18 research outputs found


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    台灣地區之坡地及高山佔了全島三分之二以上的面積,先天自然條件不良,自九二一地震後,每逢颱風豪雨便導致坡地災害頻仍,尤其集水區上游大型崩塌地常為土砂災害發生之主要原因。若能針對坡地區位採取適切的評估及分析,有助於災害的預防與減輕生命財產的損失。 本研究利用地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System,GIS)分析技術配合數值地形模型(Digital Terrain Model,DTM),以地形均質區劃分方式,量化崩塌潛感因子,將集水區依地形區域性質分類,並利用判別分析計算崩塌地之分類函數,由分類結果進行集水區崩塌潛在區位劃定。 研究結果顯示,依地形區域的差異可將集水區分類為裸露區、嶺線區、陡坡區與凹坡區,其中裸露區與凹坡區之崩塌區位受外營力影響較大,嶺線區與陡坡區則受內營力影響較大;依區別函數分類結果,各區域的預測準確性約為60%,依據近十年發生之崩塌,可將集水區劃分為低潛感區、高潛感區、突發區以及崩塌區;河道凹岸周圍崩塌潛在區位之探討為本研究之創新方法,依劃定結果顯示,凹岸區預測崩塌之準確性為46.51%。Over two-third of Taiwan are hilly and mountainous lands. After 921 earthquake, lots of significant disasters occurred with typhoon and torrential rain, especially disaster sources from large scale landslides in upper watersheds. To adopt suitable analyses for screening the areas of watershed landslide potential is a tend to against disasters and reduce asset damage. This study focus on applying GIS technology to extract and analyze the relevant factors that affect watershed landslide, and using geography uniform concept to analyse the watershed for finding the distribution of landslide potential areas. Results show that watershed can be classified into four types: bare land, ridge, steep slope and concave slope areas. Landslides in the areas of riparian and concave slope areas were caused mainly by the paratonic effects, and the others were caused mainly by the internal effects. About 60% accuracy of landslides can be calculated from the classification functions of discriminate analysis, and four areas ( low potential, high potential, abrupt and occurred) are classified in a watershed. Landslide potential in the concave bank of the river showing 46.51% accuracy is a original study.目錄 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 目錄 III 表目錄 V 圖目錄 VII 壹、前言 1 貳、前人研究 2 一、崩塌相關文獻 2 (一)山崩定義與類型 2 (二)影響崩塌地相關因子 5 (三)山崩潛感分析相關研究 8 二、地形地質均質區劃分 10 (一)地形地質均質區劃分因子 10 (二)地形地質均質區劃分方法 10 三、地理資訊系統在崩塌潛勢之應用 12 參、材料與方法 14 一、試區概述 14 二、研究架構 19 三、研究材料 20 四、研究方法 28 (一)主成分分析 28 (二)ISODATA分類法 30 (三)區別分析 32 (四)河道凹岸判定 34 肆、結果與討論 39 一、主成份分析 39 (一)主成份分析之因子篩選 39 (二)主成分分析 41 二、ISODATA分類 43 三、區別分析 46 (一)崩塌潛感因子 46 (二)崩塌發生判別模式 48 (三)建立崩塌潛感圖 53 四、凹岸潛在區位劃定 57 伍、結論與建議 61 一、結論 61 二、建議 62 參考文獻 6

    Investigations into the Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activity of the Nitrogen-Annealed Titanium Oxide/Silver Structure

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    In this study, a thin silver (Ag) layer was evaporated onto the anatase-titanium oxide (TiOx) film. This structure was then annealed at various temperatures under nitrogen ambient to realize the Ag nanoparticles formed on the TiOx surface. The photocatalytic activities of these TiOx/Ag structures to decompose pollutants were determined from the rate constant while they were applied to decolorize the methylene blue (MB) solution in the presence of the UV light irradiation. According to the investigations on their surface bond configurations, the Ag nanoparticles were favorable for the transformation of the Ti4+ into the Ti3+ state in the TiOx film, which functioned to prohibit the recombination of the photogenerated electron-hole-pairs on the TiOx surface. The exposed TiOx surface distributed over the 500 °C-annealed TiOx/Ag structure performed an increase of about 40% in the rate constant compared to the individual TiOx film. Moreover, this surface morphology composed of the anatase-TiOx structures and Ag nanoparticles which was abundant in the oxide-related radical and Ag+ chemical state also showed a perfect antibacterial efficiency against Escherichia coli

    Comparative study on surface oxygenation and widening of carbon fibers made electrochemical electrodes

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    Polarity and surface area are two important factors in determining electrochemical performance and are here studied systematically using carbon fiber cloths (CFCs) as electrodes. The CFC polarity is enhanced by plasma treatment that creates polar groups, such as carbonyl and quinone. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are sp2 bonded structures and are coated onto CFCs to extend hexagonal lattices (i.e., surface area widening). Experiments indicate that the specific capacitance (Cs) of electrodes made from as-purchased and heat-treated CFCs is 0.3 and 5.75 F g−1 in the acidic electrolyte; this value increases to 18.9 F g−1 as CFCs are coated with CNTs. Oxygenated CFCs give Cs = 30.3 F g−1 with 83% retention over 3000 charge–discharge cycles, indicative of polarity dominated Cs improvement

