14 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of a study on the role of a coach in motivating athletes to build two careers, as well as their coaches' views on the dual careers of girls and boys. The results have showed that student-athletes in high school of sports schools often perceived the motivational climate created by the coach as a process aimed at achieving sports results. The interviewed athletes explained that this approach did not motivate them to the learning process, and moreover, devalued their educational goals. It was revealed that although the coaches emphasized the importance of receiving secondary education for athletes, they could not justify how these ideas were included in coaching practice. The coaches have agreed that those athletes who switch to elite sports should focus on developing their sports career, while the requirements of elite sports and higher education were often considered incompatible. The results have showed that coaching styles play an important role in supporting the motivation of athletes to achieve the goals of two careers.В статье даются результаты исследования о  роли тренера в мотивации спортсменов на построение двух карьер, а также их  взглядов на двойную  карьеру девушек и юношей. Результаты показали, что учащиеся-спортсмены в старших классах спортивных школ часто воспринимали созданный тренером мотивационный климат как нацеленный на достижение спортивного результата. Опрошенные спортсмены объяснили, что такой подход не мотивировал их на учебный процесс, а скорее обесценивал  их образовательные цели. Выявлено, что тренеры, хотя и подчеркивали важность получения спортсменами среднего образования,  не могли обосновать, как данные идеи включены в тренерскую практику. Тренеры согласились с тем, что те спортсмены, которые переходят в элитный спорт, должны сосредоточиться на развитии своей спортивной карьеры, при этом  требования элитного спорта и высшего образования часто считались как несовместимые. Результаты показали, что стили коучинга играют важную роль в поддержке мотивации спортсменов к достижению целей двух карьер

    Role of Gender, Enjoyment, Perceived Competence, and Fundamental Movement Skills as Correlates of the Physical Activity Engagement of Finnish Physical Education Students

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between enjoyment, perceived physical activity competence, fundamental movement skills, and physical activity engagement of Grade 7 students participating in Finnish physical education. A secondary aim of the study was to examine gender differences in all assessed variables. The participants of the study were 404 Grade 7 students aged 13 years. The sample comprised 210 girls and 194 boys, who were involved in 23 classes taught by 10 physical education teachers at three secondary schools. Physical activity engagement, enjoyment, and perceived physical activity competence were assessed by self-report questionnaires. Locomotor skill was evaluated by the shuttle running test, balance skill by the flamingo standing test, and manipulative skills by the figure-8 dribbling test. Results of a stepwise regression analysis revealed that only perceived physical activity competence was a statistically significant predictor of physical activity engagement. The t-tests revealed that the girls scored better in the balance test, whereas the boys scored better in the shuttle running test. Additionally, the boys perceived higher levels of physical activity competence than the girls.peerReviewe

    The Role of Gender, Enjoyment, Perceived Competence, and Fundamental Movement Skills as Correlates of the Physical Activity Engagement of Finnish Physical Education Students

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between enjoyment, perceived competence, fundamental movement skills, and physical activity engagement of Grade 7 students participating in Finnish physical education. A secondary aim of the study was to examine gender differences in all assessed variables. The participants of the study were 404 Grade 7 students aged 13 years. The sample comprised 210 girls and 194 boys, who were involved in 23 classes taught by 10 physical education teachers at three secondary schools. Physical activity engagement, enjoyment, and perceived physical activity competence were assessed by self-report questionnaires. Locomotor skill were evaluated by the shuttle running test, balance skill by the flamingo standing test, and manipulative skills by the figure-8 dribbling test. Results of a stepwise regression analysis revealed that only perceived physical activity competence was a statistically significant predictor of physical activity engagement. The t-tests revealed that the girls scored better in the balance test, whereas the boys scored better in the shuttle running test. Additionally, the boys perceived higher levels of physical activity competence than the girls.peerReviewe

    Fundamental movement skills and motivational factors influencing engagement in physical activity

