11 research outputs found

    Household Livelihood Strategy Based on Capital Assets in Fire-Prone Areas, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra

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    Forest and land fires are problems that have not been resolved and occur almost every year. Various policies related to forest and land fires began to be promoted nationally and have restricted communities in managing their land. This causes a vulnerability in society. Farmers are required to carry out various methods and strategies to overcome economic problems. This research aims to analyze the livelihood assets and livelihood strategies of farmer households. The study was conducted from February to June 2020 in Pulu Beruang Village, Tulung Selapan Sub-District, and Kayu Labu Village, Pedamaran Timur Sub-District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency. This research is a survey research using a mixed sequential explanatory approach by using the triangulation principle.The quantitative data collection is done through a household survey using a questionnaire to 75 respondents in Pulu Beruang Village and 70 respondents in Kayu Labu Village.Qualitative data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), and field observation. The results showed that Pulu Beruang Village had a greater asset score in human capital and financial capital. In comparison, Kayu Labu Village had a greater score in natural capital. Physical capital and social capital in both villages had scores that were not distinctly different. Hence, they did not have a different effect on community resilience. Livelihood assets owned by the community influence their household livelihood strategies. The household livelihood strategy in Pulu Beruang Village uses human capital and financial capital, agricultural sector and non-agriculture, especially trading, and swallow’s nest business. Meanwhile, the livelihood strategies of farmers’ households in Kayu Labu Village rely on their natural capital and agricultural sectors, such as fisheries and purun crafts.Keywords: forest and land fires, livelihood asset, livelihood strategie

    Environmental Justice in Intra Generations: An Overview of Aristotle's Distributive Justice to Coal Mining

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    Indonesia is a country with abundant natural resources, ranging from sand. Tin, copper, coal, iron ore to gold. Therefore, the State should provide environmental justice to create reserves with wise and sustainable management of natural resources. This study uses a doctrinal method in order to answer the problem under study. This study will examine how Aristotle's distributive justice can sharpen the concept of justice for coal mining management. This study will focus on environmental justice in intra-generational terms in terms of Aristotle's distributive justice to coal mining. Protection of access (conservation of access) reflects the allocation of rights and access to natural resources balanced between different generations and fellow members of the current generation. Thus, access to protection provides fair and non-discriminatory rights for every citizen of the current generation to use environmental resources. However, in using these resources, each member of the current generation has an obligation (equitable duties) to ensure that his actions will not reduce future generations' access to these resources. The state through mining or environmental policies has not provided justice for the community, where the community accepts more risks such as social injustice, environmental and health harm from coal mining activities than receiving the benefits

    The Rapid Changes of the Landscape Structure of the Meranti-Dangku Tropical Lowland Forest in the South Sumatra Province, Indonesia

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    The fragmentation of forest vegetation cover can be measured quantitatively, using tools that can characterize the geometry and spatial properties of the patch or patches of mosaic, which depicts the forest loss and the changes in the temporal pattern.   The aims of this paper are to observe the process of the forest fragmentation, to find out the changes of spatial patterns of habitat continuum by applying the spatial dynamics change analysis of the forest fragmentation phases, and to provide the comprehensive approach in determining the rapid change of the forest landscape structure in the spatial transformation process, based on the decision tree models.  We find three phases of the forest fragmentation were identified, namely dissection, dissipation, and attrition.  This study shows that the production forest area and a wildlife conservation area that contiguous or borders, has the same phases in the process of fragmentation of the forest, but both have a difference of the magnitude of forest loss.  We find there are at least five effects of forest fragmentation to the landscape structure, those are  increasing in a number of habitat patches, decreasing in a size of habitat patches, reduction in a habitat amount, increasing in a dispersion and interspersion of patch types, and reduction in a size of spatial connectedness between patches.Keywords: fragmentation, landscape metrics, spatial transformation

    A Comparative Assessment of Vegetation Diversity Under Coffee Plantations Inside and Outside Protected Forest Areas

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    The existence of tree vegetation planted in coffee plantations as shade trees is believed to have a positive influence on the growth and production of coffee plants. This study aims to analyze the diversity of coffee plant vegetation in three age classes planted inside and outside protected forest areas included in the administrative area of North Dempo and Central Dempo Districts, Pagar Alam City, South Sumatra Province. The results of observations and calculations of Value IVI found that Albizia sumatrana was the dominant species in all coffee plantations at various age levels. The IVI values of Albazia Sumatrana in coffee plants aged 10 years is 75.46 (inside PF) and 95.92 (outside PF). Assessment using the Shanon Index and Simpon Index showed the same results; coffee plantations at all age levels had a moderate diversity index, except for vegetation in coffee plantations aged < 5 years which were outside protected forest areas and had low diversity index values. Through the availability of this information, it is hoped that it will be used as initial information for selecting vegetation types that will be used to support restoration activities in areas around protected forests

    Peranan pengurusan masjid dan ahli jemaah dalam mengimarahkan institusi masjid pasca wabak Covid-19 : satu sorotan

