9 research outputs found

    Health system responsiveness: A systematic evidence mapping review of the global literature

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    The World Health Organisation framed responsiveness, fair financing and equity as intrinsic goals of health systems. However, of the three, responsiveness received significantly less attention. Responsiveness is essential to strengthen systems’ functioning; provide equitable and accountable services; and to protect the rights of citizens. There is an urgency to make systems more responsive, but our understanding of responsiveness is limited. We therefore sought to map existing evidence on health system responsiveness

    Utilization and Satisfaction with Community Health Worker Services amongst Caregivers of Children under Five in Mwea West, Kirinyaga County

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    CHWs provide a possible solution for delivery of promotive and preventive interventions which have the potential to improve child health

    How does power shape district health management team responsiveness to public feedback in low- and middle-income countries: an interpretive synthesis

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    Responsiveness is a core element of World Health Organization's health system framework, considered important for ensuring inclusive and accountable health systems. System-wide responsiveness requires system-wide action, and district health management teams (DHMTs) play critical governance roles in many health systems. However, there is little evidence on how DHMTs enhance health system responsiveness. We conducted this interpretive literature review to understand how DHMTs receive and respond to public feedback and how power influences these processes. A better understanding of power dynamics could strengthen responsiveness and improve health system performance. Our interpretive synthesis drew on English language articles published between 2000 and 2021. Our search in PubMed, Google Scholar and Scopus combined terms related to responsiveness (feedback and accountability) and DHMTs (district health manager) yielding 703 articles. We retained 21 articles after screening. We applied Gaventa's power cube and Long's actor interface frameworks to synthesize insights about power. Our analysis identified complex power practices across a range of interfaces involving the public, health system and political actors. Power dynamics were rooted in social and organizational power relationships, personal characteristics (interests, attitudes and previous experiences) and world-views (values and beliefs). DHMTs' exercise of 'visible power' sometimes supported responsiveness; however, they were undermined by the 'invisible power' of public sector bureaucracy that shaped generation of responses. Invisible power, manifesting in the subconscious influence of historical marginalization, patriarchal norms and poverty, hindered vulnerable groups from providing feedback. We also identified 'hidden power' as influencing what feedback DHMTs received and from whom. Our work highlights the influence of social norms, structures and discrimination on power distribution among actors interacting with, and within, the DHMT. Responsiveness can be strengthened by recognising and building on actors' life-worlds (lived experiences) while paying attention to the broader context in which these life-worlds are embedded

    Prolonged health worker strikes in Kenya- perspectives and experiences of frontline health managers and local communities in Kilifi County

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    Abstract Background While health worker strikes are experienced globally, the effects can be worst in countries with infrastructural and resource challenges, weak institutional arrangements, underdeveloped organizational ethics codes, and unaffordable alternative options for the poor. In Kenya, there have been a series of public health worker strikes in the post devolution period. We explored the perceptions and experiences of frontline health managers and community members of the 2017 prolonged health workers’ strikes. Methods We employed an embedded research approach in one county in the Kenyan Coast. We collected in-depth qualitative data through informal observations, reflective meetings, individual and group interviews and document reviews (n = 5), and analysed the data using a thematic approach. Individual interviews were held with frontline health managers (n = 26), and group interviews with community representatives (4 health facility committee member groups, and 4 broader community representative groups). Interviews were held during and immediately after the nurses’ strike. Findings In the face of major health facility and service closures and disruptions, frontline health managers enacted a range of strategies to keep key services open, but many strategies were piecemeal, inconsistent and difficult to sustain. Interviewees reported huge negative health and financial strike impacts on local communities, and especially the poor. There is limited evidence of improved health system preparedness to cope with any future strikes. Conclusion Strikes cannot be seen in isolation of the prevailing policy and health systems context. The 2017 prolonged strikes highlight the underlying and longer-term frustration amongst public sector health workers in Kenya. The health system exhibited properties of complex adaptive systems that are interdependent and interactive. Reactive responses within the public system and the use of private healthcare led to limited continued activity through the strike, but were not sufficient to confer resilience to the shock of the prolonged strikes. To minimise the negative effects of strikes when they occur, careful monitoring and advanced planning is needed. Planning should aim to ensure that emergency and other essential services are maintained, threats between staff are minimized, health worker demands are reasonable, and that governments respect and honor agreements

    An innovative leadership development initiative to support building everyday resilience in health systems.