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    To assess whether subgroups based on children's fundamental movement skills, perceived competence, and self-determined motivation toward physical education vary with current self-reported physical activity, a sample of 316 Finnish Grade 7 students completed fundamental movement skills measures and self-report questionnaires assessing perceived competence, self-determined motivation toward physical education, and current physical activity. Cluster analysis indicated a three-cluster structure: “Low motivation/low skills profile,” “High skills/low motivation profile,” and “High skills/high motivation profile.” Analysis of variance indicated that students in the third cluster engaged in significantly more physical activity than students of clusters one and two. These results provide support for previous claims regarding the importance of the relationship of fundamental movement skills with continuing engagement in physical activity. High fundamental movement skills, however, may represent only one element in maintaining adolescents' engagement in physical activity

    The Role of Gender, Enjoyment, Perceived Physical Activity Competence, and Fundamental Movement Skills as Correlates of the Physical Activity Engagement of Finnish Physical Education Students

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the relationships between enjoyment, perceived physical activity competence, fundamental movement skills, and physical activity engagement of Grade 7 students participating in Finnish physical education. A secondary aim of the study was to examine gender differences in all assessed variables. The participants of the study were 404 Grade 7 students aged 13 years. The sample comprised 210 girls and 194 boys, who were involved in 23 classes taught by 10 physical education teachers at three secondary schools. Physical activity engagement, enjoyment, and perceived physical activity competence were assessed by self-report questionnaires. Locomotor skill was evaluated by the shuttle running test, balance skill by the flamingo standing test, and manipulative skills by the figure-8 dribbling test. Results of a stepwise regression analysis revealed that only perceived physical activity competence was a statistically significant predictor of physical activity engagement. The t-tests revealed that the girls scored better in the balance test, whereas the boys scored better in the shuttle running test. Additionally, the boys perceived higher levels of physical activity competence than the girl

    Urheilu-uran yhdistäminen koulutukseen : kaksoisuraympäristöt ja urheilulukioiden menestystekijät Suomessa

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    Eurooppalaisessa urheilupolitiikassa on viime vuosikymmenten aikana kasvavassa määrin pyritty tukemaan urheilu-uran yhdistämistä opiskeluun ja työuraan. Erasmus+ projektin “Ecology of Dual Career” (ECO-DC, 2017) tutkimusryhmän määritelmän mukaan tämä urheilun ja koulutuksen/työn yhdistävä kaksoisuraa tukeva kehitysympäristö (Dual Career Development Environment, DCDE) on tarkoituksenmukaisesti kehitetty järjestelmä, joka pyrkii auttamaan urheilijoita tavoitteellisen urheilu-uran ja opiskelun tai työn yhdistämisessä (Morris ym. 2020). Tässä tutkimuksessa kuvataan suomalaiset kaksoisuran kehitysympä-ristöt sekä selvitetään kyselytutkimuksen avulla kehitysympäristöjen erilaisten menestyspiirteiden esiintymistä suomalaisissa urheilulukioissa.Suomalaisia kaksoisuraympäristöjä tunnistettiin yhteensä 12. Ne voitiin luokitella kolmeen erilaiseen kategoriaan: koulutuspohjaisiin, urheilupohjaisiin ja työelämäpohjaisiin. Suomalaisten urheilulukioiden, joita voidaan pitää koulutuspohjaisina kaksoisuran kehitysympäristöinä menestystekijöitä tutkittiin kyselytutkimuksella, johon osallistui 21 opiskelijaurheilijaa ja 48 opiskelijaurheilijoiden tukiryhmään kuuluvaa henkilöä (esimerkiksi opettaja, valmentaja, rehtori, fysioterapeutti). Urheilulukioiden menestystekijöiksi tunnistettiin erityisesti opiskelun ja urheilun yhdistämisessä auttava tukiryhmä, asiantuntijapalveluiden hyvä saatavuus, voimaannuttava lähestymistapa henkilökohtaiseen kehittymiseen sekä joustavat kaksoisuraratkaisut. Tukiryhmä arvioi kokonaisvaltaisen lähestymistavan opiskelijaurheilijan elämään, joustavien kaksoisuraratkaisujen mahdollistamisen sekä opiskelijaurheilijoiden mielenterveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista huolehtimisen esiintyvän urheilulukioissa vahvemmin kuin mitä opiskelijaurheilijat arvioivat.The European sport policy has been focused on fostering links between sport and education systems with the aim to establish an integrated dual career pathway for athletes who attempt to combine their athletic careers with education or work. Partners of the collaborative Ersamus+ sport project entitled “Ecology of Dual Career” (ECO-DC) conceptualized dual career development environments (DCDEs) as purposefully developed systems that aim to facilitate athletes’ investment in combining their competitive sporting career with education or work, and, therefore include both (sporting and educational or vocational) career aspects within them (Morris et al. 2020). The current study drew on national data with the aims to identify the different types of DCDEs in Finland and to evaluate the prevalence of different DCDE success features in Finnish sports high schools.Twelve types of DCDEs were identified which can be categorized into sports based, education based and work-based environments. To evaluate success features of the sports high school ́s environment, 48 support staff members (e.g., teachers, coaches, principals, physiotherapists) and 21 student-athletes participated in the online survey. Strengths of the Finnish sports high schools, as evaluated by the support staff and student-athletes, were dual career support team, access to expert support, empowerment approach and flexible dual career solutions. The support staff evaluated the whole person approach, flexible dual career solutions and care of dual career athletes’ mental health and well-being higher compared to student-athletes’ evaluations.peerReviewe

