126 research outputs found

    Fatigue Life Estimation of a Highway Sign Structure

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    Sign structures stand along every highway and interstate across the country in order to guide motorists to their destination. Such structures are repeatedly subjected to natural wind gusts and gusts from vehicles passing underneath. Over time, the members within the structure may begin to succumb to fatigue due to this cyclical loading, in the form of cracks in the members and in the connections. The goal of this project is to determine the fatigue life of an overhead four-chord truss sign structure located in Pennsylvania in both a damaged and undamaged state. A finite element model of the structure was made using commercial software and a time varying natural wind load was applied to it. The stress history of critical elements was then extracted from the model's solution. Complete stress cycles were counted and then a linear damage accumulation method was used in order to find the fatigue life in the critical members. The non-damaged structure's critical members were found to have an infinite fatigue, as were the damaged structure's critical members. Despite this, members with welded connections should still be closely monitored during inspection because they have the highest potential for failure

    Graduate Students in a Service Learning Design Case: The Development of a Parenting Program

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    The following design case illustrates the approach a group of advanced graduate onlinedesign students, two design coaches, and an instructor used to design an online instructional intervention as a service-learning project for parents interested in improving their parenting skills with their pre-teens. This design case is distinctive in that it explores the online collaboration for this service-learning project using email, instant messaging, Google Hangout, Google Documents within Google applications and Skype

    Website redesign for a small company

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    V diplomskem delu je opisan proces oblikovne prenove spletnega mesta za manjše slovensko podjetje. Proces oblikovne prenove spletnega mesta ne zajema le ideje in postavitve elementov v neko obliko, ampak tudi poznavanje osnov spletnega oblikovanja, analizo trenutnega stanja in konkurenčnih spletnih mest, poznavanje končnih uporabnikov in zbiranje vsebine. Preko teh korakov lahko oblikujemo barvne sheme, izberemo tipografije, ustrezne multimedijske vsebine in ostale elemente, s katerimi kreiramo vizualno podobo spletnega mesta. Moje delo je potekalo v timu, kjer je bila moja naloga oblikovna prenova spletnega mesta. Oblikovno predlogo smo izdelali za podjetje Lesgal, d. o. o., ki je potrebovalo novo spletno mesto. K opisovanju procesa prenove smo vključili ugotovitve iz našega primera. Diplomsko delo predstavi vizualne podobe vseh strani spletnega mesta. Pri delu sem uporabljala program Adobe Photoshop. Izdelane vizualne podobe so pripravljene za nadaljnjo implementacijo v spletno mesto.This thesis presents the process of a website redesign for a small Slovenian company. The process of redesign does not only include the idea and positioning of elements in a certain shape, but also the knowledge of the basics of website design, analysis of the current situation and of competing websites, the knowledge about the final users and the preparation of the content. These steps lead to the design of the colour scheme, the choice of typography, the appropriate multimedia content and to other elements used to create the visual image of the website. My work of website redesign was completed in a team. My place in the team was to create the design image for the company Lesgal, d. o. o. that needed a new website. We included the conclusions from our own experience of redesigning a website in the description of the process. Thesis sets the visual images of each developed web page for the final website. As a design tool I used Adobe Photoshop program. The visual images designed are ready for the further implementation of the website

    Uspon fašizma i slovensko-hrvatska nacionalna organizacija u Julijskoj Krajini

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    In the Julian March fascism became the arbiter of the political situation more quickly than in other Italian provinces. Its rapid influence was made possible due to the postwar economic and political crisis, the weakness of the conservative forces which clung to the past, the incapability of the otherwise strong revolutionary forces to get affirmation at the right moment as well as the support of the capitalist circles and local authorities to the preventive counter-revolution. Of paramount importance for the development of fascism was the undemocratic concept of the Italian state in terms of the strategic borders in the east which stimulated antidemocratic tendencies in the entire Italian bourgeois class, favouring nationalism and fascism. The presence of the non-Italian population on the borders of the state represented, in the eyes of this class, a potential danger for the Italian national interests. In addition to its role as the protector of the social order, local fascism also felt called upon to carry on the special "mission" of the protector of the "endangered" national interests, terrorizing the Slovene and Croatian national organisms. The local authorities and, through them, the central government alowed these activities, and even regarded them as a medium for settling national controversies. In the summer of 1922 the activities of the fascist organisation went beyond the usual settling of accounts with the opponents of the capitalist social system and imaginary opponents of the Italian national interests, and directly interfered in the competencies of the legal authorities. Acting violently, the fascist party demanded the dissolution of the extraordinary provincial committee at Gorizia, representing a kind of autonomy of the province and in which Slovenes had parity of representation. The external reason for this intervention was the attitude of the provincial committee towards the fascist "retributive expedition" against the Slovene population in the Kobarid area, the condemnation of fascist terrorism and the support offered to the victims of the violence. The fascist "revolution" of October 28, 1922 in the Julian March therefore did not signify a turning-point. It was just a formal confirmation of the already existing situation. The occupation of positions of authority was performed peacefully, with the knowledge and consent of the civil and military authorities and without any public uprising. The leadership of the Slovene and Croatian bourgeois political organisation expressed the same loyalty to the legal fascist authorities as they had shown to the previous democratic governments. They expected the new, strong government to reestablish order and peace and to suppress violence. Through the parliament and personal interventions they tried to gain the right to preserve the national character of the Slovene and Croatian population as harmless for the Italian state. However, the assurances of the government and in particular of Mussolini about the "equal rights and equal duties" and about leaving the assimilation process to time were substituted a few weeks later by acts directed towards a forcible denationalization of the minority


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    Sulla base di fonti primarie d’archivio, l’autrice analizza la situazione politica venutasi a creare nel Litorale sloveno con il crollo della Monarchia asburgica. Nella parte slovena del Goriziano il potere passò nelle mani del Consiglio nazionale sloveno, a Gorizia si costitituì un Governo provvisorio italiano, mentre a Trieste il potere venne consegnato al Comitato di salute pubblica, che comprendeva anche i rappresentanti sloveni. Questo inviò una delegazione mista a Venezia a chiedere aiuto. Invece delle forze armate alleate, sbarcò a Trieste l’esercito italiano che per due anni inflisse alla regione un regime di occupazione militare.Na temelju primarnih arhivskih vrela, autorica analizira politi~ku situaciju koja je nastala u Primorju nakon pada Habsbur{ke monarhije. U slovenskom dijelu Gori~kog teritorija vlast je preuzeo Slovenski nacionalni savjet, u Gorici je utemeljena provizorna talijanska vlada, dok je u Trstu vlast predana Komitetu za javno zdravstvo u ~ijem su sastavu bili uklju~eni i slovenski predstavnici. Ovi posljednji su uputili mje{ovitu delegaciju u Veneciji tra‘e}i pomo}. U Trstu se umjesto savezni~kih vojnih snaga iskrcala Talijanska vojska koja je nametnula regiji re‘im vojne uprave tijekom dvije godine