5 research outputs found

    Analisis Perilaku Harga Cpo (Crude Palm Oil) pada Perusahaan PT. Pasangkayu Sulawesi Barat

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    The research objective ( Analysis the behavior of the price of palm oil CPO (Crude Palm Oil ) on PT. Pasangkayu company . The research was conducted on the Company PT.Pasangkayu December 2014- February 2015. The data analysis is simple regression and correlation analysis . The results of the analysis of price changes cpo in world prices by using simple regression analysis obtained my value = -1.02 + 1,22mx coefficient is real. this is indicated by thitung ( 19.89 ) > t table ( 3.012 ) with a value of 0.000 < 0.01 level of α = 1 % , that the changes in the world price for 1 exchange rate causes changes in the price of the company amounted to 1.22 rate level . correlation analysis is Y and X = 0.991 P -Value = 0.000 , analysis showed that changes in the level of the world price level cpo prices very influential company real

    Analisis Margin Pemasaran Telur Ayam Ras pada USAha Peternakan “Cahaya Aris Manis” di Desa Langaleso Kecamatan Dolo Kabupaten Sigi

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the marketing channels, marketing margin, part of the price received by farmers and marketing efficiency. Determination of the respondents to the farm was done intentionally (purposive). Total respondents two people consisting of 1 leader and 1 employee with the consideration that the respondents have to know the flow of the marketing of the products produced. Respondent traders used assessment method (Tracing Method), in order to obtain each 2 collectors and 1 retailers. The results showed that there are two channels of marketing eggs in the effort "breeder laying hens on the farm" Aris Light Sweet "as follows: 1). Breeders - Traders Gatherer - Retailer - Consumer. 2). Breeders - Traders Gatherer/retailer - Consumer. Margin on the first channel of IDR.9,600 and a second channel IDR.5,400. Section prices received by farmers in the first marketing channel by 91% and the second channel by 93%. Section prices received by farmers on the second channel ar greater, with the efficiency of 4,5%. Compared with the first channel with the efficiency of 4,7%. The results also showed that the efficiency of the marketing channels more efficiently

    Kelayakan USAhatani Kakao di Desa Sidondo IV Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan USAhatani kakao di Desa Sidondo IV, Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru, Kabupaten Sigi. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara sengaja (Purpossive) dengan pertimbangan bahwa Desa Sidondo IV merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil Kakao di Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru yang produksinya sebesar 15.532. Responden merupakan petani kakao.Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis PAM (Policy Analysis Matrix). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelayakan USAhatani kakao di Desa Sidondo IV, hal ini ditunjukan oleh nilai finansial lebih besar dari pada nilai sosial yang artinya keuntungan finansial pada USAhatani kakao di Desa Sidondo IV adalah Rp.11.677,175 sedangkan keuntungan sosial Rp. 11.423,918. Hal ini terjadi karena harga input tradable yang dibayarkan atau diterima petani tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diinginkan oleh petani. Apabila nilai finansial lebih besar dari pada nilai sosial maka USAhatani dalam posisi yang menguntungkan, dan kelayakan Usaha tani di Desa Sidondo IV, berdasarkan analisis PAM menunjukan nilai komperatif sehingga USAtahani kakao di Desa Sidondo IV layak untuk di USAhakan oleh petani-petani kakao di desa tersebut

    Analisis Efisiensi Penggunaan Input Produksi pada USAhatani Padi Sawah di Desa Posona Kecamatan Kasimbar Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    This research aims to determine the efficiency of use of inputs of land, seed, fertilizer, labor, and pesticides on the farm production of paddy in Posona village, Kasimbar District, Parigi Moutong Regency. This research was conducted in December 2015.The data used in this study derived from primary and secondary data. The number of respondents used as many as 34 farmers were selected using simple random sampling technique.The analysis used is the Cobb Douglas production function analysis.The results showed that simultaneous independent variable (Xi) has significant effect on the dependent variable (Y) except the variable oflabor (X4), and pesticides (X5). Aspartial, land area (X1), seeds (X2), and fertilizers (X3), significantly affect the production of paddy in the Village Posona, Kasimbar District Parigi Moutong Regency, with the value of sig 0.000 <0.05 in α 5%. Analysis of efficiency showsed that the total value (k) of the variable land area (X1), seeds (X2), fertilizers (X3) labor (X4) and pesticides (X5), was greater than 1, it mean that all production inputs used in farming rice paddy in the village of Posona,in terms of the price of each input is expressed not efficient production except labor variable (X4) and Pesticides (X3) having a value of 0:01 and 0 which is smaller than 1 so inefficient

    Analisis Transmisi Harga Dunia Kakao Biji ke Tingkat Petani Desa Simpang II Kecamatan Simpang Raya Kabupaten Banggai Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    The aims of this study were to identify the form of price relationship at different level of cocoa bean markets from the world market to the farmer market, to analyse the integration of the cocoa bean markets, and to analyse the transmission elasticity of cacao bean price. The location of this study was purposively selected. Sampling technique used was simple random sampling. There were 30 farmers interviewed. Analysis model used was regression and correlation analysis. Results of the analysis showed that the form of price relationship between the world market and the farmer market depend on market structures. These relationships involved some market levels, from the world markets, Indonesian markets, Palu central market, regency market to farmer market. Results of the analysis on the form of cacao bean price relationship between the world market and the farmer market was positive and significant. Integration of world cacao bean markets and farmer markets in Simpang II village was strong and significant. This was indicated by a high correlation value, in average r = 0.895. Regression coefficient (β) was less than one which means that the trasmission elasticity of cacao bean prices from the world markets to farmer markets was inelastic. Therefore, market structures formed was unfully competitive markets. However, the transmission elasticity of the cacao bean price was still high