5 research outputs found

    Márai Sándor publicisztikája 1919 és 1928 között = Sándor Márai's publicism between 1919 and 1928

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    Az elért eredmények rövid ismertetése: Jelentés A kutatás eredményei: A címben szereplő 1919 és 1928 közötti időszak helyett a szerződésben módosított munkatervnek megfelelően az 1916 és 1925 - sőt azt túlteljesítve, a három év folyamán - 1916 és 1927 közötti évekre vonatkozóan vizsgáltuk át azokat az újságokat és folyóiratokat, amelyekben ismereteink szerint Márai-publicisztika található. A munkánk talán legidőigényesebb része a német nyelvterületen megjelent - német és magyar nyelvű - napilapokban és folyóiratokben publikált írásainak felkutatásával, rögzítésével, fordításával, a hiányos vagy olvashatatlan részek rekonstruálásával a telt. (Ezek közül a német nyelvűek egy részét már korábban feltártam, a magyar nyelvűek teljes feltárását most végeztük el.) (Márai Sándor: Kitépett Noteszlapok, Lazi Kiadó, Szeged, 2005. 270 o.) A munkánk többi része a magyar nyelvű magyarországi és a határokon túli magyar lapokban megjelent írásainak összegyüjtésével, rekonstruálásával, a bibliográfiai adatok rögzítésével telt. Ebből további három kötetet állítottunk össze. A négy Márai-szövegeket tartalmazó kötet mellett - bár a szerződésben ez nem szerepelt - megjelentetünk egy általam írt Márai-tanulmánykötetet, amely a szerző publicisztikájával és motívumvilágával foglalkozik. | According to the original title we would have liked to deal with Sándor Márai's publicism between 1919-1928 but the dates had to be modified in the original contract (Sándor Márai's publicism between 1916-1925). In the end we revised those newspapers between 1916-1927 in which we hoped to find Márai's articles in the last three years. The most difficult part of our work was to collect, to reconstruct and to prepare for publishig the articles which were originaly published in Germany and in Austria in different german and hungarian newspapers. These Márai-articles were collected and publicated in the volume ''Kitépett noteszlapok''. Over this we publicated a study volume in which I deal with the Márai's publicism and his motive world. The most important result that these unknown Marai's articles can be read by the researcher and also by the non-professional readers. Summing up what has been written: We published 3 volumes which contain Márai's articles and the 4th volume is being published. Beyond that we made ready a studybook which is also being publised. (Originally this last one was not the part of our project) Our work - I hope - helps the reader and researchers to read and study a more complete Marai's life-work

    A fiatal Márai lázadása és értékváltása

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    Belonging to the second wave of modemity, Sándor Márai expressed the Central value of his view on the middle eláss (polgárság) as individuality in erisis, somé elements of which, he believed, could be saved. The awareness and commitment to this are rooted in the young anarchist-expressionist author’s early literary readings on literature and philosophy and his education. The values and literary traditions represented by Márai, who was excluded from the canon following the communist takeover, had no continuation in the Hungárián literature. Replacing his works in the canon is a still on-going process

    A dohányzás és az anyagi helyzet összefüggése serdülőkori és felnőttkori terhesség esetén

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    INTRODUCTION: Smoking occurs frequently during pregnancy, thereby putting mother and child at health risks. Low socio-economic status is a risk factor for smoking. AIM: To investigate the relationship between smoking and low income in teenage and adult pregnancy, which is an important measure of poor socioeconomic status. METHOD: The authors used subject-level data from the US NSDUH database, which contains information on pregnancies and smoking. RESULTS: Teenage pregnancy is associated with higher, whereas adult pregnancy with lower prevalence of smoking, compared to the age-matched female population. The association between income and smoking is age-dependent. Among adults there is an inverse relationship (high income -- low-risk of smoking), while in teenage pregnancy smoking increases with income. CONCLUSIONS: To investigate in teenage and adult pregnancy the relationship between smoking and low income, which is an important measure of poor socio-economic status. Higher socioeconomic status may be associated with risky behaviour, thereby increasing both the risk of smoking and early pregnancy

    Altered response-preparation in patients with adult ADHD: A high-density ERP study.

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    Aberrations in early-developing bottom-up processes, such as stimulus-driven response preparation, are thought to play a critical role in the onset of ADHD, and in its persistence over time. Electrophysiology offers a unique tool to gain insight into response preparation, since response preparation has been associated with distinctive ERP changes, including negative potential-shifts which occur predominantly over frontal brain areas. We examined response-preceding negative potential shifts (RPNS) as a probe of response-preparation in adult ADHD patients by obtaining high-density event-related potentials from 33 ADHD and 29 matched healthy subjects during a Go/Nogo task using a 128-channel BioSemi recording-system. Compared to controls, ADHD patients showed enhancement of the RPNS in fronto-central brain regions in the Go condition during correct responses. This change was associated with poor performance in the Stroop incongruency-task: the greater the enhancement, the higher the proportion of errors. Moreover, the ERP-enhancement showed association with the severity of ADHD-symptoms; and with heightened response-variability. Thus, ADHD patients demonstrate neurophysiological alterations in response-preparation and response-preceding brain activity, suggestive of excessive activation of prefrontal neural circuits. Given the correlation with neuropsychological and psychopathological measures, these changes may constitute a pathway for core symptoms of ADHD, including premature and impaired response-preparation and motor-hyperactivity