15 research outputs found

    Cechy osobowości a decyzje adolescentów dotyczące planów edukacyjnych i zawodowych

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    Personality traits and adolescents’ decisions concerning education and career planningOne of the most signifi cant tasks confronting adolescents is planning future career in order to start an independent life (Kanfer et al., 2001). A number of studies show that it poses number of signifi cant problems (Super, 1963; Super, Savickas, Super, 1996; Webber, 1990; Borgen, Amundson, 2010). The aim of the present study was to defi ne decision-making mechanisms that have an impact on career planning by adolescents and the infl uence of their personality traits upon it. The NEO-FFI Inventory and a self-constructed questionnaire were administered to 116 students of the last year of a secondary school. The data indicate correlations between the choices concerning further studies and personality traits measured with NEO-FFI Inventory. The following traits proved to be signifi cant: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousnes

    Otępienie czołowo-skroniowe : ujęcie interdyscyplinarne

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    Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationZe wstępu: Oddajemy do rąk Czytelników monografię Otępienie czołowo-skroniowe: ujęcie interdyscyplinarne, która stanowi oryginalny zbiór odpowiednio dobranych rozdziałów, opracowanych przez autorów z różnych specjalności medycznych i paramedycznych zajmujących się diagnozą i rehabilitacją osób z otępieniem. Otępienie czołowo-skroniowe stanowi nadzwyczaj ważki i trudny temat dla współczesnej neuronauki. Temat jest ważki przede wszystkim dlatego, że problemy związane z otępieniem w starszych latach dotyczą wciąż wzrastającej liczby osób, co stanowi nieunikniony, choć dość paradoksalny skutek przedłużenia się życia przeciętnego człowieka, bez proporcjonalnej poprawy jego kondycji fizycznej i psychicznej. Oznacza to m.in., że najprawdopodobniej mało kto z nas (tj. sami autorzy wraz z Czytelnikami) uniknie tego problemu w przyszłości, a ten dość przykry fakt czasami utrudnia proces utrzymywania należytego dystansu naukowego do tematu. Wiele rozdziałów publikowanych w tej książce jest owocem 13. Międzynarodowego Kongresu Polskiego Towarzystwa Neuropsychologicznego, zorganizowanego przez Krakowską Akademię im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego w dniach 22 do 24 lutego 2010 roku. Uczestnicy kongresu podjęli panelową dyskusję, mającą na celu syntezę przyczyn i objawów otępienia czołowo-skroniowego. Główne tezy z tej dyskusji wykorzystano również w przygotowywaniu rozdziałów tej monografii

    Current views on neuroplasticity: what is new and what is old?

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    The main aim of the paper is to show that many previously forgotten discoveries within the field of neuroscience own their rediscovery and renaissance to the refinement of tools provided by the technological advances. Most spectacular is the advancement of brain imaging techniques, which provide hard data that support for evidence for previously neglected presumptions and ideas. Neuroplasticity is an example of such a long ignored historical discovery. One reason for that neglect is that it stood in contradiction to beliefs and theories prevailing at the first half of the twenties century. The idea of neuronal plasticity is not disputed any longer since it has found confirmation not only in a dramatic development of neuroimaging but also in the advancement of neurobiology. Most authors concentrate upon neuronal plasticity, recent studies, however, have produced a wealth of information regarding neurogenesis, in which astrocytes have proved to play a significant role. The significance of adult neurogenesis for learning and memory and for treatment of depression is outlined. Moreover, it was observed that neuroplasticity benefits patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) who undergo effective, evidence-based treatment. Convincing examples of brain plasticity brings also clinical practice, which often unveils the appearance of hitherto hidden artistic abilities in people who have suffered from brain damage. In addition, the possibilities of altering the brain functions by mental force alone are discussed. Thus, the paper reveals that many “controversial” ideas were confirmed by contemporary studies forcing changes in a traditional view on brain works


