63 research outputs found

    Biomacromolecular stereostructure mediates mode hybridization in chiral plasmonic nanostructures

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    The refractive index sensitivity of plasmonic fields has been exploited for over 20 years in analytical technologies. While this sensitivity can be used to achieve attomole detection levels, they are in essence binary measurements that sense the presence/absence of a predetermined analyte. Using plasmonic fields, not to sense effective refractive indices but to provide more “granular” information about the structural characteristics of a medium, provides a more information rich output, which affords opportunities to create new powerful and flexible sensing technologies not limited by the need to synthesize chemical recognition elements. Here we report a new plasmonic phenomenon that is sensitive to the biomacromolecular structure without relying on measuring effective refractive indices. Chiral biomaterials mediate the hybridization of electric and magnetic modes of a chiral solid-inverse plasmonic structure, resulting in a measurable change in both reflectivity and chiroptical properties. The phenomenon originates from the electric-dipole–magnetic-dipole response of the biomaterial and is hence sensitive to biomacromolecular secondary structure providing unique fingerprints of α-helical, ÎČ-sheet, and disordered motifs. The phenomenon can be observed for subchiral plasmonic fields (i.e., fields with a lower chiral asymmetry than circularly polarized light) hence lifting constraints to engineer structures that produce fields with enhanced chirality, thus providing greater flexibility in nanostructure design. To demonstrate the efficacy of the phenomenon, we have detected and characterized picogram quantities of simple model helical biopolymers and more complex real proteins

    The structural analysis of Cu(111)-Te (√3 × √3) R30° and (2√3 × 2√3)R30° surface phases by quantitative LEED and DFT,

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    The chemisorption of tellurium on atomically clean Cu(111) surface has been studied under ultra-high vacuum conditions. At room temperature, the initial stage of growth was an ordered 23×23R30° phase (0.08 ML). An ordered 3×3R30° phase is formed at 0.33 ML coverage of Te. The adsorption sites of the Te atoms on the Cu(111) surface at 0.08 ML and 0.33 ML coverages are explored by quantitative low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and density functional theory (DFT). Our results indicate that substitutional surface alloy formation starts at very low coverages

    Chiral plasmonic fields probe structural order of biointerfaces

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    The structural order of biopolymers, such as proteins, at interfaces defines the physical and chemical interactions of biological systems with their surroundings and is hence a critical parameter in a range of biological problems. Known spectroscopic methods for routine rapid monitoring of structural order in biolayers are generally only applied to model single-component systems that possess a spectral fingerprint which is highly sensitive to orientation. This spectroscopic behavior is not a generic property and may require the addition of a label. Importantly, such techniques cannot readily be applied to real multicomponent biolayers, have ill-defined or unknown compositions, and have complex spectroscopic signatures with many overlapping bands. Here, we demonstrate the sensitivity of plasmonic fields with enhanced chirality, a property referred to as superchirality, to global orientational order within both simple model and “real” complex protein layers. The sensitivity to structural order is derived from the capability of superchiral fields to detect the anisotropic nature of electric dipole–magnetic dipole response of the layer; this is validated by numerical simulations. As a model study, the evolution of orientational order with increasing surface density in layers of the antibody immunoglobulin G was monitored. As an exemplar of greater complexity, superchiral fields are demonstrated, without knowledge of exact composition, to be able to monitor how qualitative changes in composition alter the structural order of protein layers formed from blood serum, thereby establishing the efficacy of the phenomenon as a tool for studying complex biological interfaces

    Superchiral hot-spots in “real” chiral plasmonic structures

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    Light scattering from chiral plasmonic structures can create near fields with an asymmetry greater than the equivalent circularly polarised light, a property sometimes referred to as superchirality. These near fields with enhanced chiral asymmetries can be exploited for ultrasensitive detection of chiral (bio)molecules. In this combined experimental and numerical modelling study, we demonstrate that superchiral hot-spots are created around structural heterogeneities, such as protrusions and indentations, possessed by all real metal structures. These superchiral hot-spots, have chiral asymmetries greater than what would be expected from an idealised perfect structure. Our work indicates that surface morphology could play a role in determining the efficacy of a chiral structure for sensing

    Controlling the symmetry of inorganic ionic nanofilms with optical chirality

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    Manipulating symmetry environments of metal ions to control functional properties is a fundamental concept of chemistry. For example, lattice strain enables control of symmetry in solids through a change in the nuclear positions surrounding a metal centre. Light–matter interactions can also induce strain but providing dynamic symmetry control is restricted to specific materials under intense laser illumination. Here, we show how effective chemical symmetry can be tuned by creating a symmetry-breaking rotational bulk polarisation in the electronic charge distribution surrounding a metal centre, which we term a meta-crystal field. The effect arises from an interface-mediated transfer of optical spin from a chiral light beam to produce an electronic torque that replicates the effect of strain created by high pressures. Since the phenomenon does not rely on a physical rearrangement of nuclear positions, material constraints are lifted, thus providing a generic and fully reversible method of manipulating effective symmetry in solids

    The templated growth of a chiral transition metal chalcogenide

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    We demonstrate that an intrinsically chiral, high Miller index surface of an achiral metal can be used to template the enantioselective growth of chiral transition metal chalcogenide films. Specifically, Cu(643)R can be used as a template for the enantioselective growth of a chiral copper telluride alloy surface. Beyond a critical alloy thickness the chiral influence of the Cu(643)R surface diminishes and an achiral surface forms. Our work demonstrates a new method of producing chiral transition metal chalcogenide surfaces, with potential applications in the study of structurally chiral topological insulators

    Spatial control of 2D nanomaterial electronic properties using chiral light beams

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    Single-layer two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials exhibit physical and chemical properties which can be dynamically modulated through out-of-plane deformations. Existing methods rely on intricate micromechanical manipulations (e.g., poking, bending, rumpling), hindering their widespread technological implementation. We address this challenge by proposing an all-optical approach that decouples strain engineering from micromechanical complexities. This method leverages the forces generated by chiral light beams carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM). The inherent sense of twist of these beams enables the exertion of controlled torques on 2D monolayer materials, inducing tailored strain. This approach offers a contactless and dynamically tunable alternative to existing methods. As a proof-of-concept, we demonstrate control over the conductivity of graphene transistors using chiral light beams, showcasing the potential of this approach for manipulating properties in future electronic devices. This optical control mechanism holds promise in enabling the reconfiguration of devices through optically patterned strain. It also allows broader utilization of strain engineering in 2D nanomaterials for advanced functionalities in next-generation optoelectronic devices and sensors

    New Light Source (NLS) project: conceptual design report

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    The electron stimulated chemistry of methyl lactate on Cu(111)

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    The electron stimulated chemistry of monolayers of (R)/(S)-methyl lactate ((S)/(R)-MLAc) adsorbed on Cu(1 1 1) has been investigated. Monolayers of MLAc undergo highly efficient electron stimulated processes predominately desorption, but also a significant fraction is converted to an adsorbed alkoxide moiety through the selective cleavage of the O-H bond. The efficiency of the depletion of the adsorbed MLAc state and the absence of significant non-selective fragmentation contrasts with previous studies of the electron beam irradiation of monolayers of oxygen containing organic molecules.
