2 research outputs found

    Development a Teaching Methods using a Cloud ‎Computing Technology in Iraqi Schools ‎

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    الوضع الحالي للتعليم في معظمه الكترونياً. العوامل مثل الخوادم، ومساحة التخزين، والبرمجيات هي أكثر وضوحا من أي وقت مضى. الحوسبة السحابية هي الحوسبة المستندة الى الإنترنت والتي تسمح للمستخدمين بتبادل الموارد والبرامج والمعلومات. في سياق العراق، لم تترجم زيادة الإنفاق على التعليم إلى تحسين بيئات التعلم. هذا العمل يهدف إلى زيادة كفاءة التعليم في العراق من خلال استعراض الخصائص المرتبطة مع مزودي الحوسبة السحابية مثل مايكروسوفت وجوجل وأمازون لزيادة الفائدة للطلبة والمدرسين والعاملين في قطاع التربية. وهذا العمل أيضاً هو محاولة لتحديد الاساليب التي تقدم الخدمات والأدوات الغنية وبأسعار معقولة من خلال بناء نموذج مناسب للحوسبة السحابية للمدارس العراقية. يتكون هذا النموذج العملي من ثلاثة أجزاء رئيسية: التهيئة، التنفيذ والمراقبة، والتقييم والمراجعة. هذا النموذج يجمع بين الحوسبة العامة والخاصة لتقديم خدمات متعددة ويُمكن الطلبة والجهات المستفيدة من الوصول الى المعلومات خارج المدارس. المشاكل المرتبطة بأمن وخصوصية البيانات منخفضة جدا وتحت السيطرة في هذا النموذج، كون البيانات محمية وراء الجدران النارية مع الاحتفاظ بالوصول عن بعد الى الخدمات العامة، قابلية التوسع، التكاليف المنخفضة، الكفاءة، خيارات التوصيل والتشغيل. هذه الدراسة أيضا تقلل من التحديات الداخلية والخارجية التي يواجهها تنفيذ هذا النموذج من خلال استمرار التقييم والمراجعةThe current state of education is mostly electronic. Factors such as servers, storage space, and software are more prominent than ever before. Cloud Computing is defined as an Internet-based computing space that allows its users to share resources, software and information. In the context of Iraq, increased educational spending has not translated into improved learning environments. This work intends to increase the efficiency of education in Iraq through reviewing the characteristics associated with cloud computing providers, such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon, in the context of enhancing the advantages to students, teachers, and other stakeholders. The work will also try to determine approaches that offered rich and affordable services and tools through posing a suitable Cloud Computing Model for Iraqi Schools (CCIS). This particular model is made up of three major parts; preparation, implementation and monitoring, and evaluating and reviewing. The CCIS model combines public and private clouds in the provision of multiple services to the students and enables the formation of links outside of schools. Problems associated with security and data privacy are quite low and under control in this model, as they are defended beyond firewalls alongside remote services, scalability, low costs, efficiency, and functional plug and play options. This study will also decrease the challenges faced by the model internally and externally via constant appraisals and review

    Ensuring Data Integrity Scheme Based on Digital Signature and Iris Features in Cloud

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    Cloud computing is a novel paradigm that allows users to remotely access their data through web- based tools and applications. Later, the users do not have the ability to monitor or arrange their data. In this case, many security challenges have been raised. One of these challenges is data integrity. Contentiously, the user cannot access his data directly and he could not know whether his data is modified or not. Therefore, the cloud service provider should provide efficient ways for the user to ascertain whether the integrity of his data is protected or compromised. In this paper, we focus on the problem of ensuring the integrity of data stored in the cloud. Additionally, we propose a method which combines biometric and cryptography techniques in a cost-effective manner for data owners to gain trust in the cloud. We present efficient and secure integrity based on the iris feature extraction and digital signature.  Iris recognition has become a new, emergent approach to individual identification in the last decade. It is one of the most accurate identity verification systems. This technique gives the cloud user more confidence in detecting any block that has been changed. Additionally, our proposed scheme employs user’s iris features to secure and integrate data in a manner difficult for any internal or external unauthorized entity to take or compromise it. Iris recognition is an internal organ that is well protected against damage and wear by a highly transparent and sensitive membrane. Extensive security and performance analysis show that our proposed scheme is highly efficient and provably secure