5 research outputs found

    Comparison of the effects of intravitreal bevacizumab and dexamethasone in experimental posterior penetrating eye injury

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    AIM: To compare the effects of intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and dexamethasone in an experimental rabbit model of posterior penetrating ocular injury

    Comparison of the inhibitory eect of topical cyclosporine A 0.1% and topical anti-VEGF application in an experimental model of corneal neovascularization

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    ABSTRACT | Purpose: The aim of this study was to comparethe effects of topical cyclosporine 0.1% and bevacizumab onexperimentally induced corneal neovascularization in a ratmodel. Methods: A total of 30 adult Sprague-Dawley rats wereused in this experimental study. The central cornea of the ratswas cauterized chemically. The rats were randomly enrolledinto three groups as follows: Group 1 received bevacizumab1%, Group 2 received cyclosporine 0.1%, and Group 3 receivedisotonic saline twice a day for 28 days. Slit-lamp examination ofall rats was performed at the 3rd and 28th day. The rats werethen sacrificed, and the corneas were excised. The number ofblood vessels, state of inflammation, and collagen formation wereevaluated histopathologically in the corneal sections. Results:Corneal opacity and edema grades were significantly lowerin Group 2 than in Group 3 (p=0.04 and 0.00, respectively).In the histopathological examination, Group 2 demonstratedsignificantly lesser number of blood vessels than Group 3(p=0.001). Regarding collagen formation, Group 2 exhibitedmore regular collagen formation than Groups 1 and 3 (p=0.03).Inflammation grades were significantly lower in Groups 1 and2 than in Group 3 (p=0.014 and 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: Topical bevacizumab is effective in inhibiting newlyformed corneal neovascularization. The topical cyclosporine0.1% treatment appears to be more effective than the topicalbevacizumab treatment.</p

    Deneysel Kornea Neovaskülarizasyonu Modelinde Topikal Bevacizumab Ve Siklosporinin Etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması

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    GİRİŞ VE AMAÇ: Deneysel bir korneal neovaskülarizasyon modelinde topikal bevacizumab ve siklosporin uygulamalarının inhibe edici etkisinin karşılaştırılması.YÖNTEM: Bu deneysel çalışmada otuz yetişkin Sprague-Dawley rat kullanıldı. Ratların merkezi korneaları kimyasal olarak koterize edildi. Olgular 3 gruba ayrıldı. Birinci grup (n = 10) topikal olarak 10 mg / ml konsantrasyonda (günde iki kez) bevacizumab ile, ikinci grup (n = 10) topikal olarak siklosporin A % 1 göz damlası (günde iki kez) ile, üçüncü grup (kontrol grubu, n = 10) salin çözeltisi (% 0.9) (günde iki kez) ile tedavi edildi. Tüm ratların yarık lamba muayenesi 3. ve 28. günde yapıldı. Korneaların dijital görüntüleri alındı ve hesaplamak için görüntü analiz yazılımı kullanılarak kornea neovaskülarizasyon alanı analiz edildi. Tüm ratlar 28. günde öldürüldü. Korneaların kan damarı sayısı, iltihap durumu ve kollajen dizilimi histopatolojik olarak değerlendirildi.BULGULAR: Histopatolojik incelemede kornea kalınlıkları Grup 2’de 110,76±28,73 μm, Grup 1’de 129,54±32,35 μm ve Grup 3’de 132,57±33,52 μm olarak saptandı. Grup 2’de kornea kalınlığı diğer gruplara göre anlamlı olarak daha düşüktü (p &lt; 0.005). Kan damarı sayısı en az Grup 2’de (1,34±1,57), en fazla Grup 3’de (2,71±2,79) saptandı (p &lt; 0.001). Ek olarak, enflamasyon derecesi Grup 2 ve Grup 1’de, Grup 3’e göre anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p &lt; 0.05). Kollajen dizilimi ise Grup 2’de diğer gruplara göre anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p = 0.03).TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇ: Yeni oluşan korneal neovaskülarizasyonun inhibisyonunda topikal siklosporin ve bevacizumab uygulanması önemli bir inhibe edici etkiye sahiptir. Siklosporin tedavisi, bevacizumab tedavisine kıyasla daha etkili görünmektedir.</p


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    Purpose: To evaluate choroidal thickness (CT) in patients with Cushing syndrome (CS) with enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography

    Can Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis be Associated with Visual Impairment?

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    Objective: It is believed that postural balance problems may contribute to the development of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Vision provides proprioceptive input by supplying information about body positions. Considering the fundamental role of vision in postural control, this study aims to investigate the relationship between AIS and the volume of the eye-moving muscles and the visual field.Materials and Methods: This prospective cross-sectional study included a total of 47 female individuals, with 24 having AIS and 23 being healthy participants. Magnetic resonance imaging was used to calculate the volumes of the medial rectus (MR) and lateral rectus (LR) muscles in both groups. Additionally, the visual field test was conducted to determine the pattern standard deviation (PSD) and mean deviation (MD) values for the left and right eyes of individuals in both groups.Results: The mean age of AIS patients with a major curvature of 48.50 degrees and a Lenke Type-1 curve was similar to that of asymptomatic individuals. The volume values of the MR muscle on both sides were lower in the AIS group compared to the control group (p&lt;0.05). Significant differences were found in the PSD values of the visual field test within the AIS group (p&lt;0.01). However, there was no significant difference in the MD values between the left and right eyes of the two groups (p&gt;0.05).Conclusion: It is important to consider the presence of visual sensory defects in individuals with AIS. It is unknown whether AIS causes visual impairment or vice versa. Therefore, further comprehensive studies are needed.</p