25,075 research outputs found

    Erratum: Luminosity function, sizes and FR dichotomy of radio-loud AGN

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    This erratum corrects a number of formulae containing mistakes in the paper 'Luminosity function, sizes and FR dichotomy of radio-loud AGN', 2007, MNRAS, v. 381, p.1548. The corrections do not alter any of the conclusions in the original paper.Comment: single page, no figures, erratum to MNRAS, 2007, v. 381, p. 154

    Preparation of stable colloidal dispersions in fluorinated liquids

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    Chemical method for separating oil from water by liquid barrier which can be positioned magnetically is described. Fluorocarbon liquids containing colloidal suspension of magnetite is proposed. Chemical composition of magnetite and fluorinated ether polymer are presented

    Research in the synthesis and characterization of magnetic fluids, phase 2 Quarterly report, Jan. - Mar. 1968

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    Ferrofluids prepared by grinding techniques and studied for viscosity and stability after fatty acid addition and magnetic field applicatio

    Research in the synthesis and characterization of magnetic fluids, phase 2 Quarterly report, Jun. - Sep. 1967

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    Synthesis and characterization of colloids of thermally stable ferrofluids with higher magnetization and susceptibilit

    Reducible chiral four-body interactions in nuclear matter

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    The method of unitary transformations generates five classes of leading-order reducible chiral four-nucleon interactions which involve pion-exchanges and a spin-spin contact-term. Their first-order contributions to the energy per particle of isospin-symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter are evaluated in detail. For most of the closed four-loop diagrams the occurring integrals over four Fermi-spheres can be reduced to easily manageable one- or two-parameter integrals. One observes substantial cancelations among the different contributions arising from 2-ring and 1-ring diagrams. Altogether, the net attraction generated by the chiral four-nucleon interaction does not exceed values of 1.3-1.3\,MeV for densities ρ<2ρ0\rho<2\rho_0.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to European Physical Journal

    Large N_c in chiral perturbation theory

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    The construction of the effective Lagrangian relevant for the mesonic sector of QCD in the large N_c limit meets with a few rather subtle problems. We thoroughly examine these and show that, if the variables of the effective theory are chosen suitably, the known large N_c counting rules of QCD can unambiguously be translated into corresponding counting rules for the effective coupling constants. As an application, we demonstrate that the Kaplan-Manohar transformation is in conflict with these rules and is suppressed to all orders in 1/N_c. The anomalous dimension of the axial singlet current generates an additional complication: The corresponding external field undergoes nonmultiplicative renormalization. As a consequence, the Wess-Zumino-Witten term, which accounts for the U(3)_R x U(3)_L anomalies in the framework of the effective theory, contains pieces that depend on the running scale of QCD. The effect only shows up at nonleading order in 1/N_c, but requires specific unnatural parity contributions in the effective Lagrangian that restore renormalization group invariance.Comment: 56 page

    Making electromagnetic wavelets

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    Electromagnetic wavelets are constructed using scalar wavelets as superpotentials, together with an appropriate polarization. It is shown that oblate spheroidal antennas, which are ideal for their production and reception, can be made by deforming and merging two branch cuts. This determines a unique field on the interior of the spheroid which gives the boundary conditions for the surface charge-current density necessary to radiate the wavelets. These sources are computed, including the impulse response of the antenna.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures; minor corrections and addition

    Ferrofluid separator for nonferrous scrap separation

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    Behavior of nonmagnetic objects within separator is essentially function of density, and independent of size or shape of objects. Results show close agreement between density of object and apparent density of ferrofluid required to float it. Results also demonstrate that very high separation rates are achievable by ferrofluid sink-float separation