445 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Solving the Equations Arising in Nonlinear Parameter Identification Problems: Application to Induction Machines

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    This dissertation presents a method that can be used to identify the parameters of a class of systems whose regressor models are nonlinear in the parameters. The technique is based on classical elimination theory, and it guarantees that the solution for the parameters which minimize a least-squares criterion can be found in a finite number of steps. The proposed methodology begins with an input-output linear overparameterized model whose parameters are rationally related. After making appropriate substitutions that account for the overparameterization, the problem is transformed into a nonlinear least-squares problem that is not overparameterized. The extrema equations are computed, and a nonlinear transformation is carried out to convert them to polynomial equations in the unknown parameters. It is then show how these polynomial equations can be solved using elimination theory using resultants. The optimization problem reduces to a numerical computation of the roots of a polynomial in a single variable. This nonlinear least-squares method is applied to the identification of the parameters of an induction motor. A major difficulty with the induction motor is that the rotor’s state variables are not available measurements so that the system identification model cannot be made linear in the parameters without overparameterizing the model. Previous work in the literature has avoided this issue by making simplifying assumptions such as a “slowly varying speed”. Here, no such simplifying assumptions are made. This method is implemented online to continuously update the parameter values. Experimental results are presented to verify this method. The application of this nonlinear least-squares method can be extended to many research areas such as the parameter identification for Hammerstein models. In principle, as long as the regressor model is such that the system parameters are rationally related, the proposed method is applicable

    Fabrication and characterization of the ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes

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    A situação social da mulher na China e em Portugal desde o início do século XX : o acesso ao espaço público

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português/Chinês: Tradução, Formação e Comunicação EmpresarialAs mulheres constituem metade da população mundial e são uma força inegavelmente notável na evolução de toda a sociedade. No entanto, o valor das mulheres e a contribuição que fizeram e continuam a fazer em prol do desenvolvimento social tem sido desvalorizado ao longo dos tempos e em diferentes contextos, tanto na China como em Portugal. Apesar deste ponto comum, os dois países registam disparidades em relação à situação das mulheres, motivadas por diferentes fatores. A presente dissertação visa fazer uma análise comparativa das mulheres chinesas e portuguesas em relação ao acesso ao espaço público, mais concretamente, o acesso à educação e ao trabalho, abordando-se ainda a vida familiar enquanto influência no acesso ao espaço público. Uma pesquisa histórica sobre o assunto, bibliográfica, serviu de ponto de partida para esta análise, permitindo concluir que, apesar das disparidades de circunstâncias das mulheres nestes dois países, regista-se uma tendência de aproximação.Women constitute half of the world population and are an undeniable and remarkable force in the evolution of the whole society. The value of women and the contribution they have made and continue to make to the social development has been devalued over time and in different contexts, both in China and in Portugal. However, in spite of this common ground, the two countries have disparities in relation to the women's situation which are caused by different factors. This dissertation aims to do a comparative analysis of the Chinese and Portuguese women in the access to the public space, more specifically the access to education and work, and also the family life as an influence to the access to public space. A historical research on the subject, bibliographic, worked as a starting point for this analysis, allowing to conclude that, despite the differences in the circumstances of women in these two countries, there is a trend towards approximation.占世界半数人口的女性是所有社会进程中不可小觑的力量。女性的价值以及 她们为推动社会发展所作出的贡献却一直以来都没有得到相应的肯定,不论在怎 样的社会背景下,不论在中国还是在葡萄牙。然而,两国女性的生活状况还存在 差异,并且成因也有所不同。 本研究旨在对比分析中葡女性对于公共领域的参与情况,具体体现在教育领 域与职场方面。另外还通过中葡女性家庭生活的对比,分析其对于公共领域参与 的影响。 通过查阅了解的相关史籍资料,并以此为出发点做相应分析,我们发现尽管 两国女性的生活状况仍存在差异,但该差异却在不断缩小

    Urgent problems of the development of software for face recognition

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    The results of the analysis of the shortcomings of modern software tools for face recognition are presented. Taking into account these results, approaches to the development of the method for creating improved software for face recognition, which are not characterized by the established shortcomings, are determined. The procedure for one of these approaches implementing is presented

    Drosophila TRPA Channel Painless Inhibits Male–Male Courtship Behavior through Modulating Olfactory Sensation

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    The Drosophila melanogaster TRPA family member painless, expressed in a subset of multidendritic neurons embeding in the larval epidermis, is necessary for larval nociception of noxious heat or mechanical stimuli. However, the function of painless in adult flies remains largely unknown. Here we report that mutation of painless leads to a defect in male–male courtship behavior and alteration in olfaction sensitivity in adult flies. Specific downregulation of the expression of the Painless protein in the olfactory projection neurons (PNs) of the antennal lobes (ALs) resulted in a phenotype resembling that found in painless mutant flies, whereas overexpression of Painless in PNs of painless mutant males suppressed male–male courtship behavior. The downregulation of Painless exclusively during adulthood also resulted in male–male courtship behavior. In addition, mutation of the painless gene in flies caused changes in olfaction, suggesting a role for this gene in olfactory processing. These results indicate that functions of painless in the adult central nervous system of Drosophila include modulation of olfactory processing and inhibition of male–male courtship behavior

    The Role of Long Non-Coding RNAs in Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition-Related Signaling Pathways in Prostate Cancer

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the most common male malignancies with frequent remote invasion and metastasis, leading to high mortality. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a fundamental process in embryonic development and plays a key role in tumor proliferation, invasion and metastasis. Numerous long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) could regulate the occurrence and development of EMT through various complex molecular mechanisms involving multiple signaling pathways in PCa. Given the importance of EMT and lncRNAs in the progression of tumor metastasis, we recapitulate the research progress of EMT-related signaling pathways regulated by lncRNAs in PCa, including AR signaling, STAT3 signaling, Wnt/β-catenin signaling, PTEN/PI3K/AKT signaling, TGF-β/Smad and NF-κB signaling pathways. Furthermore, we summarize four modes of how lncRNAs participate in the EMT process of PCa via regulating relevant signaling pathways