1,620 research outputs found

    Assessing the potential to use serious gaming in planning processes for sanitation designed for resource recovery

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    There is an urgent need for innovations in the sanitation sector to minimize environmental impacts and maximize resource recovery. Uptake of innovations may require changes in established technical practices, organisational norms and/or individual behaviours. Achieving change in any of these areas requires influencing cognitive, normative and relational learning processes. Serious games have been identified a potential tool for planners and environmental managers to influence such learning processes. This study designed the serious game RECLAIM to share knowledge about resource recovery from sanitation and to support attitude-change and collaboration between players. A structured framework was applied to assess if the game: 1) increased understanding of resource recovery (cognitive learning), 2) changed worldviews (normative learning), 3) led to more collaboration (relational learning), and 4) was a positive experience. Proof-of-concept testing of the game in Uganda found that it was positively received. The game provided cognitive learning on environmental and health impacts, resource recovery, and sanitation in general. Players gained an appreciation of the need for collaboration and it was deemed to have the potential to influence worldviews of a larger stakeholder group. Future recommendations include embedding the game in planning processes, including several gaming sessions that would strengthen cognition learning and the potential for changing practices

    Lessons from co-designing a resource-recovery game for collaborative urban sanitation planning

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    The aim of this study is to describe the development of an innovative planning tool to promote the knowledge and collaboration needed to overcome challenges in the sanitation sector. A serious game was designed to share knowledge about resource recovery and support attitude-change and collaboration between stakeholders. This study documents the co-design process of game development from conception based on a set of specifications the game should achieve, through iterative testing with relevant stakeholders as players. The resulting prototype of the game showed that it was not possible to include all the original desired specifications in the final game. Stakeholders found that the game was engaging, stimulated creativity and achieved its goal

    Assessing the potential to use serious gaming in planning processes for sanitation designed for resource recovery

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    There is an urgent need for innovations in the sanitation sector to minimize environmental impacts and maximize resource recovery. Uptake of innovations may require changes in established technical practices, organisational norms and/or individual behaviours. Achieving change in any of these areas requires influencing cognitive, normative and relational learning processes. Serious games have been identified a potential tool for planners and environmental managers to influence such learning processes. This study designed the serious game RECLAIM to share knowledge about resource recovery from sanitation and to support attitude-change and collaboration between players. A structured framework was applied to assess if the game: 1) increased understanding of resource recovery (cognitive learning), 2) changed worldviews (normative learning), 3) led to more collaboration (relational learning), and 4) was a positive experience. Proof-of-concept testing of the game in Uganda found that it was positively received. The game provided cognitive learning on environmental and health impacts, resource recovery, and sanitation in general. Players gained an appreciation of the need for collaboration and it was deemed to have the potential to influence worldviews of a larger stakeholder group. Future recommendations include embedding the game in planning processes, including several gaming sessions that would strengthen cognition learning and the potential for changing practices

    Corrosion and Grain Boundry Character Distribution(GBCD)in 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel

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    IGC (Inter-granular corrosion), in a single phase materials, is expected to depend on (a) Chemistry, (b) Grain size and (c) GBCD( Grain boundary character distr-ibution). In the present study, 316L austenitic stainless steel was deformed to different extent by unidirectional and by cross rolling. Subsequent solution: ing , i.e. a combination of primary recrystallization and grain growth, did not bring any noticeable difference in bulk texture. The GBCD, especially the 23 twin boundaries, were, however, significantly different. A difference of more than five times in low CSL (coincident site lattice) boun-daries were obtained. An effort was made to relate the effect of GBCD on corrosion - by DL- EPR (Double loop electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation)

    Performance evaluation of polymer-filled metal fused filament fabrication tooling for profile extrusion

