12 research outputs found

    Health promotion through self-care and community participation: Elements of a proposed programme in the developing countries

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    BACKGROUND: The concepts of health promotion, self-care and community participation emerged during 1970s, primarily out of concerns about the limitation of professional health system. Since then there have been rapid growth in these areas in the developed world, and there is evidence of effectiveness of such interventions. These areas are still in infancy in the developing countries. There is a window of opportunity for promoting self care and community participation for health promotion. DISCUSSION: A broad outline is proposed for designing a health promotion programme in developing countries, following key strategies of the Ottawa Charter for health promotion and principles of self care and community participation. Supportive policies may be framed. Self care clearinghouses may be set up at provincial level to co-ordinate the programme activities in consultation with district and national teams. Self care may be promoted in the schools and workplaces. For developing personal skills of individuals, self care information, generated through a participatory process, may be disseminated using a wide range of print and audio-visual tools and information technology based tools. One such potential tool may be a personally held self care manual and health record, to be designed jointly by the community and professionals. Its first part may contain basic self care information and the second part may contain outlines of different personally-held health records to be used to record important health and disease related events of an individual. Periodic monitoring and evaluation of the programme may be done. Studies from different parts of the world indicate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of self care interventions. The proposed outline has potential for health promotion and cost reduction of health services in the developing countries, and may be adapted in different situations. SUMMARY: Self care, community participation and health promotion are emerging but dominant areas in the developed countries. Elements of a programme for health promotion in the developing countries following key principles of self care and community participation are proposed. Demonstration programmes may be initiated to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of this programme before large scale implementation

    Diferentes estratégias de visita domiciliar e seus efeitos sobre a assistência pré-natal no extremo Sul do Brasil

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    This non-randomized community intervention study evaluated the impact of prenatal home visits by community health agents and volunteer leaders from the Children's Mission on prenatal care among poor pregnant women in Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Previously trained interviewers applied pre-coded questionnaires to the women at home, investigating demographic and reproductive characteristics, socioeconomic status, housing conditions, and prenatal care. Of the 339 pregnant women interviewed, 115 were assigned to the intervention group visited by community health agents, 116 to the group visited by volunteer leaders, and 108 to the control group. Pregnant women visited by community health agents began prenatal visits earlier than other groups, had more prenatal visits, lab tests, and clinical exams, and received more counseling on breastfeeding and iron supplementation. Participation by family members during medical consultations for pregnant women visited by volunteer leaders was higher than for community health agents. Pregnant women visited by community health agents received better prenatal care than the other groups. Home visits can improve the quality of prenatal care for poor women and increase participation by family members (mainly husbands) during the pregnancy.Este estudo do tipo intervenção comunitária controlada unicega não randomizada teve por objetivo avaliar o impacto das visitas realizadas pelos agentes comunitários de saúde e líderes voluntários da Pastoral da Criança sobre o pré-natal de gestantes pobres em Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Aplicaram-se questionários padronizados antes e depois do parto buscando conhecer suas características demográficas, reprodutivas, assistência recebida durante o pré-natal e nível sócio-econômico e condição de moradia. Estas gestantes foram divididas em três grupos, sendo dois grupos-intervenção e um controle. Dentre as 339 gestantes estudadas, 115 pertenciam ao grupo cuja intervenção foi realizada pelos agentes comunitários de saúde, 116 pelos líderes voluntários da pastoral e 108 pertenciam ao grupo controle. Gestantes visitadas pelos agentes comunitários iniciaram o pré-natal mais precocemente, realizaram maior número de consultas, exames clínicos e testes laboratoriais, foram mais comumente orientadas sobre amamentação e suplementadas com sulfato ferroso. A participação de familiares nas consultas de pré-natal foi maior entre gestantes visitadas pelos líderes voluntários. Visitas domiciliares podem melhorar a qualidade do pré-natal entre gestantes pobres e aumentar a participação de familiares, sobretudo do marido, na gestação

    Exploring the context in which different close-to-community sexual and reproductive health service providers operate in Bangladesh: a qualitative study

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    Background A range of formal and informal close-to-community (CTC) health service providers operate in an increasingly urbanized Bangladesh. Informal CTC health service providers play a key role in Bangladesh’s pluralistic health system, yet the reasons for their popularity and their interactions with formal providers and the community are poorly understood. This paper aims to understand the factors shaping poor urban and rural women’s choice of service provider for their sexual and reproductive health (SRH)-related problems and the interrelationships between these providers and communities. Building this evidence base is important, as the number and range of CTC providers continue to expand in both urban slums and rural communities in Bangladesh. This has implications for policy and future programme interventions addressing the poor women’s SRH needs. Methods Data was generated through 24 in-depth interviews with menstrual regulation clients, 12 focus group discussions with married men and women in communities and 24 semi-structured interviews with formal and informal CTC SRH service providers. Data was collected between July and September 2013 from three urban slums and one rural site in Dhaka and Sylhet, Bangladesh. Atlas.ti software was used to manage data analysis and coding, and a thematic analysis was undertaken. Results Poor women living in urban slums and rural areas visit a diverse range of CTC providers for SRH-related problems. Key factors influencing their choice of provider include the following: availability, accessibility, expenses and perceived quality of care, the latter being shaped by notions of trust, respect and familiarity. Informal providers are usually the first point of contact even for those clients who subsequently access SRH services from formal providers. Despite existing informal interactions between both types of providers and a shared understanding that this can be beneficial for clients, there is no effective link or partnership between these providers for referral, coordination and communication regarding SRH services. Conclusion Training informal CTC providers and developing strategies to enable better links and coordination between this community-embedded cadre and the formal health sector has the potential to reduce service cost and improve availability of quality SRH (and other) care at the community level