18 research outputs found

    Bone Length Estimation and Population-Specific Features of Calcaneus and Talus Bones of the Late Byzantine Era

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    Certain markers in bone structure allow researchers to estimate the length of an entire bone based only on a fragmented piece. Forensic anthropologists and bio-archeologists have recently devoted greater attention to the estimation of bone length from fragmented bones. This study aims to evaluate osteometric data in order to distinguish the population affinity of Byzantine individuals, as well as to estimate the length of the calcaneus and talus bones based on incomplete specimens. This is vital because of the importance of talar bones in the assessments of the population-specific features and because calcaneus and talus bones tend to preserve better archaeologically. The study includes 160 adult, male, complete and non-damaged calcanei (72 left and 88 right) and 84 adult, male, complete and non-damaged talus bones (38 left and 46 right) from the dry, late Byzantine era (13th Century AD) contexts. A total of 10 bony markers were selected for measurements of calcanei and 14 were selected for tali. Data were subjected to statistical analysis in order to assess bilateral differences in the bony markers. Correlation coefficients were also determined between maximum lengths of calcanei and tali against other markers. Dorsal articular facet length and dorsal articular facet breadth parameters of calcanei showed significant side differences (p<0.01). Length of the sulcus tali and width of the sulcus tali parameters for talus bones also showed statistically significant differences (p<0.01). More than one of the bony markers correlated in a statistically significant way with maximum length of calcanei and tali

    Investigation of the Pathogenesis and Treatment Efficiency of Bevacizumab-Induced Hypertension in the Rat Model

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    Bevacizumab is known to reduce Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) to undetectable levels when used in conjunction with chemotherapy. Hypertension is a frequent adverse effect of bevacizumab, although its mechanism(s) remain unclear. In this study, our aim was to examine the pathogenesis of bevacizumab-induced hypertension and to investigate the treatment efficacy of valsartan. A total of 24 Wistar Albino female rats were included in the study. Rats were divided into three groups with 8 rats in each, as follows: The control group, bevacizumab group and bevacizumab + valsartan group. Blood pressure, blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels were measured, urine samples were collected for 24 hours statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS 20 software pack. Nephrectomy specimens in bevacizumab and bevacizumab + valsartan groups exhibited varying degrees of renal injury. Although valsartan was able to reduce the bevacizumab-induced rise in blood pressure, it could not prevent the development of nephropathy. Conclusions these findings suggest that hypertension occurring secondary to bevacizumab treatment in rats may be associated with mechanisms involving renal injury


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    WOS: 000330151200013We aimed to investigate morphological types of the coronoid process, the angle between coronoid process and condylar process and the area of the coronoid processes of mandibles from two different time periods (Contemporary and Byzantine). We found that 60% and 64.2% of all coronoid processes were hook shaped, 20% and 21.4% were triangular shaped and 20% and 14.28% were rounded shaped at right and left sides respectively in contemporary period group; while in Byzantine group, 66.6% and 61.4% of all coronoid processes were hook shaped, 17.9% and 13.6% were triangular shaped and 15.4% and 25% were rounded shaped at right and left sides respectively. Bilateralism has been found in 74.2% (65.2% hook, 13% round, 21.8% triangular) in contemporary period group and 21.2% (64.3% hook, 14.3% round, 21.4% triangular) in Byzantine period group. Mean areas of the coronoid processes were 1.94 +/- 0.5 cm2 and 2.21 +/- 0.4 cm2 at right and left sides respectively in contemporary period group and 2.00 +/- 1.0 cm2 and 2.22 +/- 0.6 cm2 on right and left sides respectively in Byzantine period group. The means of the angle between two processes were 99.1 +/- 10.5 degrees and 94.9 +/- 7.6 degrees for contemporary group and 101.01 +/- 9.2 degrees and 98.9 +/- 8.5 degrees for Byzantine group at right and left sides respectively. We found that the types of the coronoid processes showed laterality for both groups and there was significant difference between areas of left and right sides of the coronoid processes of contemporary group (p<0.05). These comparisons and population specific results may be beneficial for anthropologists, forensic scientists and also for reconstructive surgeons


