97 research outputs found


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    We investigated whether there is more matching in personality traits, emotional intelligence and social skills in better–performing dance couples than in their less successful counterparts and if better and worse dancers individually have more equivalent personality traits, emotional intelligence and social skill. 30 dance couples (i.e. 30 male and 30 female dancers) performing Latin and standard dances at a competitive level were included in the study. Among the measured metrics were: personality traits (using the Big Five Questionnaire), social skills (using the Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire) and emotional intelligence (using the Emotional Competence Questionnaire). When comparing differences between couples, results showed that better dance couples are more orderly, agreeable and conscientious than worse dance couples. Whereas worse dance couples seem to be more open. When comparing differences between dancers, results showed that better–performing dancers tend to be older, more experienced, with a higher »competitive mileage« and better–trained bodies, are more diligent, firmly believe in their success, are confident in attaining their goals and are more highly motivated. They are also more emotionally stable – a trait that stems from their maturity and long years of competing. Findings obtained by our study will certainly allow us to view competitive dancers from a different, as of yet undiscovered and potentially deeper viewpoint of psychology. One of the practical aspects of our research lies in understanding how to keep dance couples together longer, allowing dancers to perform in unison for longer periods than would be otherwise possible.</p

    Late-stage rescue of visually guided behavior in the context of a significantly remodeled retinitis pigmentosa mouse model

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    Patients with progressive neurodegenerative disorder retinitis pigmentosa (RP) are diagnosed in the midst of ongoing retinal degeneration and remodeling. Here, we used a Pde6b-deficient RP gene therapy mouse model to test whether treatment at late disease stages can halt photoreceptor degeneration and degradative remodeling, while sustaining constructive remodeling and restoring function. We demonstrated that when fewer than 13% of rods remain, our genetic rescue halts photoreceptor degeneration, electroretinography (ERG) functional decline and inner retinal remodeling. In addition, in a water maze test, the performance of mice treated at 16 weeks of age or earlier was indistinguishable from wild type. In contrast, no efficacy was apparent in mice treated at 24 weeks of age, suggesting the photoreceptors had reached a point of no return. Further, remodeling in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and retinal vasculature was not halted at 16 or 24 weeks of age, although there appeared to be some slowing of blood vessel degradation. These data suggest a novel working model in which restoration of clinically significant visual function requires only modest threshold numbers of resilient photoreceptors, halting of destructive remodeling and sustained constructive remodeling. These novel findings define the potential and limitations of RP treatment and suggest possible nonphotoreceptor targets for gene therapy optimization


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    Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi postoje li razlike u psihološkim karakteristikama kod trenera koji svoj posao obavljaju duži period i koji su kronološki stariji (35 godina i više) s onima koji tek zapoèinju trenerski posao i kronološki su mlaði (do 34 godine starosti). Jedna izmeðu glavnih karakteristika trenerskog posla je naime puno stresnih situacija, kojima su izloženi treneri i zato smo pokušavali ispitati, kako stres utječe na trenere. Provjeravali smo razlike u osobinama ličnosti, motivaciji postignuća, značaju rukovoðenja, socijalnih vještina, emocionalnoj inteligenciji i vrijednostima. Za sve ove karakteristike aplicirali smo psihološke upitnike. Na uzorku 275 slovenskih trenera ustanovili smo da su mlaði treneri savjesniji i više otvoreni prema kulturi i isprobavanju novih pristupa, imaju veću toleranciju i bolje znaju upravljati emocijama. Stariji treneri češće upotrebljavaju demokratsko nego autokratsko rukovoðenje i češće spominju probleme u radu. Neke razlike izmeðu trenera mogle bi biti uzrokovane razlikama u razini edukacije, koje su postigli mlaði i stariji treneri – mlaði treneri bolje su obrazovani. Našli smo dvije smjernice koje idu u korist starijim trenerima - češće naglašavaju izvrsnost i češće upotrebljavjaju delegiranje, dok se kod mlaðih trenera pojavljuje težnja ka češćoj prijaznosti. Naši rezultati pokazuju, da su stariji treneri izloženi većemu stresu i to se odražava na njihovim vrijednostima do trenerskog posla.The purpose of the research was to investigate the differences between the psychological characteristics of coaches who have been working in their field for a longer period of time and are older (age 35+) and those of younger (up to age 34) coaches who have recently begun their coaching careers. One key characteristic of the coaching profession is the significant stress to which coaches are often subjected, and we attempted to investigate whether large amounts of stress affect the coaches\u27 psychological characteristics. We compared differences in personality traits, achievement motivation, leadership characteristics, social skills, emotional intelligence, and values. To assist in analysing each of these characteristics, we applied suitable psychological questionnaires. 275 Slovene coaches participated in this study, and we found the younger coaches to be more conscientious, more interested in cultural activities, more open to new experiences, and more tolerant. Furthermore, we observed that the younger coaches have achieved a better level of control over their emotions. Older coaches tend to be more democratic leaders, use less autocratic approaches, and report job – related problems more frequently. Some of these differences may be attributed to disparate levels of education, as younger coaches are generally better educated than their older counterpairs. We found two characteristics that favour the older coaches – they tend to emphasise the importance of excellence and are more likely to delegate leadership tasks, whilst younger coaches could be described as friendlier. Our results show that older coaches are exposed to more stress, which is reflected mainly in their attitudes towards their professional values

