9 research outputs found

    Average annual adult population size for each of the three reproductive strategies for different summer lengths.

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    <p>Average annual adult population size for each of the three reproductive strategies for different summer lengths.</p

    Number of individuals in each stage at equilibrium through one annual cycle for each reproductive strategy and summer lengths of 3, 6 and 9 months.

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    <p>The vertical dashed lines indicate reproductive events. Shaded area indicates summer. Note the different scales on the y axes.</p

    Life cycle diagram of the brown shrimp.

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    <p>Dotted arrows represent phases of the life history that were not included in the model. Solid lines indicate modeled stage transitions. <i>ν</i><sub><i>i</i></sub> represent survival rates, <i>α</i><sub><i>i</i></sub> the stage transition rates, and <i>σ</i> fertility.</p

    Average number of zebrafish under two different feed regimes.

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    <p>Average number of individual fish (±s.e) stocked at three different densities (low density - •, mid density -▴, high density - ▪) over 130 dpf under a constant feed regime (A) and an individual requirement feed regime (B).</p

    Dynamic simulation results.

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    <p>The results of dynamic simulations into the growth and mortality of zebrafish from hatch to 130 dpf maintained under constant feeding conditions. Final population abundance (A) and final population biomass (B) were calculated under full density dependence (dashed red), density dependence in mortality only (dotted blue), density dependence in growth only (dashed green) and no density dependence (solid black).</p

    Average total length of zebrafish under two different feed regimes.

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    <p>Average length (±s.e) of zebrafish stocked at three different densities (low density - •, mid density -▴, high density - ▪) over 130 dpf under a constant feed regime (A) and an individual requirement feed regime (B).</p

    Parameter values for zebrafish survival model under two different feed regimes.

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    <p>Observed (â—‹) and modelled (line) values for parameters <i>a</i> and <i>b</i> in the Beverton-Holt survival model for constant feed (A & C) and individual requirement feed regimes (B & D). Parameter <i>A</i> denotes density-independent mortality and parameter <i>B</i> denotes density-dependent mortality.</p

    Parameter estimates (and CIs) for the model relating the strength of density dependence on mortality to fish length (Eqn. 5).

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    <p>Parameter estimates (and CIs) for the model relating the strength of density dependence on mortality to fish length (Eqn. 5).</p