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    SENDEMIR, ERDOGAN/0000-0001-9699-4342WOS: 000335937700044C2 or second cervical vertebra of cervical spine is named as axis, vertebra dentata or epistropheus. It has a prominent odontoid process called dens and characteristic typical features. C2 vertebra injuries are most risky one of all spinal injuries and many surgical procedures are performed to decompress or to stabilize it. Our first aim was to analyse the morphometric features of C2 vertebra extensively. We used fifty-six measurements for thirty-seven parameters to evaluate C2 features in a total of seventy vertebrae of the late Byzantine era, which are preserved at the Department of Anatomy of Medical School of Uludag University. Vertebrae used in the study have been excavated in 1984 from the archaeological site of Nicea in Iznik, Turkey. All parameters have been measured digitally from photographs using Scion Image Software (ver. We methodically present our morphometric measurements in this manuscript. As Forensic anthropologists and bioarcheologists, we have increased attention on the estimation of measurable bony features from fragmented bones based on markers. We believe that our data are useful for applications on physical anthropology and forensic medicine

    A Comparison of the Relationship between the Golden Ratio and Anatomical Characteristics of the Supraorbital Foramen in Bare Skulls Belonging to the Byzantine Era and Modern Era

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    WOS: 000379751100040The aim of the present study is to determine the frequency of the occurrence of supraorbital foramen/notch (SOF/N) in the skulls of the people who lived in the modern era and the late Byzantine era, to determine the symmetry and the asymmetry between the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance to various landmarks, to check the consistency between the location of the SOF/N and the golden ratio by calculating the ratio between linear distances and to evaluate the differences between the skulls from both historical periods. In the study, the frequency of the occurrence of the supraorbital notch in the skulls from the Byzantine era was found to be 26.60 % on the right and 13.30 % on the left while it was 14.30 % on the right and 9.52 % on the left in the skulls belonging to modern humans. In the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era, the average distance between SOF/N and the sagittal axis passing along the lateral orbital wall was found to be 34.81 +/- 2.51 mm and 32.99 +/- 2.81 mm respectively on the right and the left while it was 33.14 +/- 2.19 mm and 33.39 +/- 2.06 mm in the skulls belonging to modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull was found to be 24.55 +/- 2.79 mm and 21.57 +/- 2.44 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was 0.04 +/- 3.30 mm and 20.96 +/- 2.37 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and sagittal plane passing along the medial orbital wall was found to be 23.78 +/- 3.60 mm and 23.81 +/- 3.20 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was found to be 22.23 +/- 3.29 mm and 23.97 +/- 1.93 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average value of the distance between the sagittal planes passing along the lateral and medial sides of the orbit and the ratios between the distance from SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 1.47 +/- 0.21 mm and 1.60 +/- 0.08 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. No significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio; the average value of the ratios between the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull and the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 0.98 +/- 0.26 mm and 1.04 +/- 0.36 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. A significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio for both historical periods (modern society and late Byzantine period) (p < 0.005). The comparison of the relevant anatomic characteristics of the SOF/N is very important for anthropologists while a broad knowledge on proportional calculations regarding morphometric values and the location are important for reconstructive surgeons and the experts in forensics and pain control

    A Comparison of Anatomical Measurements of the Infraorbital Foramen of Skulls of the Modern and Late Byzantine Periods and the Golden Ratio

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    WOS: 000379751100057The aim of this study was to examine the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of skulls of people living in modern society and in the late Byzantine period, to ascertain the symmetry or asymmetry of the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance between various landmarks, to evaluate at the conformity between the infraorbital foramen and the golden ratio by calculating the ratios between these linear distances, and to set out the differences or similarities between the skulls of these different periods. It was found in the study that the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen in skulls of the modern period were 47.05 % circular, 41.17 % oval and 11.76 % atypical (semilunar and triangular) on the right, and 70.58 % circular and 29.41 % oval on the left, while those of the Byzantine period were 46.06 % circular and 53.3% oval on the right, and 50% circular and 50 % oval on the left. It was found that the measurements across the infraorbital foramen of the Byzantine skulls averaged 2.93 +/- 1.05 mm and 3.15 +/- 1.03 mm on the right side and 2.62 +/- 0.97 mm and 3.16 +/- 0.68 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively, and those of the modern period measured 2.32 +/- 0.50 mm and 3.00 +/- 0.92 mm on the right and 2.48 +/- 0.45 mm and 2.76 +/- 0.65 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively. The ratio between the distances from the outer orbital wall of the IOF to the sagittal plane and the piriform aperture were 1.46 +/- 0.25 mm and 1.40 +/- 0.21 mm for left and right respectively for the Byzantine skulls, and 1.24 +/- 0.24 mm and 1.29 +/- 0.42 mm for the modern skulls. A significant difference was found between the ratio obtained and the golden ratio for each of the periods (modern and Byzantine) (p < 0.005). A comparison of anatomical characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of people living at different historical periods is important for anthropologists and knowing morphological types and amassing knowledge on the proportional calculation of location is important for dentistry, maxillofacial surgery and algology

