9 research outputs found

    Environmental Protection and the Development of Environmental Awareness

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    Knowledge of environmental laws, processes and phenomena in the nature enriches human to perceive it bodily. Arranging it to his needs he mustn’t disrupt the process or disarrange the functional balance that exists between human beings and theirs environment. It can be avoided if ones are familiar to the ecological legality and if people act in accordance with them. So, the consciousness of ecology impersonates a life form, which respects and harmonizes it with the physical laws of matter orbiting, energy expenditure or life regeneration, whereby it urges to take just the basic human needs necessities. That’s why the environmental ethics represents a man ecological relationship to the environment, which refers to the moral relationship between human (techno sphere) and natural (biosphere). A new environment attitude, as well as the transformation of the spirit of modern working world is becoming imperative. A sustainable development concept offers the possibility of harmonious development

    Resources Small and Medium Sized Entrepreneurial Firms and Their Recruitment

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    There are many resources that entrepreneurs use in the performance of their business. Some materijanog some intangible character. Some of imlementirani business are more and some less. The entrepreneur needs to know valuable resources for your business, only to be obtained in a timely manner and skillfully used

    Strategic Possibilities of Public Relations in Modern Business

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    Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the flow of information between an individual or an organization and the public. Public relations is a way for organizations or people to enhance their reputations. The aim of public relations by a company often is to persuade the public, investors, partners, employees, and other stakeholders to maintain a certain point of view about it, its leadership, products, or of strategic decisions

    Selection of Strategic Options in Allocating the Development of Entrepreneurial Organizations

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    Uncertain and turbulent environment in which modern entrepreneurial organizations operate, constantly require from their owners or their top managers – not only business adjustment to the specific situation but also the mental one. During the mentioned adjustment, strategic options with the aim of selecting the optimal strategic performance must be considered and evaluated. It is performances that will provide a stable and prosperous development for an organization

    Location Rent as a Factor of Business Success Tourism and Hospitality Organization

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    On the literature, which is considered the tourism and hospitality industry and highlight themost elaborate facilities and supply factors with which the travel or hospitality organization representing their clients. With offer, on certain works, sometimes perceive aspects of the global demand. Here are rarely made a subtle analysis of hidden factors - what is it that some tourism and hospitality organization brings to the position of outstanding business and financial performance which is relative to other organizations which can be operate in the same economic sector? Especially compared to other unsuccessful or less successful organizations guests and other customers by offering the same quality content of its services and that, in other words, the essential aspects of their visible supply (management and marketing, work programs, personnel,equipment, building andotherfixed and variable resources) almost does not differ from the first (above average successful) organizations. In this paper, the fact is an attempt to identify and shed light on some relevant factors of success of business tourism and hospitality organizations, which are currently in the tourism and hospitality industry - which has a specific activity the service character,manifested as a key. It is the identification and explanation of the location (positional)rent that is in the tourism and hospitality expressed on several spatial levels, which are presented in the exposure grouped into four categories spatial levels: micro, meso, macro and mega level

    The Appropriation of Monopoly as a Factor of Success in Business Entrepreneurship

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    Only a conscientious and effective work is not always a condition for achieving success in entrepreneurial business. Sometimes it is also available and appropriated monopoly that enables the realization of entrepreneurial organizations and extra profit

    Career Management and Learning as Factors of Human Resource Managing Career

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    Lifelong learning becomes the foundation of modern education strategy.The amount of existing knowledge has become too large be able to learn in during the regular school, and the produktion of new knowledge is accelerated, that mean the quickly becomes obsolete. In today's global society, all new information and knowledge currently becoming available worldwide follow these facts learning must know the new way-as an ongoing process that spreads the all areas in the entire lifetime of the individual.The concept of lifelong learnin g becomes a challenge for everyone

    External Growth as a Model of Expansion and Development of Entrepreneurial Firms

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    What is evident is characterized by the processes of economic development and the development of entrepreneurial business to the changes. The changes do not take place only in the technological and organizational sphere of business, but also in the field of finance, status, legal and communication interactions that create and maintain internal and external growth and development of the company. The subject of this paper is as committed external growth mode of development of entrepreneurial companies

    The Role of Environment Education in Protecting and Improving the Living Environment

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    Environment education is an essential part of the educational process now days. The contemporary society is facing a crisis for over a period of years, and the near future does not show much chance of ending it. The issue of ecological crisis is mentioned along with the economical crisis, which the contemporary society faces, or is very close to facing it. Environment education has become incorporated into our teaching process just recently. The idea that the industrial systems should be under control of the living environment was not a part of theory or practice during most of the XX century. However, XXI century clearly shows that the issues of the living environment and the development cannot be separated, therefore the idea of substantial development has been developed in order to represent the sort of development needed to satisfy the needs of present times, and provide an idea for the future generations to satisfy their own needs. Without a proper environment education, a healthy environment would not exist as such. Every country strives for a better environment education. However, the environmental issues have not been dealt with by the politics of economical development. In many countries, the concept of the living environment is much younger than it is in our country, while the USA has developed its own agency for environment protection. Environment education is incorporated into the teaching process as an independent subject, depending on the age of students, including the extent to which ecological content is incorporated into the curriculum, taking into consideration the educational profile and the connection to science subjects and ecology