    Die persönlichkeit von Risikoreichesportarten treibenden Sportlern

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    The research investigated personality traits of high-risk sports athletes. The aim was to investigate the personality dimensions and compare the results to the results of non-risk sports athletes and non-athletes. Thirty eight high-risk sports athletes participated in the research (alpinists, sky divers, paragliders, white-water kayakers, downhill mountain-bikers, motocross riders, downhill skiers and ski jumpers). The non-risk sports athletes consisted of 38 swimmers, track athletes, sailors, flat-water kayakers, rowers, Nordic skiers, sports climbers and karatekas. The non-athletes were equalled with both groups in age and education and included 76 non-athletes. The Big Five Observer Scale was used. It was found that high-risk sports athletes scored highest in emotional stability, they were followed by the non-athletes and the lowest scores were achieved by non-risk sports athletes. The same order of groups was shown in conscientiousness and energy. Openness was highest in the non-risk sports athletes, followed by the non-athletes and the lowest score was achieved by the high-risk sports athletes. The differences in acceptability were not significant. Four out of five hypotheses were accepted.Uvod Ovo istraživanje bavi se ličnošću sportaša visokorizičnih sportova. Definirali smo ličnost kao relativno stabilan i jednoznačan kompozit mentalnog zdravlja te bihevioralnih i tjelesnih obilježja osobe (Musek, 1988) - ličnost predstavlja sustav osobina karakterističnih za pojedinca, za njegovo psihofiziološko funkcioniranje, osobito onih koje su njemu primarno važne. Ličnost sportaša koji se bave visokorizičnim sportovima, sportovima u kojima je rizik neizostavan i sastavni dio same aktivnosti, plijeni znatnu pažnju. Osnovni cilj našeg istraživanja bio je ispitati razlike u dimenzijama ličnosti skale BFO-S, koja se temelji na samoopisivanju ispitanika, i to između grupe sportaša visokorizičnih sportova, grupe sportaša koji se bave nerizičnim sportovima i kontrolne grupe ispitanika koji se ne bave sportom. Metode Uzorak ispitanika čini 76 slovenskih sportaša, podijeljenih u tri grupe. Prvu grupu čine sportaši rizičnih sportova (N=38), koji se bave: alpinizmom, padobranstvom, padobranskim jedrenjem, kajakom na divljim vodama, ronjenjem, motociklizmom, biciklističkim krosom, skijaškim skokovima i skijaškim spustom. Drugu grupu čini 38 sportaša nerizičnih sportova: plivača, atletičara, slalomaša i veleslalomaša, kajakaša na mirnim vodama, veslača, jedriličara, skijaških trkača, sportskih penjača, karataša i igrača badmintona. Drugu, komparabilnu, skupinu čini 76 ne-sportaša koji su s pripadnicima ostalih grupa izjednačeni po dobi i obrazovanju. Uzorak varijabli čini pet dimenzija 5-faktorskog upitnika ličnosti (skala samoprocjene) (Caprara, Barbaranelli, Borgogni, Bucik i Boben, 1997): ekstraverzija, ugodnost, savjesnost, emocionalna stabilnost i otvorenost iskustvu. Rezultati i rasprava Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da je emocionalna stabilnost najviša u sportaša koji se bave rizičnim sportovima, potom slijede sportaši ostalih sportova, a najniža razina emocionalne stabilnosti dobivena je u skupini ne-sportaša. Utvrđene razlike između skupina statistički su značajne, što se također pokazalo i u radovima nekih drugih autora (Burnik i Tušak, 1999; Ogilvie i Tutko, 1996; Tušak i Bednarik, 2001; Brievik, 1999a; Goma í Freixanet, 1991). Slična slika dobivena je i za dimenziju savjesnosti. Najviši rezultat dobiven je za grupu sportaša rizičnih sportova, potom slijede sportaši, a najniže vrijednosti dobivene su za grupu ne-sportaša. Utvrđene su razlike statistički značajne. Goma í Freixanet (1991) također nalazi da sportaši rizičnih sportova slijede socijalna pravila. Naši rezultati sukladni su Brunerovom nalazu (u Tušak i Tušak, 2001) koji navodi da sportaši pokazuju višu razinu odgovornosti. Također smo utvrdili da su sportaši koji se bave rizičnim sportovima ekstravertiraniji od ostalih sportaša, a obje su skupine sportaša znatno ekstravertiranije od ne-sportaša. Utvrđene su razlike statistički