31 research outputs found

    Géochimie, minéralogie et sélection altérologique des argiles alluviales de la vallée du Nyong à Akonolinga (Cameroun) en vue de leur utilisation dans la production des briques cuites

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    Trois puits ont Ă©tĂ© ouverts dans la vallĂ©e du Nyong Ă  travers lesquels les Ă©chantillons d’argiles alluviales ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©coltĂ©s. Ces Ă©chantillons ont Ă©tĂ©  soumis Ă  l’analyse spectromĂ©trique de rayons X et la mĂ©thode « altĂ©rologique normative » a Ă©tĂ© mise en oeuvre en vue de leur sĂ©lection dans la  production des briques cuites. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus montrent que la silice (SiO2) est l’élĂ©ment le plus abondant suivie par l’alumine (Al2O3). Les  autres Ă©lĂ©ments majeurs (TiO2, FeO3, K2O, MnO, NiO, P2O5, CaO, Cr2O3) ont des concentrations insignifiantes. Les paramĂštres altĂ©rologiques  rĂ©vĂšlent que l’Indice de Lixiviation Potentielle (ILP) est important contrairement au DĂ©grĂ© Virtuel d’AltĂ©ration de la Roche (DVAR) qui est faible. Le  milieu est ouvert et faiblement indurĂ© car les valeurs de l’Indice de Confinement Potentiel (ICP) et de l’Indice d’Induration Potentielle (IIP) sont  faibles. L’application du protocole de selection normative aux matĂ©riaux de la vallĂ©e du Nyong, les a proscrits pour la fabrication des briques cuites. Cependant, en prenant soin de fabriquer les briques cuites avec l’argile saine (100 wt%) ou avec des faibles ajouts de sable (5, 10, 15 wt%), les  rĂ©sultats obtenus sont bons. In the Nyong valley, three wells were dug from which alluvial clay samples were collected. These samples were subjected to X-ray analysis and the  normative alterology” method was applied for their selection in the production of fired bricks. The results obtained show that silica (SiO2) is the  most abundant element followed by alumina (Al2O3). The other major elements (TiO2, FeO3, K2O, MnO, NiO, P2O5, CaO, Cr2O3) have insignificant  concentrations. The alterology parameters show that the Potential Leaching Index (PLI) is high in contrast to the Virtual Degree of Alteration of the  Rock (VDA) which is low. The environment is opened and weakly indurated as the Potential Containment Index (PCI) and Potential Induration Index  (PII) values are low. The application of the normative selection protocol to the Nyong Valley materials has prohibited them from being used for the  manufacture of fired bricks. However, if care is taken to make the fired bricks with 100% pure clay or with small amounts of sand (5%, 10%, 15%),  good results are obtained.&nbsp

    Water supply, sanitation and health risks in Douala, Cameroon

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    With a view to contribute to the hygiene condition and improvement in the urban zones of Cameroon, a survey was carried out in March 2007 among 1400  households with respect to the water supply, sanitation and health risks in seven quarters of spontaneous habitat of Douala town. It results from this study that the majority of participants were married (76%). The populations are supplied with of  water especially by CAMWATER network (49% of households) and wells (50% of  households). The majority of participants evacuate solid waste in public refuse vats (56% of households). Household’s wastewater is especially discharged around the houses (21% of households) and in rivers (20% of households). The companies  present in the quarters discharge their wastewater in the drains. 52% of households deposit their excrements in latrines. We noticed in these quarters a prevalence of residences made out of hard materials (43% of households). Cholera (88.5% of households), Diarrhoea (70% of households), Dysenteries (74% of households), Typhoid fever (72% of households), Malaria (32% of households) and skin diseases (76% of households) were the most frequent diseases. These results highlight problems for which, it would firstly be necessary to attack in the research of the  improvement strategies for hygiene conditions in the populations of an urban  environment.Key words: Environment, sanitation, water, diseases, Douala

