2,578 research outputs found

    Palm brief : a distichous Mauritia flexuosa

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    Palms as key swamp forest resources in Amazonia

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    Les palmiers des forĂȘts tropicales humides du Bas Tocantins (Amazonie brĂ©silienne)

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    Vingt et une espĂšces de palmiers rĂ©parties en 9 genres ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©es sur 10,56 ha dans les forĂȘts de l'est amazonien, vallĂ©e du Tocantins, Etat du ParĂ . La densitĂ© moyenne de palmiers (ou d'axes pour les espĂšces multicaules) de hauteur Ă©gale ou supĂ©rieure Ă  1 m est de 602 par hectare. Une comparaison avec deux autres inventaires situĂ©s dans le centre et l'ouest de l'Amazonie rĂ©vĂšle la pauvretĂ© en espĂšces et genres de palmiers et leur faible densitĂ© dans ces forĂȘts de la rĂ©gion orientale. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Life forms of Amazonian palms in relation to forest structure and dynamics

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    Two Amazonian terra firme forests present contrasting structures and palm compositions : one is characterized by tall and broadtrunked trees up to 50 m in height and 2.5 m in DBH, and by tall arborescent palms ; the other by more modest-sized trees up to 40 m in height and 1.3 m in DBH, and by abundant acaulescent and smaller arborescent palms. This comparison strongly suggests that forest structure and dynamics influence life forms, palms size, and species diversity. Gap size, which mainly depends on the size of upper-canopy trees, determines the intensity of light reaching the understory and thus influences the development of arborescent palms. In this analysis, acaulescent forms are regarded as an adaptation to forests with small trees and resultant small gaps. (Résumé d'auteur

    L'organisation comparĂ©e de deux forĂȘts d'Amazonie brĂ©silienne

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    A comparison of two "terra firme" amazonian forests shows different patterns of spatial organization. In one case multistorey canopy appears to be correlated with a coarse grained mosaic of clearings and with an important lateral heterogeneity in the forest. On the other hand, a fine grained mosaic of clearings and relative homogeneity of the forest seems associated to a closely-packed uniform canopy. These different patterns of spatial organization affect settling and growth conditions of the different species according to their specific light demands. This leads to the question whether the structural organization of the forest does or does not play a role in the distribution of the species as suggested by the case of acaulescent palm-trees in Central Amazonian forests. (Résumé d'auteur
