1,404 research outputs found

    The Decay of the Inflaton in No-scale Supergravity

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    We study the decay of the inflaton in no-scale supergravity and show that decay due to the gravitational interactions through supergravity effects is highly suppressed relative to the case in minimal supergravity or models with a generic Kahler potential. We also show that decay to gravitinos is suppressed. We demonstrate that decay and sufficient reheating are possible with the introduction of a non-trivial gauge kinetic term. This channel may be dominant in no-scale supergravity, yet yields a re-heating temperature which is low enough to avoid the gravitino problem while high enough for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and baryogenesis.Comment: Added the footnote in the conclusion section which discusses the constrains on the explicit inflaton couplings to the matter fields via non-renormalizable operators. To appear in JCA

    Cross-correlating the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect and the Distribution of Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the analytical formulas, derived based on the halo model, to compute the cross-correlation between the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect and the distribution of galaxy clusters. By binning the clusters according to their redshifts and masses, this cross-correlation, the so-called stacked SZ signal, reveals the average SZ profile around the clusters. The stacked SZ signal is obtainable from a joint analysis of an arcminute-resolution cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment and an overlapping optical survey, which allows for detection of the SZ signals for clusters whose masses are below the individual cluster detection threshold. We derive the error covariance matrix for measuring the stacked SZ signal, and then forecast for its detection from ongoing and forthcoming combined CMB-optical surveys. We find that, over a wide range of mass and redshift, the stacked SZ signal can be detected with a significant signal to noise ratio (total S/N \gsim 10), whose value peaks for the clusters with intermediate masses and redshifts. Our calculation also shows that the stacking method allows for probing the clusters' SZ profiles over a wide range of scales, even out to projected radii as large as the virial radius, thereby providing a promising way to study gas physics at the outskirts of galaxy clusters.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, minor revisions reflect PRD published versio

    Positrons in Cosmic Rays from Dark Matter Annihilations for Uplifted Higgs Regions in MSSM

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    We point out that there are regions in the MSSM parameter space which successfully provide a dark matter (DM) annihilation explanation for observed positron excess (e.g. PAMELA), while still remaining in agreement with all other data sets. Such regions (e.g. the uplifted Higgs region) can realize an enhanced neutralino DM annihilation dominantly into leptons via a Breit-Wigner resonance through the CP-odd Higgs channel. Such regions can give the proper thermal relic DM abundance, and the DM annihilation products are compatible with current antiproton and gamma ray observations. This scenario can succeed without introducing any additional degrees of freedom beyond those already in the MSSM.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    A normalization strategy applied to HiCEP (an AFLP-based expression profiling) analysis: Toward the strict alignment of valid fragments across electrophoretic patterns

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    BACKGROUND: Gene expression analysis based on comparison of electrophoretic patterns is strongly dependent on the accuracy of DNA fragment sizing. The current normalization strategy based on molecular weight markers has limited accuracy because marker peaks are often masked by intense peaks nearby. Cumulative errors in fragment lengths cause problems in the alignment of same-length fragments across different electropherograms, especially for small fragments (< 100 bp). For accurate comparison of electrophoretic patterns, further inspection and normalization of electrophoretic data after fragment sizing by conventional strategies is needed. RESULTS: Here we describe a method for the normalization of a set of time-course electrophoretic data to be compared. The method uses Gaussian curves fitted to the complex peak mixtures in each electropherogram. It searches for target ranges for which patterns are dissimilar to the other patterns (called "dissimilar ranges") and for references (a kind of mean or typical pattern) in the set of resultant approximate patterns. It then constructs the optimal normalized pattern whose correlation coefficient against the reference in the range achieves the highest value among various combinations of candidates. We applied the procedure to time-course electrophoretic data produced by HiCEP, an AFLP-based expression profiling method which can detect a slight expression change in DNA fragments. We obtained dissimilar ranges whose electrophoretic patterns were obviously different from the reference and as expected, most of the fragments in the detected ranges were short (< 100 bp). The normalized electrophoretic patterns also agreed well with reference patterns. CONCLUSION: The normalization strategy presented here demonstrates the importance of pre-processing before electrophoretic signal comparison, and we anticipate its usefulness especially for temporal expression analysis by the electrophoretic method

    Parameterizing the Power Spectrum: Beyond the Truncated Taylor Expansion

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    The power spectrum is traditionally parameterized by a truncated Taylor series: lnP(k)=lnP+(n1)ln(k/k)+1/2nln2(k/k)ln P(k) = ln P_* + (n_*-1) ln(k/k_*) + {1/2} n'_* ln^2(k/k_*). It is reasonable to truncate the Taylor series if nln(k/k)<<n1|n'_* ln(k/k_*)| << |n_*-1|, but it is not if nln(k/k)n1|n'_* ln(k/k_*)| \gtrsim |n_*-1|. We argue that there is no good theoretical reason to prefer n<<n1|n'_*| << |n_*-1|, and show that current observations are consistent with nln(k/k) n1|n'_* ln(k/k_*)| ~ |n_*-1| even for ln(k/k) 1|ln(k/k_*)| ~ 1. Thus, there are regions of parameter space, which are both theoretically and observationally relevant, for which the traditional truncated Taylor series parameterization is inconsistent, and hence it can lead to incorrect parameter estimations. Motivated by this, we propose a simple extension of the traditional parameterization, which uses no extra parameters, but that, unlike the traditional approach, covers well motivated inflationary spectra with n n1|n'_*| ~ |n_*-1|. Our parameterization therefore covers not only standard-slow-roll inflation models but also a much wider class of inflation models. We use this parameterization to perform a likelihood analysis for the cosmological parameters.Comment: References added. Typo correcte

