and not at-risk for dyslexia, based on a family history of dyslexia, participated when they were 15-, 19-, and 26-months of age. Phonological constancy was indexed by comparing at-risk and not at-risk infants’ ability to recognise familiar words in two preferential looking tasks: (1) a task using words presented in their native accent, and (2) a task using words presented in a non-native accent. We expected a delay in phonological constancy for the at-risk infants. As predicted, in the non-native accent task, not at-risk infants recognised familiar words by 19 months, but at-risk infants did not. The control infants thus exhibited phonological constancy. By 26 months, at-risk toddlers did show successful word recognition in the native accent task. However, for the non-native accent task at 26 months, neither at-risk nor control infants showed familiar word recognition. These findings are discussed in terms of the impact of family risk for dyslexia on toddlers’ consolidation of early phonological and lexical skills

    Mothers speak differently to infants at-risk for dyslexia

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    Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder manifested in deficits in reading and spelling skills that is consistently associated with difficulties in phonological processing. Dyslexia is genetically transmitted, but its manifestation in a particular individual is thought to depend on the interaction of epigenetic and environmental factors. We adopt a novel interactional perspective on early linguistic environment and dyslexia by simultaneously studying two pre-existing factors, one maternal and one infant, that may contribute to these interactions; and two behaviours, one maternal and one infant, to index the effect of these factors. The maternal factor is whether mothers are themselves dyslexic or not (with/without dyslexia) and the infant factor is whether infants are at-/not-at family risk for dyslexia (due to their mother or father being dyslexic). The maternal behaviour is mothers’ infant-directed speech (IDS), which typically involves vowel hyperarticulation, thought to benefit speech perception and language acquisition. The infant behaviour is auditory perception measured by infant sensitivity to amplitude envelope rise time, which has been found to be reduced in dyslexic children. Here, at-risk infants showed significantly poorer acoustic sensitivity than not-at-risk infants and mothers only hyperarticulated vowels to infants who were not at-risk for dyslexia. Mothers’ own dyslexia status had no effect on IDS quality. Parental speech input is thus affected by infant risk status, with likely consequences for later linguistic development

    The role of paired associate learning in acquiring letter-sound correspondences : a longitudinal study of children at family risk for dyslexia

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    Visual-verbal-paired associate learning (PAL) is strongly related to reading acquisition, possibly indexing a distinct cross-modal mechanism for learning letter-sound associations. We measured linguistic abilities (nonword repetition, vocabulary size) longitudinally at 3.5 and 4.0 years, and visual-verbal PAL and letter knowledge at 4.0 and 4.5 years, in pre-reading children either at family risk for dyslexia (N = 27) or not (N = 25). Only nonword repetition predicted individual differences in later letter-sound knowledge, and PAL did not make a cross-sectional nor a longitudinal contribution. The data show a continuous relationship between linguistic processing abilities and letter-sound learning, with no independent role for PAL

    Is it a name or a fact? : disambiguation of reference via exclusivity and pragmatic reasoning

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    Adults reason by exclusivity to identify the meanings of novel words. However, it is debated whether, like children, they extend this strategy to disambiguate other referential expressions (e.g., facts about objects). To further inform this debate, this study tested 41 adults on four conditions of a disambiguation task: label/label, fact/fact, label/fact, and fact/label (Scofield & Behrend, ). Participants also provided a verbal explanation for their referent selections to tease apart the underlying processes. Results indicated that adults successfully discerned the target object in the label/label and label/fact condition, yet not the remaining two conditions. Verbal reports indicated that the strategy utilized to disambiguate differed depending upon communicative context. These findings confirm that the tendency to reason by exclusivity becomes restricted to word-learning situations with growing linguistic and communicative experience

    OZI : Australian English communicative development inventory

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    For more than 20 years, the MacArthur–Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI) and its adaptations for languages other than English have been used as reliable measures of infants’ and toddlers’ early receptive and productive vocabulary size. This article introduces the OZI, the Australian English adaptation of the MacArthur–Bates CDI, now normed for 12- to 30-month-old children. The findings of two studies are presented: (1) a comparison study that demonstrated that toddlers (N = 64) acquiring Australian English (24- and 30-month-olds) obtain higher productive vocabulary scores on the OZI than the MacArthur–Bates CDI; and (2) an OZI norming study that included 12- to 30-month-old Australian infants and toddlers (N = 1496). These studies provide (i) evidence for the greater applicability of the OZI for infants and toddlers learning Australian English and (ii) productive vocabulary acquisition norms for Australian English for ages 12–30 months, a research and diagnostic tool highly anticipated by researchers and clinicians around Australia

    Vocabulary matters! : the relationship between verbal fluency and measures of inhibitory control in monolingual and bilingual children

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    The role of early bilingual experience in the development of skills in the general cognitive and linguistic domains remains poorly understood. This study investigated the link between these two domains by assessing inhibitory control processes in school-aged monolingual and bilingual children with similar English receptive vocabulary size. The participants, 8-year-old monolinguals and bilinguals, completed two Verbal Fluency Tasks (VFTs), letter and category, and two measures of inhibitory control. Results showed that bilinguals outperformed monolinguals on the VFTs, but performance was similar on the inhibitory control measures approaching ceiling for both monolingual and bilingual children. Importantly, it was shown that both vocabulary proficiency and general inhibitory control skills underlie monolingual and bilingual children's performance on VFTs. These results demonstrate that vocabulary proficiency plays a fundamental role in comparing monolingual and bilingual VFT performance. The bilingual advantage found in this study seems to have escaped previous studies that did not account for vocabulary size in populations of bilingual and monolingual school-aged children