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    The application of additive manufacturing (AM) for tooling in the mould and die industry brings a disruptive potential in process performance, design flexibility and product enhancements. Maturing of existing AM technologies and emerging technologies such as metal-fused filament fabrication (metal FFF) can further support the applicability of AM tooling in polymer profile extrusion. This study provides a complete characterization of metal FFF 17–4 PH stainless-steel die inserts and evaluates their applicability in a polymer extrusion process chain. The presented experimental assessment pivots on the metrological characterization of the produced inserts and the impact of the insert characteristics on the final extrudates’ product. Considering a conventionally manufactured benchmark insert, produced via subtractive methods (CNC machining and electrical discharge machining), comparable results for AM tools in terms of extrudates’ quality and process repeatability are presented. It was found that despite significant higher average surface parameters for AM insert tools (Sa = 2–9 ÎĽm vs. Sa = 0.3–0.9 ÎĽm for dies manufactured by machining), a much smaller difference was observed in the resulting quality of polymer extrudates’ product. The roughness generation effect of polymer profile extrusion based on the different dies’ internal surface roughness topography and the effect on extrudates product was evaluated. Three-dimensional average roughness Sa on acrylonitrile butadiene styrene extrudate surfaces obtained from conventionally machined dies was in the range of 0.3 ÎĽm. For extrudates obtained from additively manufactured dies, their Sa was in the rage of 0.5 ÎĽm (despite the much higher surface roughness of FFF dies compared to machined dies). The results confirm that with suitable extrudates’ product requirement, it is feasible to apply metal FFF as the selected manufacturing method for tooling in polymer profile extrusion

    Optics Flexibility and Dispersion Matching at Injection into the LHC

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    The LHC requires very precise matching of transfer line and LHC optics to minimise emittance blow-up and tail repopulation at injection. The recent addition of a comprehensive transfer line collimation system to improve the protection against beam loss has created additional matching constraints and consumed a significant part of the flexibility contained in the initial optics design of the transfer lines. Optical errors, different injection configurations and possible future optics changes require however to preserve a certain tuning range. Here we present methods of tuning optics parameters at the injection point by using orbit correctors in the main ring, with the emphasis on dispersion matching. The benefit of alternative measures to enhance the flexibility is briefly discussed

    LHC Abort Gap Cleaning with the Transverse Damper

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    In the Large Hadron Collider, LHC, particles not captured by the RF system at injection or leaking out of the RF bucket may quench the superconducting magnets during beam abort. The problem, common to other superconducting machines, is particularly serious for the LHC due to the very large stored energy in the beam. For the LHC a way of removing the unbunched beam has been studied and it uses the existing damper kickers to excite resonantly the particles travelling along the abort gap. In this paper we describe the results of simulations performed with MAD X for various LHC optics configurations, including the estimated multipolar errors

    Commissioning of the CNGS Extraction in SPS LSS4

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    The CNGS project (CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso) aims at directly detecting νμ - Î½Ï oscillations. For this purpose an intense νμ beam is generated at CERN and directed towards LNGS (Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso) in Italy, about 730 km from CERN. The neutrinos are generated from the decay of pions and kaons which are produced by 400 GeV protons hitting a graphite target. The protons are extracted from the SPS straight section 4 (LSS4) in two 10.5 ï­s batches, nominally 2.4 Ñ 1013 protons each, at an interval of 50 ms. The high intensity extracted beam can cause damage to equipment if lost in an uncontrolled way, with the extraction elements particularly at risk. In addition, the beam losses at extraction must be very well controlled to avoid unacceptably high levels of radiation. To guarantee safe operation and limit radiation, the LSS4 extraction system was thoroughly commissioned with beam during the CNGS commissioning in summer 2006. The obtained results in terms of aperture in the extraction channel, longitudinal loss patterns, extraction losses and radiation during nominal operation are summarised in this note

    Determination of the Chromaticity of the TI 8 Transfer Line Based on Kick Response Measurements

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    The 3 km long TI 8 transfer line is used to transfer 450 GeV proton and ion beams from the SPS to LHC collider. As part of a detailed optics investigation program the chromaticity of the transfer line was measured. Kick response data of the transfer line was recorded for various extraction energy offsets in the SPS. The quadrupolar and sextupolar field errors (b2 and b3, respectively) over the whole transfer line dipoles, a systematic error of the main quadrupole strengths and the initial momentum error were estimated by a fit. Using the updated model, the chromaticity of the line was then calculated
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