    Hopelessness among Medical Students Caused Due to COVID-19 Pandemic Linked Educational Hiatus: A Case Study of Bursa Uludag University, Türkiye

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused disruptions in medical education, leading to feelings of hopelessness among students regarding their medical careers. However, effective institutional crisis-response approaches can mitigate these feelings of hopelessness. This study evaluated changes in the levels of hopelessness among Turkish medical students due to interruptions in their education caused by the pandemic between March and July 2020, using the Beck Hopelessness Scale in three selected periods. A statistical survey was conducted with a total of 3580 participants in three different periods to study the impact of various contributing factors, such as socio-economic status, family problems, health problems, and lack of working environment, on the levels of hopelessness in conjunction with active COVID-19 cases and the effect of institutional interventions for the continuation of medical education during the pandemic. The analysis revealed a direct relationship between contributing factors and hopelessness scores at the end of the selected three periods. Additionally, active COVID-19 cases and institutional crisis-response strategies were found to be indirectly associated with students’ hopelessness. An increase in students’ hopelessness was found to be related to an increase in active COVID-19 cases in the country, a lack of continuing education practices, and the role of contributing factors. Conversely, a decrease in hopelessness was associated with effective institutional crisis-response strategies. These findings suggest that educational settings dealing with practical subjects should prioritize preparedness for crisis situations

    Efficacy of laparoscopic transversus abdominis plane block for elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy in elderly patients

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    Transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block technique seems to offer one of the most efficient methods for a local pain control. Our aim is to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of TAP block for post-operative pain control under laparoscopic vision in elderly patients during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patients aged more than 65 years old, who had cholecystectomy due to symptomatic cholelithiasis, were retrospectively evaluated. The patients that were operated under general anesthesia + laparoscopic TAP block and those who were operated only under only general anesthesia were compared according to their’ age and gender, comorbidities, American Society of Anesthesiologists scores, visual analog scale (VAS) for pain and length of stay in the hospital. Median (±interquartile range) values of post-operative 24th-hour-VAS for pain was found consecutively 2 (±1-3) in TAP block + group and 3 (±2-5) in TAP block - group. The median post-operative 24th-hour-VAS value in overall patients was three. Patients’ VAS values were higher in the TAP block – group with a statistically significant difference (p = 0.001). Furthermore, no statistically significant difference was found for other parameters in two groups. The laparoscopic-guided TAP block can easily be performed and has potential for lower visceral injury risk and shorter operational time. Efficacy, safety and other advantages (analgesic requirements, etc.) make it an ideal abdominal field block in elderly patients

    Protective Effects of Valproic Acid, a Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, against Hyperoxic Lung Injury in a Neonatal Rat Model

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    Histone acetylation and deacetylation may play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory lung diseases. We evaluated the preventive effect of valproic acid (VPA), a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, on neonatal hyperoxic lung injury.Forty newborn rat pups were randomized in normoxia, normoxia+VPA, hyperoxia and hyperoxia+VPA groups. Pups in the normoxia and normoxia+VPA groups were kept in room air and received daily saline and VPA (30 mg/kg) injections, respectively, while those in hyperoxia and hyperoxia+VPA groups were exposed to 95% O2 and received daily saline and VPA (30 mg/kg) injections for 10 days, respectively. Growth, histopathological, biochemical and molecular biological indicators of lung injury, apoptosis, inflammation, fibrosis and histone acetylation were evaluated.VPA treatment during hyperoxia significantly improved weight gain, histopathologic grade, radial alveolar count and lamellar body membrane protein expression, while it decreased number of TUNEL(+) cells and active Caspase-3 expression. Expressions of TGFβ3 and phospho-SMAD2 proteins and levels of tissue proinflammatory cytokines as well as lipid peroxidation biomarkers were reduced, while anti-oxidative enzyme activities were enhanced by VPA treatment. VPA administration also reduced HDAC activity while increasing acetylated H3 and H4 protein expressions.The present study shows for the first time that VPA treatment ameliorates lung damage in a neonatal rat model of hyperoxic lung injury. The preventive effect of VPA involves HDAC inhibition