značajne, a slične su rezultate dobili i Eysenck (1982, u Tušak i Tušak, 2001), O\u27Sullivan, Zuckerman i Kraft (1998), Tušak i Burnik (1999), Tušak, Burnik i Robič (2001), Breivik (1999b), Goma í Freixanet (1991) te Eysenck, Nias i Cox (1982). Nešto drugačije rezultate dobili su Markič (u Tušak i Burnik, 1999), Jackson (1976, u Brievik, 1999c) te Magni, Rupolo, Simini, De Leo i Rampazzo (1985, u Brievik, 1999c) prema kojima su alpinisti introvertiraniji u odnosu na opću populaciju. U našem je istraživanju takav rezultat dobiven za dimenziju otvorenosti prema iskustvu. U dimenziji ugodnosti dobiven je jednak redoslijed grupa - najveći rezultat dobiven je na uzorku sportaša rizičnih sportova, zatim ostalih sportaša i potom ne-sportaša. Razlike se, međutim, nisu pokazale statistički značajnima, pa prema tome ne možemo tvrditi da su sportaši koji se bave rizičnim sportovima u većoj mjeri prosocijalne ličnosti, motivirane altruizmom, socijalnim uvažavanjem i nagradama (Goldberg, 1992, u Graziano i Eisenberg, 1997). U dimenziji otvorenosti prema iskustvu dobiven je obrnut poredak skupina - najviše rezultate imaju sportaši nerizičnih sportova, slijede sportaši koji se bave rizičnim sportovima, a potom ne-sportaši. Moguće je zaključiti da su sportaši koji se bave manje rizičnim sportovima kreativniji, originalni, iznimno znatiželjni i otvoreni za nova iskustva, najinformiraniji, inovativni i inteligentni, dok su sve navedene osobine u nešto manjoj mjeri zastupljene kod sportaša koji se bave rizičnim sportovima. U starijim istraživanjima informiranost i kulturna širina dovele su do toga da se ova dimenzija nazivala kultura (Tupes i Cristall, 1961, u McCrea i Costa, 1997) i bila je povezana sa socijalnim statusom. Ta bi varijabla također trebala biti snažno povezana s motivacijom i s potrebom da se razlikuju od drugih, kao i s aktivnim traženjem iskustava, pa bismo očekivali da najviše rezultate u toj dimenziji postižu sportaši rizičnih sportova. U ovom segmentu očigledno postoji čudan paradoks - alpinisti se opisuju kao sramežljivi, mirni, introvertirani (Markič, 1990, u Tušak i Burnik, 1999; Jackson, 1976, u Breivik, 1999c; Magni, Rupolo, Simini, De Leo i Rampazzo,1985, u Brievik, 1999c), pa bi to mogao biti razlog ovakvog nalaza - ako jesu sramežljivi i mirni, neće stremiti ka iskazivanju (inače postojećih) obaviještenosti, inovativnosti, inteligencije i osjetljivosti. Zaključak Ovim istraživanjem utvrđene su razlike u strukturi ličnosti slovenskih sportaša visoko-rizičnih sportova, sportaša koji se bave manje rizičnim sportovima i ne-sportaša. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata potvrđene su četiri od pet istraživačkih hipoteza.Diese Studie untersuchte die Persönlichkeit der Sportler, die risikoreichen Sport treiben. Unser Ziel war es, die Persönlichkeitsdimensionen zu untersuchen und die Ergebnisse von Sportlern, die keinen risikoreichen Sport treiben, mit den Ergebnissen von Nichtsportlern zu vergleichen. Die Studie umfasste 38 Sportler, die die Sportarten hohen Risikos treiben (Alpinisten, Fallschirmspringer, Gleitfallschirmflieger, Wildwasser-Kajakfahrer, Bergab-Mountain-Bike-Fahrer, Motocrossrenner, Abfahrtsläufer and Skispringer). 38 Sportler, die keinen risikoreichen Sport treiben, nahmen an der Forschung teil -Schwimmer, Laufbahnrenner, Segler, Kajakfahrer auf stillen Gewässern, Ruderer, nordische Skiläufer, sportliches Klettern und Karateka. Alle Sportler, sowie die 76 Nichtsportler waren gleichaltrig und der gleichartigen Ausbildung. Die Big Five Observer Scale wurde benutzt. Die risikoreichen Sport treibenden Sportler hatten die besten Ergebnisse in der emotionellen Stabilität erreicht, worauf die Nichtsportler folgten, und die schwächsten Ergebnisse hatten die Sportler, die keinen risikoreichen Sport treiben. Die gleiche Reihenfolge von Gruppen der Probanden war bei Gewissenhaftigkeit und Energie. Die Offenheit war bei den Sportlern, die keinen risikoreichen Sport treiben, am meisten zu merken, dann bei Nichtsportlern und am wenigstens bei den risikoreichen Sport treibenden Sportlern. Die Unterschiede bei der Annehmbarkeit waren nicht bedeutend. Vier von den fünf Hypothesen wurden akzeptiert