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    Masjid merupakan sebuah tempat berkumpulnya masyarakat umat Islam sama ada untuk menunaikan ibadah ataupun urusan-urusan lain yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan seharian. Pada asasnya umat Islam berkumpul di masjid sekurang-kurangnya lima kali sehari iaitu pada waktu solat berjemaah. Namun pada hari, dunia dikejutkan dengan penyebaran pandemik COVID-19. Penyebaran wabak ini turut menjejaskan aktiviti pengimarahan institusi masjid. Kehadiran jemaah di masjid pada hari ini bergantung sepenuhnya kepada SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh pihak berwajib. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memperincikan peranan serta tanggungjawab yang perlu diambil oleh pihak pengurusan masjid serta peranan ahli jemaah dalam menghadapi wabak COVID 19 supaya institusi masjid sentiasa diimarahkan seterusnya selamat dikunjungi oleh para jemaah. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan reka bentuk analisis kandungan. Data dikumpulkan daripada analisis dokumen ke atas situasi semasa COVID-19 serta SOP yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak KKM dan diaplikasikan di institusi masjid kemudiannya dianalisis secara deskriptif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan institusi masjid terus diimarahkan walaupun dengan SOP yang telah ditetapkan. Pihak pengurusan masjid dan ahli jemaah perlu mematuhi segala SOP dikeluarkan oleh pihak berwajib untuk memastikan syiar terbesar umat Islam ini terus diimarah walaupun pandemik COVID-19 ini masih belum pulih sepenuhnya

    Prinsip Al-Imarah dalam kalangan AJK masjid kearah mengimarahkan institusi masjid

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    Pengimarahan masjid merupakan satu tanggungjawab yang sangat berat dalam Islam yang mesti diberi kepada orang yang benar-benar layak dalam memimpin institusi masjid. Oleh itu, prinsip al-imarah memainkan peranan penting dalam mengimarakan institusi masjid. Al-Quran dan As-sunah telah menggariskan panduan dalam mengimarahkan masjid. Peranan pengimarahan institusi masjid terletak kepada kesungguhan dan usaha dalam kalangan pihak pengurusan masjid yang memahami prinsip-prinsip pengimarahan masjid. Kajian ini mendapati bahawa pengimarahan sesebuah masjid bergantung sepenuhnya kepada individu-individu yang menerajui kepimpinan institusi masjid

    Prinsip sosial dalam pengimarahan institusi masjid: kajian di masjid bertaraf cemerlang

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    Masjid pada zaman Rasulullah SAW telah membuktikan bahawa fungsi dan peranannya adalah menegakkan syiar Islam dan juga sebagai agen sosial dalam masyarakat. Melihat kepada keupayaan Rasulullah SAW menjadikan masjid sebagai agen sosial dalam masyarakat, maka peranan dan fungsi masjid di Malaysia pada hari ini perlu diperkasa secara optimum bagi membina kekuatan ummah Islam. Keaktifan institusi masjid bukan terletak pada bahu pihak pengurusan sahaja, malah semua lapisan masyarakat terutama agensi kerajaan, agensi swasta dan badan NGO perlu mengaktifkan diri dengan bersama-sama menjana seluruh keupayaan yang ada ke arah pengimarahan institusi masjid. Oleh itu, artikel ini bertujuan mengkaji prinsip-prinsip sosial yang perlu dimiliki oleh pihak pengurusan masjid di samping menjelaskan pendekatan yang perlu digunakan oleh institusi masjid dalam menjalinkan kerjasama dengan pihak lain ke arah pengimarahan institusi masjid. Data temu bual dianalisis dengan perisian Atlas.ti versi 7 dengan pembinaan kodkod dan tema yang dipilih. Makalah ini mendapati bahawa pengimarahan sesebuah masjid tidak bergantung sepenuhnya kepada individu yang menerajui kepimpinan institusi masjid, malah ianya juga perlu dibantu oleh pelbagai masyarakat untuk bersama-sama menjana perubahan ke arah merancakkan lagi pengimarahan institusi masjid

    Internal Versus Edge Row Comparison in Jajar Legowo 4:1 Rice Planting Pattern at Different Frequency of Fertilizer Applications

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    Jajar legowo 4:1 cropping pattern has been adopted by rice farmers; however, there has been limited information on the comparison between internal and edge rows. In addition, the effects of timing and frequency of fertilizer applications on rice cultivated at riparian wetland also have to be understood. In this research, both single and split applications of fertilizer were employed. The single fertilizer applications were applied at 15 days after transplanting (DAT) (T1), 30 DAT (T2), 45 DAT (T3); and the split applications were 15+30 DAT (T4), 15+45 DAT (T5), 30+45 DAT (T6), and 15+30+45 DAT (T7). Results of this research indicated that crops in the edge rows produced higher leaf area index but those at internal rows produced higher dry weight biomass. Split fertilizer application to three times (T7) increased the weight of grains and number of filled spikelet but did not affect other shoot and root growth traits. Overall, fertilizer application increased leaf chlorophyll and nitrogen content. Jajar legowo 4:1 planting pattern and split fertilizer application to three times are recommended for increasing yield in rice cultivated at riparian wetlands

    Internal Versus Edge Row Comparison in Jajar Legowo 4:1 Rice Planting Pattern at Different Frequency of Fertilizer Applications

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    Jajar legowo 4:1 cropping pattern has been adopted by rice farmers; however, there has been limited information on the comparison between internal and edge rows. In addition, the effects of timing and frequency of fertilizer applications on rice cultivated at riparian wetland also have to be understood. In this research, both single and split applications of fertilizer were employed. The single fertilizer applications were applied at 15 days after transplanting (DAT) (T1), 30 DAT (T2), 45 DAT (T3); and the split applications were 15+30 DAT (T4), 15+45 DAT (T5), 30+45 DAT (T6), and 15+30+45 DAT (T7). Results of this research indicated that crops in the edge rows produced higher leaf area index but those at internal rows produced higher dry weight biomass. Split fertilizer application to three times (T7) increased the weight of grains and number of filled spikelet but did not affect other shoot and root growth traits. Overall, fertilizer application increased leaf chlorophyll and nitrogen content. Jajar legowo 4:1 planting pattern and split fertilizer application to three times are recommended for increasing yield in rice cultivated at riparian wetlands