23 research outputs found
Contribution of Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara for Food Supply of Skipjack in Ambon City
The fishery is a source of food. Ambon City as an area that has an ocean area of ​​52% can rely on the fishery sector as a source of protein food. The level of fish consumption in Ambon City in 2019 was 37.01 kg/capita/year with the most consumed type of fish being the type of tuna/ skipjack/tuna. Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Ambon (PPN) is one of the fish landings centers that contribute to the provision of fish food, including skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Ambon city. The production of skipjack which landed at the Nusantara Fisheries Port (PPN) Ambon in 2014-2020 fluctuated with an average production of 613.51 tons or 32.03%. The highest production was in 2014 at 1,093.54 tons and the lowest was in 2015 at 161.07 tons. Based on the average production of skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis), PPN contributes 21.14% to the supply of fish food in Ambon City
Nonlinear wave interaction in coastal and open seas -- deterministic and stochastic theory
We review the theory of wave interaction in finite and infinite depth. Both of these strands of water-wave research begin with the deterministic governing equations for water waves, from which simplified equations can be derived to model situations of interest, such as the mild slope and modified mild slope equations, the Zakharov equation, or the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. These deterministic equations yield accompanying stochastic equations for averaged quantities of the sea-state, like the spectrum or bispectrum. We discuss several of these in depth, touching on recent results about the stability of open ocean spectra to inhomogeneous disturbances, as well as new stochastic equations for the nearshore
Community Respond to Waste Treatment Base on 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in The Settlement Environment of Moronge Village, Moronge District, Talaud Islam Regency
This study aims to determine the community's response to waste management based on 3 R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) in the residential environment of Moronge Village, Moronge District. A descriptive quantitative research method was used by determined 25% of the population sample from 30 families. The result shows, The reducing of waste by 80% of respondents think that the condition of waste in the residential environment of Moronge Village, Moronge District is very concerning, an attempt to reuse waste that can still be used for the same or different functions from 83.3% of respondents agree if there is a part of the waste that can still be used and The activity to reprocess or recycle that 86.7% of respondents agree to utilize waste that can still be used in the form of recycling
Social Impact of Limestone Processing on the Community of Lobong Village, West Passi District, Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi
This study aims to determine how the social impact of limestone processing in the community in Lobong village. In this study, a descriptive qualitative method is used, namely research that aims to describe things that are currently applicable to find facts with the right interpretation. The results show that the social impact felt by the community is from an economic perspective. In terms of income, limestone processing in Lobong village is very profitable not only for limestone entrepreneurs but also for limestone processing requires workers both when preparing the stone in the furnace, burning, watering and curing all of which are paid for by the entrepreneur. Community welfare that is felt by the community is an increase in the economy and great job opportunities. The environmental impacts that occur in Lobong Village include air, soil, and environmental impacts. This is due to the burning process, watering and packaging process.This impact can cause damage to the ecosystem in Lobong village
Wijkmedia en de kwaliteiten van Leven
Media4ME Intercultureel is een samenwerkingsverband tussen stichting Mira Media, het eSociety
Instituut van De Haagse Hogeschool en PDC.Media4ME heeft als doel actief burgerschap, interculturele dialoog en sociale cohesie op wijk- en lokaal niveau te stimuleren, door het bevorderen van een samenhangend geheel van interculturele sociale media en ICT – tools. De opzet van Media4ME Intercultureel is om in Amsterdam Nieuw -West en Overvecht (Utrecht)interculturele sociale en andere media in te zetten ter verbetering van de kwaliteit van het leven in de wijk. Het doel van onderhavig onderzoek is om wijkmedia beter te gebruiken om zo bij te dragen aan de kwaliteit van het leven voor bewoners en de wijk. Voor dit onderzoek is gesproken met wijkÂprofessionals en bewoners in de twee wijken. In deze publicatie laat het eSociety Instituut zien wat het effect van de inzet van wijkmediaprojecten is op het mediagebruik van professionals en van bewoners ten behoeve van sociale doeleinden.
Dit kan wijken helpen in hun aanpak met betrekking tot het gebruik van wijkmedia.
De analyse van de gesprekken heeft geleid tot de volgende conclusies:
• Professionals en bewoners zijn positief over het gebruik van media ten behoeve van sociale doeleinden.
• Professionals hebben normale reserves over techniek, doelgroep, organisatie en zichzelf.
• De trainingen en activiteiten van Media4ME worden door de deelnemers als succesvol ervaren.
• Het gebruik van sociale en andere media dragen positief bij aan de kwaliteit van het leven van bewoner
Directional wavenumber spectra of ocean surface waves
Paul A. Hwang, Ian R. Young, David W. Wang, Erick Rogers, James Kaihatu, Edward J. Walsh, William B. Krabill, and Robert N. Swif