70 research outputs found

    Recent progress in photonic processing of metal‐oxide transistors

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    Over the past few decades, significant progress has been made in the field of photonic processing of electronic materials using a variety of light sources. Several of these technologies have now been exploited in conjunction with emerging electronic materials as alternatives to conventional high temperature thermal annealing offering rapid manufacturing times and compatibility with temperature-sensitive substrate materials among other potential advantages. A review of recent advances in photonic processing paradigms of metal oxide thin film transistors (TFTs), is presented with particular emphasis on the use of various light source technologies for the photochemical and thermochemical conversion of precursor materials or post-deposition treatment of metal oxides and their application in thin-film electronics. The pros and cons of the different technologies are discussed in light of recent developments and prospective research in the field of modern large-area electronics is highlighted

    Cryogenic Physico-Geological Phenomena in Permafrost Regions

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    This translation is the sixth arranged by the Permafrost Subcommittee of the Associate Committee on Soil and Snow Mechanics of the National Research Council of the Russian permafrost publication, "Principles of Geocryology". This translation of Chapter XI by S.P. Kachurin reviews the physical conditions necessary for the formation of the surface features associated with deep seasonal freezing and permafrost. This is followed by a discussion of each of the types of features encountered in permafrost regions. The chapter concludes with a classification of the features according to form and origin.Ce document est la sixi\ue8me traduction consacr\ue9e \ue0 l'ouvrage russe intitul\ue9 Principes de g\ue9ocryologie, qui est demand\ue9e par le Sous-comit\ue9 du perg\ue9lisol du Comit\ue9 associ\ue9 de la m\ue9 canique des sols et de la neige du Conseil national de recherches Canada. Cette traduction du chapitre XI, \ue9crit pas S.P. Kachurin, passe en revue les conditions physiques n\ue9 cessaires aux ph\ue9nom\ue8nes de surface engendr\ue9s par la cong\ue9 lation saisonni\ue8re en profondeur et \ue0 la formation du perg\ue9 lisol. La suite est consacr\ue9e \ue0 une discussion de chaque type de ph\ue9nom\ue8ne rencontr\ue9 dans les r\ue9gions de perg\ue9lisol. Le chapitre se termine par une classification des ph\ue9nom\ue8nes d'apr\ue8s leur aspect et leur origine.Peer reviewed: NoNRC publication: Ye
