210 research outputs found

    Create Attention to Attract Attention - Viral Marketing of Digital Music in Social Networks

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    Digitalization has led to a plethora of digital media. Especially with regard to music, consumers have the choice among millions of songs and artists. For artists and music labels the arising question is how to find their audiences and how to get attention for their music. Since music is naturally part of communications and interactions, viral marketing is a chance for them to (re-)gain attention. But viral marketing needs to accommodate digital music and its unique characteristics. In this paper, (1) the characteristics of digital music are identified and (2) it is analyzed how they affect the viral marketing process. The result shows, what critical factors are to be considered when conducting viral marketing of digital music. This contribution is important for the emerging area of research on music marketing and for music marketers in practice

    Prototypical Implementation of an Intermediary Platform for Context-Sensitive Mobile Marketing Applications

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    The mobile online medium (i.e. mobile data communication) allows the creation of context-sensitive Mobile Marketing applications by using identity- and context information and thereby enabling the efficient targeting of current user needs. However, existing concepts/implementations do not address the impacts of identity- and context information integration to marketing intermediary platforms which connect mobile users and advertisers. Therefore, this paper describes the latter impacts and documents how they can be considered when designing and implementing of a prototypical Mobile Marketing intermediary platform. Besides showing the feasibility of the concept, the foundation for conducting empirical research (e.g. user acceptance tests) about the young field of context-sensitive Mobile Marketing is provisioned

    Self Discovery and Backpackers: A conceptual paper about liminal experience

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    Little is known about ‘liminoid’, the state of ‘suspension’. However, every backpacker definitely passes through it, to journey from one transitional state of mind, to arrive at the next level of social status; Crossing the threshold between childhood to maturity, peace to war, singlehood to marriage and from being spiritually lost to found. Inspired by Victor Turner’s (1969) significance of the ‘betwixt and between’ level which he named liminal, this paper aims to explore the process of backpackers’ self-discovery by seeking the means of travel through states of cultural rituals, transcendental meditation, adventure and recreational activities. Findings in the literature suggest that these philosophical questions form the foundations which push young backpackers to embark on personal self-actualization journeys to destinations which they perceive to deliver a sense of inner-acceptance, whilst promoting spiritual divined growth, which therefore, elevate a backpacker’s status in the perception of society

    Communities, Mobilität und Datenschutz : innovative Konzepte zum Schutz der Privatsphäre im Projekt PICOS

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    Plattformen für Social Communities im Internet, wie Facebook, StudiVZ und XING, haben in den vergangenen Jahren rasant an Popularität gewonnen. Auf ihnen versammeln sich bereits heute Millionen von Nutzern weltweit. Sie verbinden sich über virtuelle Freundeslisten und tauschen sich über gemeinsame Interessen und Aktivitäten aus. Immer häufger werden dazu auch mobile Endgeräte wie Handys verwendet, erlauben diese doch ständig in Kontakt mit der Community zu bleiben. Allerdings wollen viele Nutzer längst nicht jedem Mitglied einer Community alles preisgeben. Doch wie lässt sich die Privatsphäre in solchen Communities besser schützen? Dieser Frage geht das Forschungsprojekt PICOS nach

    The mean spherical model for a Lorentz–Berthelot mixture of sticky hard spheres

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    We have analyzed the Percus-Yevick ͑PY͒ and the mean spherical model ͑MSM͒ equation for an N-component system of sticky hard spheres. The PY approximation leads to a set of N(Nϩ1)/2 coupled quadratic equations for the unknown coefficients. While for this closure, the pair distribution functions have to be calculated numerically, we can proceed in the MSM one step further if we assume a Lorentz-Berthelot-type rule for the interactions: then the structure functions can be calculated analytically. We show that under these conditions in the limit N→ϱ ͑stochastic limit͒ the analyticity of the solution is preserved. General expressions both for the discrete and continuous ͑polydisperse͒ case are presented

    Why the rotation count algorithm works

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    ABSTRACT The characteristic functions of many affine jump-diffusion models, such as Heston's stochastic volatility model and all of its extensions, involve multivalued functions such as the complex logarithm. If we restrict the logarithm to its principal branch, as is done in most software packages, the characteristic function can become discontinuous, leading to completely wrong option prices if options are priced by Fourier inversion. In this paper we prove under non-restrictive conditions on the parameters that the rotation count algorithm of Kahl and Jäckel chooses the correct branch of the complex logarithm. Under the same restrictions we prove that in an alternative formulation of the characteristic function the principal branch is the correct one. Seen as this formulation is easier to implement and numerically more stable than Heston's formulation, it should be the preferred one. The remainder of this paper shows how complex discontinuities can be avoided in the Schöbel-Zhu model and the exact simulation algorithm of the Heston model, recently proposed by Broadie and Kaya. Finally, we show that Matytsin's SVJJ model has a closed-form characteristic function, though the complex discontinuities that arise there due to the branch switching of the exponential integral cannot be avoided under all circumstances

    Dense Tracking and Mapping with a Quadrocopter

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    In this paper, we present an approach for acquiring textured 3D models of room-sized indoor spaces using a quadrocopter. Such room models are for example useful for architects and interior designers as well as for factory planners and construction man- agers. The model is internally represented by a signed distance function (SDF) and the SDF is used to directly track the camera with respect to the model. Our solution enables accurate position control of the quadrocopter, so that it can automatically follow a pre-defined flight pattern. Our system provides live feedback of the acquired 3D model to the user. The final model consisting of a textured 3D triangle mesh can be saved in several standard CAD file formats
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