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    Effective management and leadership are essential for everyday health system resilience, but actors charged with these roles are often underprepared and undersupported to perform them. Particular challenges have been observed in interpersonal and relational aspects of health managers' work, including communication skills, emotional competence and supportive oversight. Within the Resilient and Responsive Health Systems (RESYST) consortium in Kenya, we worked with two county health and hospital management teams to adapt a package of leadership development interventions aimed at building these skills. This article provides insights into: (1) the content and co-development of a participatory intervention combining two core elements: a complex health system taught course, and an adapted communications and emotional competence process training; and (2) the findings from a formative evaluation of this intervention which included observations of the training, individual interviews with participating managers and discussions in regular meetings with managers. Following the training, managers reported greater recognition of the importance of health system software (values, belief systems and relationships), and improved self-awareness and team communication. Managers appeared to build valued skills in active listening, giving constructive feedback, 'stepping back' from automatic reactions to challenging emotional situations and taking responsibility to communicate with emotional competence. The training also created spaces for managers to share experiences, reflect upon and nurture social competences. We draw on our findings and the literature to propose a theory of change regarding the potential of our leadership development intervention to nurture everyday health system resilience through strengthening cognitive, behavioural and contextual capacities. We recommend further development and evaluation of novel approaches such as those shared in this article to support leadership development and management in complex, hierarchical systems

    Shocks, stress and everyday health system resilience: experiences from the Kenyan coast.

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    Health systems are faced with a wide variety of challenges. As complex adaptive systems, they respond differently and sometimes in unexpected ways to these challenges. We set out to examine the challenges experienced by the health system at a sub-national level in Kenya, a country that has recently undergone rapid devolution, using an 'everyday resilience' lens. We focussed on chronic stressors, rather than acute shocks in examining the responses and organizational capacities underpinning those responses, with a view to contributing to the understanding of health system resilience. We drew on learning and experiences gained through working with managers using a learning site approach over the years. We also collected in-depth qualitative data through informal observations, reflective meetings and in-depth interviews with middle-level managers (sub-county and hospital) and peripheral facility managers (n = 29). We analysed the data using a framework approach. Health managers reported a wide range of health system stressors related to resource scarcity, lack of clarity in roles and political interference, reduced autonomy and human resource management. The health managers adopted absorptive, adaptive and transformative strategies but with mixed effects on system functioning. Everyday resilience seemed to emerge from strategies enacted by managers drawing on a varying combination of organizational capacities depending on the stressor and context

    General ward nurses detection and response to clinical deterioration in three hospitals at the Kenyan coast: a convergent parallel mixed methods study

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    Abstract Background In low and middle-income countries like Kenya, critical care facilities are limited, meaning acutely ill patients are managed in the general wards. Nurses in these wards are expected to detect and respond to patient deterioration to prevent cardiac arrest or death. This study examined nurses' vital signs documentation practices during clinical deterioration and explored factors influencing their ability to detect and respond to deterioration. Methods This convergent parallel mixed methods study was conducted in the general medical and surgical wards of three hospitals in Kenya's coastal region. Quantitative data on the extent to which the nurses monitored and documented the vital signs 24 h before a cardiac arrest (death) occurred was retrieved from patients' medical records. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-four purposefully drawn registered nurses working in the three hospitals' adult medical and surgical wards. Results This study reviewed 405 patient records and found most of the documentation of the vital signs was done in the nursing notes and not the vital signs observation chart. During the 24 h prior to death, respiratory rate was documented the least in only 1.2% of the records. Only a very small percentage of patients had any vital event documented for all six-time points, i.e. four hourly. Thematic analysis of the interview data identified five broad themes related to detecting and responding promptly to deterioration. These were insufficient monitoring of vital signs linked to limited availability of equipment and supplies, staffing conditions and workload, lack of training and guidelines, and communication and teamwork constraints among healthcare workers. Conclusion The study showed that nurses did not consistently monitor and record vital signs in the general wards. They also worked in suboptimal ward environments that do not support their ability to promptly detect and respond to clinical deterioration. The findings illustrate the importance of implementation of standardised systems for patient assessment and alert mechanisms for deterioration response. Furthermore, creating a supportive work environment is imperative in empowering nurses to identify and respond to patient deterioration. Addressing these issues is not only beneficial for the nurses but, more importantly, for the well-being of the patients they serve