4 research outputs found

    Survival curves of 10 differentially methylated CpG sites.

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    <p>We performed a survival test on each of the CpG sites. The methylation values are divided into 3 groups: low (0–0.25), medium (0.25–0.75) and high (0.75–1). As a result we found 10 CpG sites whose methylation level differs in different survival groups. The x-axis shows survival in years and the y-axis shows overall survival.</p

    Differential DNA methylation between NSCLC and normal lung samples.

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    <p>DNA methylation levels are shown for the top 100 CpG sites with the highest delta Beta values (FDR corrected) of DNA methylation between cancer tissue and normal lung tissue. Methylation Beta-values are represented as row Z-scores. A heatmap was generated using unsupervised 2D hierarchical cluster analysis. Red indicates high methylation and blue indicates low methylation relative to the row mean.</p

    CpGs’ distance from TSS.

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    <p>We measured CpGs’ distance from the transcription start site (TSS). a) Distance from TSS of all the CpGs on the methylation array. b) Distance from TSS of hypermethylated CpGs (dotted line) and distance from TSS of hypomethylated CpGs (continuous line). On the x-axis, the distance from TSS is measured in bp-s, and on the y-axis N represents the number of CpGs.</p