14 research outputs found

    The Cult of Mac

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    Inside Steve\u27s brain

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    Jony Ive : Sosok Genius di Balik Desain Produk

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    Kolaborasi Ive dan Jobs menghasilkan beberapa produk paling ikonik di dunia, termasuk iMac, iPod, iPad, dan iPhone. Desain-desain ini telah menjungkirbalikkan industri secara keseluruhan dan menciptakan merek paling berpengaruh di dunia. Sepanjang perjalanan, Ive menjadi inovator teknologi terkemuka di dunia, meraih penghargaan yang tak terhitung jumlahnya, masuk dalam daftar 100 tokoh tahun 2013 versi majalah Time, dan mendapat gelar bangsawan atas jasanya di bidang desain dan bisnis. Meski begitu, sedikit yang tahu tentang desainer pemalu dan bertutur lembut ini yang disebut-sebut Jobs sebagai \u27rekanan spiritual\u27-nya di Apple. Buku ini memberikan gambaran yang terperinci mengenai seorang genius yang kreatif, berbasis pada berbagai wawancara dengan mantan kolega Ive dan riset ekstensif. Mulai dari minat awalnya terhadap desain industri hingga pendidikannya di Politeknik Newcastle, dan kenaikan karier yang pesat di Apple, kita menemukan prinsip dan kebiasaan yang menjadikan Ive sebagai desainer paling menonjol di era generasinya

    Jony Ive : The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products

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    Inside Steve's Brain : menyingkap rahasia pemikiran pendiri Apple

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    xxvii, 345 p. ; 19 cm

    What’s the Temperature of a Leader?

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    Getting the Hands Dirty

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    Screen as Skin: The Somatechnics of Touchscreen Music Media

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    In this article I explore the way mobile music devices with touchscreen technology produce new somatechnical figurations that reshape emotional dynamics of music listening. Using research drawn from a cyberethnography of online users from Reddit.com, I argue that the changing relationships between the human-computer interface result in new affective schemas that expand and reconfigure how it feels to listen to music in a mobile setting. In particular, I focus on skin-on-screen contact in order to suggest that the screen acts as a reflexive surface producing intimate relations for the mobile listener. Touchscreens imply the relationship between skin on skin—the skin of our body (in particular the hands) against the skin of the screen. It follows that mobile touchscreen devices suggest a degree of sensuality—in the coming together of bodies, fluids and other organic materials which ‘stick’ to the touchscreen. Reading the mobile touchscreen player as a somatechnical figuration therefore suggests that the listening experience is developing along with the technologies that mediate music to the body in ways that continue to challenge our understanding of bodily borders and in ways that redefine what it means to feel the music. Therefore, the touchscreen-skin is a critical site of affective relations that dramatically reshape what it means to listening to music in a mobile setting; a private and intimate encounter between the user and their counterpart