3 research outputs found

    Results of the workshop on strategies and tools for administrators of the territory of the italian alpine space for the shallow geothermal systems - GRETA Project - Near-surface Geothermal Resources in the Territory of the Alpine Space

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    I sistemi a pompa di calore che utilizzano la geotermia di bassa profondità (altrimenti nota come a "bassa entalpia") per il riscaldamento ed il raffrescamento degli edifici rappresentano una tecnologia efficiente e vantaggiosa che può contribuire significativamente alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra. Nonostante le bassissime emissioni e i costi energetici significativamente ridotti rispetto all'impiego di combustibili fossili, la diffusione dei sistemi che sfruttano l'energia geotermica a bassa entalpia (profondità generalmente comprese tra i 30 e i 150 m dal piano campagna), è ancora limitata da molteplici fattori. In questo ambito, gli amministratori del territorio esercitano un ruolo chiave in quanto, attraverso la predisposizione di strumenti di vario tipo (informativi, normativi e tecnici), essi possono imprimere un impulso importante allo sviluppo dei sistemi geotermici di bassa profondità, ampliando così il ventaglio di tecnologie attualmente disponibili per lo sfruttamento delle fonti energetiche rinnovabili [...

    The GRETA project: the contribution of near-surface geothermal energy for the energetic self-sufficiency of Alpine regions

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    The Alpine regions are deeply involved in the challenge set by climate change, which is a threat for their environment and for important economic activities such as tourism. The heating and cooling of buildings account for a major share of the total primary energy consumption in Europe, and hence the energy policies should focus on this sector to achieve the greenhouse gas reduction targets set by international agreements. Geothermal heat pump is one of the least carbon-intensive technologies for the heating and cooling of buildings. It exploits the heat stored within the ground, a local renewable energy source which is widely available across the Alpine territory. Nevertheless, it has been little considered by European policies and cooperation projects. GRETA (near-surface Geothermal REsources in the Territory of the Alpine space) is a cooperation project funded by the EU INTERREG-Alpine Space program, aiming at demonstrating the potential of shallow geothermal energy and to foster its integration into energy planning instruments. It started in December 2015 and will last three years, involving 12 partners from Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Slovenia. In this paper, the project is presented, along with the results of the first year of work

    The GRETA project: the contribution of near-surface geothermal energy for the energetic self-sufficiency of Alpine regions

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    The Alpine regions are deeply involved in the challenge set by climate change, which is a threat for their environment and for important economic activities such as tourism. The heating and cooling of buildings account for a major share of the total primary energy consumption in Europe, and hence the energy policies should focus on this sector to achieve the greenhouse gas reduction targets set by international agreements. Geothermal heat pump is one of the least carbon-intensive technologies for the heating and cooling of buildings. It exploits the heat stored within the ground, a local renewable energy source which is widely available across the Alpine territory. Nevertheless, it has been little considered by European policies and cooperation projects. GRETA (near-surface Geothermal REsources in the Territory of the Alpine space) is a cooperation project funded by the EU INTERREG-Alpine Space program, aiming at demonstrating the potential of shallow geothermal energy and to foster its integration into energy planning instruments. It started in December 2015 and will last three years, involving 12 partners from Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, and Slovenia. In this paper, the project is presented, along with the results of the first year of work