    Detecting Bakanae disease in rice seedlings by machine vision

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    Bakanae disease, or "foolish seedling", is a seed-borne disease of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Infected plants can yield empty panicles or perish, resulting in a loss of grain yield. The disease occurs most frequently when contaminated seeds are used. Once the seeds are contaminated, the pathogen Fusarium fujikuroi spreads in the field. Therefore, infected plants must be screened at early developmental stages. This work proposes an approach to nondestructively distinguish infected and healthy seedlings at the age of 3 weeks using machine vision. Seeds of the rice cultivars Tainan 11 and Toyonishiki were inoculated with a conidial suspension of F. fujikuroi. The seedling were cultivated in an incubator for 3 weeks. The images of infected and control seedlings were acquired using flatbed scanners to quantify their morphological and color traits. Support vector machine (SVM) classifiers were developed for distinguishing the infected and healthy seedlings. A genetic algorithm was used for selecting essential traits and optimal model parameters for the SVM classifiers. The proposed approach distinguished infected and healthy seedlings with an accuracy of 87.9% and a positive predictive value of 91.8%. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Identification and characterization of the bacteriocin Carocin S3 from the multiple bacteriocin producing strain ofPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorum

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    Background Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family, which causes soft-rot disease in numerous plants worldwide resulting in significant economic losses. Results from our previous studies showed that the strain H-rif-8-6 produces low-molecular-weight bacteriocin (LMWB) Carocin S1. Interestingly, TH22–10, the caroS1K:Tn5 insertional mutant in H-rif-8-6, loses Carocin S1 producing ability, but still produces other LMWBs which the indicator strain SP33 can detect. The SP33 is one of the many strains that are sensitive toward the cytotoxic effects of Carocin S3K, but not Carocin S1. The result revealed that H-rif-8-6 is a multiple-bacteriocin producing strain. Results In this study, a 4.1-kb DNA fragment was isolated from the chromosomal DNA of Pcc strain, H-rif-8-6, by a DNA probe using the caroS1K gene as the template. DNA sequencing and analysis by GenBank revealed two complete open reading frames (ORFs), designated ORF1 and ORF2, which were identified within the sequence fragment. ORF1 and ORF2, similar to the identified carocin S2 genes, encode the killer (Carocin S3K) and the immunity (Carocin S3I) proteins, respectively, which were homologous to the colicin E3 gene. Carocin S3K and Carocin S3I were expressed, isolated, and purified in Escherichia coli BL21 after subcloning of the expression plasmid pGS3KI or pGSK3I. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the relative masses of Carocin S3K and Carocin S3I were 95.6 kDa and 10.2 kDa, respectively. The results reveal that Carocin S3K has higher antimicrobial and specific antimicrobial activities for Pcc along with a nuclease activity than Carocin S3I. However, Carocin S3I inhibits the activity of Carocin S3K. Interestingly, a high concentration of Carocin S3I protein is also a DNA nuclease, and Carocin S3K also inhibits its activity. Conclusion This study showed that another type of bacteriocin was found in Pectobacterium carotovorum. This new type of bacteriocin, Carocin S3, has the killer protein, Carocin S3K, and the immunity protein, Carocin S3I

    A Comparison and Analysis of Three Methods of Aluminum Crown Forgings in Processing Optimization

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    In this study, three parameter optimization methods and two designs of experiments (DOE) were used for the optimization of three major design parameters ((bill diameter (D), billet length (L), and barrier wall design (BWD)) in crown forging to improve the formability of aluminum workpiece for shock absorbers. The first optimization method is the response surface method (RSM) combined with Box–Behnken’s experimental design to establish fifteen (15) sets of parameter combinations for research. The second one is the main effects plot method (MEP). The third one is the multiobjective optimization method combined with Taguchi’s experimental design method, which designed nine (9) parameter combinations and conducted research and analysis through grey relational analysis (GRA). Initially, a new type of forging die and billet in the controlled deformation zone (CDZ) was established by CAD (computer-aided design) modeling and the finite element method (FEM) for model simulation. Then, this investigation showed that the optimal parameter conditions obtained by these three optimization approaches (RSM, MEP, and multiobjective optimization) are consistent, with the same results. The best optimization parameters are the dimension of the billet ((D: 40 mm, the length of the billet (L): 205 mm, and the design of the barrier wall (BWD): 22 mm)). The results indicate that the optimization methods used in this research all have a high degree of accuracy. According to the research results of grey relational analysis (GRA), the size of the barrier wall design (BWD) in the controllable deformation zone (CDZ) has the greatest influence on the improvement of the preforming die, indicating that it is an important factor to increase the filling rate of aluminum crown forgings. At the end, the optimized parameters are verified by FEM simulation analysis and actual production validation as well as grain streamline distribution, processing map, and microstructure analysis on crown forgings. The novelty of this work is that it provides a novel preforming die through the mutual verification of different optimization methods to solve a typical problem such as material underfill