    The Earliest Optical Observations of GRB 030329

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    We present the earliest optical imaging observations of GRB 030329 related to SN 2003dh. The burst was detected by the HETE-2 satellite at 2003 March 29, 11:37:14.67 UT. Our wide-field monitoring started 97 minutes before the trigger and the burst position was continuously observed. We found no precursor or contemporaneous flare brighter than V=5.1V=5.1 (V=5.5V=5.5) in 32 s (64 s) timescale between 10:00 and 13:00 UT. Follow-up time series photometries started at 12:51:39 UT (75 s after position notice through the GCN) and continued for more than 5 hours. The afterglow was Rc=12.35±0.07Rc= 12.35\pm0.07 at t=74t=74 min after burst. Its fading between 1.2 and 6.3 hours is well characterized by a single power-law of the form f(mJy)=(1.99±0.02(statistic)±0.14(systematic))×(t/1day)0.890±0.006(statistic)±0.010(systematic)f{\rm(mJy)} = (1.99\pm0.02{\rm (statistic)}\pm0.14{\rm (systematic)}) \times (t/1 {\rm day})^{-0.890\pm 0.006 {\rm (statistic)}\pm 0.010 {\rm (systematic)}} in RcRc-band. No significant flux variation was detected and upper limits are derived as (Δf/f)RMS=35(\Delta f/f)_{\rm RMS} = 3-5% in minutes to hours timescales and (Δf/f)RMS=355(\Delta f/f)_{\rm RMS} = 35-5% in seconds to minutes timescales. Such a featureless lightcurve is explained by the smooth distribution of circumburst medium. Another explanation is that the optical band was above the synchrotron cooling frequency where emergent flux is insensitive to the ambient density contrasts. Extrapolation of the afterglow lightcurve to the burst epoch excludes the presence of an additional flare component at t<10t<10 minutes as seen in GRB 990123 and GRB 021211.Comment: ApJL, in pres

    Optical evidence for symmetry changes above the Neel temperature in KCuF3

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    We report on optical measurements of the 1D Heisenberg antiferromagnet KCuF3. The crystal-field excitations of the Cu2+ ions have been observed and their temperature dependence can be understood in terms of magnetic and exchange-induced dipole mechanisms and vibronic interactions. Above T_N we observe a new temperature scale T_S characterized by the emergence of narrow absorption features that correlate with changes of the orbital ordering as observed by Paolasini et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 106403 (2002)]. The appearance of these optical transitions provides evidence for a symmetry change above the Neel temperature that affects the orbital ordering and paves the way for the antiferromagnetic ordering.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    From the Spectrum to Inflation : An Inverse Formula for the General Slow-Roll Spectrum

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    We propose a general inverse formula for extracting inflationary parameters from the observed power spectrum of cosmological perturbations. Under the general slow-roll scheme, which helps to probe the properties of inflation in a model independent way, we invert the leading order, single field, power spectrum formula. We also give some physically interesting examples to demonstrate its wide applicability and illuminate its properties.Comment: 8 pages, no figure ; References expande

    Fingerprints of spin-orbital physics in cubic Mott insulators: Magnetic exchange interactions and optical spectral weights

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    The temperature dependence and anisotropy of optical spectral weights associated with different multiplet transitions is determined by the spin and orbital correlations. To provide a systematic basis to exploit this close relationship between magnetism and optical spectra, we present and analyze the spin-orbital superexchange models for a series of representative orbital-degenerate transition metal oxides with different multiplet structure. For each case we derive the magnetic exchange constants, which determine the spin wave dispersions, as well as the partial optical sum rules. The magnetic and optical properties of early transition metal oxides with degenerate t2gt_{2g} orbitals (titanates and vanadates with perovskite structure) are shown to depend only on two parameters, viz. the superexchange energy JJ and the ratio η\eta of Hund's exchange to the intraorbital Coulomb interaction, and on the actual orbital state. In ege_g systems important corrections follow from charge transfer excitations, and we show that KCuF3_3 can be classified as a charge transfer insulator, while LaMnO3_3 is a Mott insulator with moderate charge transfer contributions. In some cases orbital fluctuations are quenched and decoupling of spin and orbital degrees of freedom with static orbital order gives satisfactory results for the optical weights. On the example of cubic vanadates we describe a case where the full quantum spin-orbital physics must be considered. Thus information on optical excitations, their energies, temperature dependence and anisotropy, combined with the results of magnetic neutron scattering experiments, provides an important consistency test of the spin-orbital models, and indicates whether orbital and/or spin fluctuations are important in a given compound.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figure

    Flavour constraints on scenarios with two or three heavy squark generations

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    We re-assess constraints from flavour-changing neutral currents in the kaon system on supersymmetric scenarios with a light gluino, two heavy generations of squarks and a lighter third generation. We compute for the first time limits in scenarios with three heavy squark families, taking into account QCD corrections at the next-to-leading order. We compare our limits with those in the case of two heavy families. We use the mass insertion approximation and consider contributions from gluino exchange to constrain the mixing between the first and second squark generation. While it is not possible to perform a general analysis, we assess the relevance of each kind of flavour- and CP-violating parameters. We also provide ready to use magic numbers for the computation of the Wilson coefficients at 2 GeV for these scenarios.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures; v3: matches published version (contains improvements in the presentation and clarifications