    Psychological characteristics of coaches of successful and less successful athletes in team and individual sports

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    Personality traits, motivation, leadership styles, emotional and social competencies, and attitudes towards coaching were investigated in a sample of Slovene coaches. Four groups of coaches could be described by two discriminant dimensions. One was interpreted as group leadership, defined by democratic leadership, reports on problems related to coaching, more task than performance orientation, and reduced directivity. The second was interpreted as permissiveness, characterized by weak behaviour control, low achievement imperative and a lack of high aspirations, reduced domination, lower openness, poorer social skills and feed-back tendency. Successful athletes’ coaches were focused on their trainees’ emotions and needs, inclinated to democratic leadership; they were dominant personalities ready to talk about the professional problems, unwilling to use social skills to command athletes. Less successful athletes’ coaches were less focused on relationships, task oriented, didn’t show a tendency to include anyone in decision-making, commanded their trainees often and communicated with them a lot, although the meaning and purpose of it was questionable. The coaches in team sports resembled each other regadless of the quality of their trainees. They differentiated from the individual sport coaches due to less expressed group leadership behaviour and lower permisiveness. Type of sport makes coaches more alike than the level of success

    Psihološke karakteristike slovenskih rukometnih vratara

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    Handball is a fast, dynamic sport and the role of the goalkeeper is especially exposed. However, little attention is paid in science to the development of the goalkeeper. This research is focused on the psychological characteristics of handball goalkeepers, specifically with regard to aggression, anxiety, reaction times, fluid intelligence and concentration. More and less successful goalkeepers were compared in these characteristics. Forty-six participants were included – 23 of them were more successful and 23 less successful, according to an expert evaluation. The more successful goalkeepers were also significantly older. The data was collected in 2010 and 2011. The instruments used were Buss-Durkee Aggression Questionnaire, Spielberger’s Anxiety Inventory (STAIX – 1 and 2), the Test of Series for measuring fluid intelligence, the Test of Attention for measuring concentration, and the CRD Series for measuring reaction times. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare both groups. Several significant differences between both groups were found – the less successful goalkeepers had a faster simple reaction time and made fewer mistakes when reacting to simple stimuli. They were also quicker in response times to simple visual orientation stimuli and seemed to lose less time when reacting to different stimuli. It thus seems that neither reaction times, fluid intelligence nor concentration, anxiety or aggression has influence on the quality of handball goalkeepers. The obtained result is easily explained with the age of the participants since the investigated abilities gradually decrease over time.Rukomet je brz, dinamičan sport i uloga vratara je osobito istaknuta, ali se vrlo malo pozornosti poklanja njihovu razvoju. Autori su se odlučili usmjeriti svoje istraživanje na psihološke karakteristike rukometnih vratara, posebno na agresivnost, anksioznost, vrijeme reakcije, fluidnu inteligenciju i koncentraciju. Usporedili smo uspješne i manje uspješne vratare u navedenim karakteristikama. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 46 ispitanika koji su, prema ekspertnoj procjeni, podijeljeni u 23 uspješnija (kvalitetnija) i 23 manje uspješna vratara. Uspješniji vratari bili su značajno stariji od svojih manje uspješnih kolega. Podaci su prikupljeni tijekom 2010. i 2011. godine. Korišteni su Buss-Durkeeov upitnik agresivnosti, Spielbergerov upitnik anksioznosti (STAIX – 1 i 2), test nizova (serija) za mjerenje fluidne inteligencije, test pažnje za mjerenje koncentracije te CRD test nizova za mjerenje vremena reakcije. Za uspoređivanje grupa korištena je jednosmjerna univarijatna analiza varijance (ANOVA). Utvrđene su značajne razlike između grupa: manje uspješni vratari su postigli kraće vrijeme jednostavne reakcije i činili su manje pogrešaka reagirajući na jednostavne podražaje. Bili su također brži u reakcijama na jednostavan podražaj vizualne orijentacije, a čini se da su također gubili manje vremena u reagiranju na različite podražaje. Stoga se čini kako ni vremena reakcije, ni fluidna inteligencija pa ni koncentracija, anksioznost ni agresija ne utječu na kvalitetu rukometnih vratara. Dobiveni rezultati se jednostavno mogu objasniti razlikama u dobi ispitanika budući da navedene sposobnosti postupno opadaju tijekom vremena