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    The present paper argues that the development of a new methodology in studying the brain has resulted in a change of our views on the way it works, has seen the emergence of new ideas, and a considerable modification of traditionally accepted theories. The most significant are neuroplasticity, negative activity network (NAT), the nature of aphasic disorders, and the approach to the localization of brain functions. New brain imaging techniques have confirmed also the ability to change the neuronal circuits by mental force. Moreover, new techniques have brought about a rise in new methods for both the diagnosis and rehabilitation of individuals with various brain disorders. Most valuable in this respect has proved to be neurofeedback. We have concentrated on the most important contributions of Prof. Pąchalska in the implementation and development of these new ideas on brain functioning. We also emphasize the fact that her theoretical considerations are firmly based upon her extensive (forty years) work with brain damaged patients

    Third Mode of Thinking

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    A number of studies show that both children and adults exhibit difficulties with problem-solving tasks. In fact, only one-third of adults reach the formal operational stage. Coaching such tasks in everybody’s language proves to be helpful only if the situation described is close to life events. The presented study confirmed the improvement in the thematic version of the Wason Test both in pupils and university students, albeit being far from spectacular. The authors suggest distinguishing a bounded type of thinking characterized by highly schematic, mechanistic, and automated thinking. They argue that it results both in educational and everyday failures

    Health care workers strategies for coping with stress

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    Working as a doctor, nurse, and midwife is associated with great responsibility for the health and life of patients. It is a source of many burdens, which result in marked, chronic stress leading to professional burnout and related consequences affecting all spheres of life. The research aimed to analyze healthcare workers’ preferred stress-coping strategies. The study encompassed 134 healthcare workers practicing the profession of doctor, nurse, and midwife, working in the cities of Lublin in the period from May 2022 to February 2023. We employed a self-made questionnaire and the Stress Coping Inventory (Mini-COPE). The PS IMAGO 9.0 program was used for the calculations and analysis of the results. The strategies of coping with stress most often used by doctors, nurses, and midwives were based on active coping and planning. The three surveyed groups of healthcare workers differ statistically significantly in using the denial strategy. Nurses are more likely than physicians to use denial as a coping strategy. There were no statistically significant differences in the remaining strategies of coping with stress. Healthcare workers in stressful situations often choose active ways of dealing with them, especially active coping and planning. An important factor that strengthens the choice of active strategies for coping with stress seems to be training aimed at improving the professional qualifications of healthcare workers

    Relationship between Procrastination and a University Subject in Polish University Students

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    The present research relates to relationships between procrastination and a university subject. It included 84 students of pre-school and early school pedagogy, psychology and economics as well as an additional group of extramural students of management being in employment. They were asked to fill up the Pure Procrastination Scale Questionnaire. Findings indicate that a tendency to procrastinate is highest in students of pre-school and early school pedagogy, and psychology. Moreover, the tendency to procrastinate was most clearly manifested in the behavioral domain, which suggests lack of self-efficacy and/or poor time management. The results obtained proved to be statistically significant, yet they should be treated with caution due to a small sample of the examined subjects. They, however, point to the direction of further research

    Cechy osobowości a decyzje adolescentów dotyczące planów edukacyjnych i zawodowych

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    Personality traits and adolescents’ decisions concerning education and career planningOne of the most signifi cant tasks confronting adolescents is planning future career in order to start an independent life (Kanfer et al., 2001). A number of studies show that it poses number of signifi cant problems (Super, 1963; Super, Savickas, Super, 1996; Webber, 1990; Borgen, Amundson, 2010). The aim of the present study was to defi ne decision-making mechanisms that have an impact on career planning by adolescents and the infl uence of their personality traits upon it. The NEO-FFI Inventory and a self-constructed questionnaire were administered to 116 students of the last year of a secondary school. The data indicate correlations between the choices concerning further studies and personality traits measured with NEO-FFI Inventory. The following traits proved to be signifi cant: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousnes

    Coping Strategies and COVID-19 Prevalence Among University Students Learning in the Online and Blended Mode

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    The study assessed whether students who contracted COVID-19 and did not fall ill differed in coping strategies. The study comprised 111 participants, including 55.9% who were infected and 44.1% who were not. It consisted of online (49.5%) and blended mode learners (50.5%) aged 19 to 31. We used the Brief COPE Inventory to assess ways of coping with stress. Among online students, 65.5% fell ill, while less than half of blended mode learners got sick. Students who contracted COVID-19 were more likely to use maladaptive coping strategies, and respondents who did not become ill were more likely to use adaptive strategies