    Urheilijoiden kaksoisuraan liittyvän tutkimuksen tämänhetkinen tilanne Suomessa

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    Urheilijan kaksoisura tarkoittaa huippu-urheilun ja opiskelun/ koulutuksen yhdistämistä. Tämä helpottaa urheilijan siirtymistä urheilu-uralta työmarkkinoille. Vaikka kansainvälisen tutkimuksen mukaan useimmat huippu-urheilijat pitävät koulutusta tärkeänä, he useimmiten asettavat urheilu-uran etusijalle yrittäessään sovittaa harjoittelun ja kilpailemisen asettamat vaatimukset koulutusjärjestelmien vaatimuksiin ja rajoituksiin. Tutkimusten mukaan monet lahjakkaat eurooppalaisurheilijat usein joko lopettavat urheilu-uransa panostaakseen koulutukseen ja sitä kautta työllistymiseen tai viivästyttävät tutkinnon hankkimista keskittyäkseen kokonaan urheiluun. Kysymys on otettu osaksi EU:n strategista agendaa (Euroopan komissio 2011, 2012), ja myös Suomen hallitus on kiinnittänyt asiaan huomiota pyrkimällä edistämään eettiseen ja yhteiskuntavastuulliseen huippu-urheiluun ohjaavien menettelytapojen kehittämistä (Opetusministeriö 2010). Hiljattain käyttöön otetut eurooppalaisurheilijoiden kaksoisuraa koskevat linjaukset (2012) kannustavat vahvasti kansallisen tason tutkimukseen eri sosiokulttuurisiin konteksteihin sopivien suositusten luomiseksi. Tässä artikkelissa luodaan katsaus suomalaiseen kaksoisuratutkimukseen ja sen tuloksiin. Aluksi esitellään lyhyesti kokonaisvaltainen, kulttuurin huomioiva näkökulma urheilu-uraan. Seuraavaksi tarkastellaan näiden kansallisten tutkimusten tuloksia kansainvälistä tutkimustaustaa vasten. Lopuksi esitetään suosituksia siitä, mihin tulevan kaksoisuratutkimuksen kannattaisi keskittyä, ja kannustetaan kehittämään suomalaiseen kontekstiin soveltuvaa kaksoisurastrategiaa, joka auttaisi pohjustamaan ja tukemaan lahjakkaiden urheilijoiden henkilökohtaista ja ammatillista kehitystä läpi uran.peerReviewe