    Chemical weathering intensity and rare earth elements release from a chlorite schist profile in a humid tropical area, Bengbis, Southern Cameroon

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Un profil d’altĂ©ration dĂ©veloppĂ© sur chloritoschistes de la zone de Bengbis (Sud Cameroun) a Ă©tĂ© choisi pour quantifier l’intensitĂ© de l’altĂ©ration et comprendre le comportement des terres rares. Les valeurs de l’indice d’altĂ©ration mafique combinĂ©es aux diagrammes ternaires du systĂšme Al – Fe – Mg – Ca – Na – K montrent que l’hydrolyse des feldspaths est proportionnelle Ă  celle des minĂ©raux mafiques (pertes en Mg), bien que l’hydrolyse des plagioclases (Ca, Na) soit plus intense que celle des minĂ©raux ferromagnĂ©siens. Les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s sont localisĂ©s dans le domaine de la kaolinitisation, Ă  l’exception des matĂ©riaux nodulaires qui sont lĂ©gĂšrement latritiss. La modification du comportement du Mg dans le milieu d’altĂ©ration s’exprime par les faibles valeurs du rapport Ca/Mg. Le potassium et Be sont lessivĂ©s dans le sol en association avec Mg. L’ordre de mobilitĂ© des Ă©lĂ©ments dans l’environnement d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ© est : Ca ≈ Na > Fe2+ ≈ Sr > Mg ≈ Co > Mn > Li > Ba > Rb > P > Cd > Ni > Si > Be > K > Sn. Les enrichissements en K, Cs et Be dans les saprolites sont liĂ©s Ă  la prĂ©sence d’illite. L’accumulation en Cs dans le sol est due Ă  la prĂ©sence de kaolinite. Le systĂšme le plus stable dans le milieu d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ© est : Hf – Nb – W – U. Les saprolites, les matĂ©riaux nodulaires et les matĂ©riaux argileux meubles superficiels sont appauvris en terres rares par rapport Ă  la roche mĂšre. Les terres rares prĂ©sentent trois types de comportement le long du profil d’altĂ©ration, comme l’indiquent les valeurs du rapport (La/Yb)N ((La/Yb)N < 1, (La/Yb)N ~ 1 et (La/Yb)N > 1). Les terres rares lĂ©gĂšres et les terres rares moyennes s’accumulent dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration pour des valeurs de pH comprises entre 5,5 et 5,6 et pour celles de Eh variant entre +60 et +70mV. L’ordre de mobilitĂ© de ces Ă©lĂ©ments dans ces matĂ©riaux est le suivant : terres rares moyennes > terres rares lourdes terres rares lĂ©gĂšres. Ce fait est contre-intuitif, car les terres lourdes sont plus mobiles dans les environnemenst supergĂšnes que les terres rares lĂ©gĂšres. L’adsorption ou la co-prĂ©cipitation de ces terres rares sur les oxydes de fer peut principalement contrĂŽler la concentration de ces Ă©lĂ©ments dans le profil d’altĂ©ration. Les faibles anomalies en Ce dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration de la zone de Bengbis, dues au changement de Ce3+ en Ce4+, sont probablement dues Ă  la prĂ©sence de faibles quantitĂ©s de rhabdophane. Les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s prĂ©sentent un fractionnement en Gd (Gd/Gd* ~0.70 – 0.84) dues Ă  une intense lixiviation. Ce fait a rarement Ă©tĂ© signalĂ© dans un environnement d’altĂ©ration latĂ©ritique. Il semble qu’une partie de la distribution et de la remobilisation du gadolinium soit contrĂŽlĂ©e par des minĂ©raux mafiques dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s. La distribution et la mobilisation des terres rares sont donc contrĂŽlĂ©es par (1) l’adsorption ou la coprĂ©cipitation dans les minĂ©raux mafiques et Fe, (2) et lĂ©gĂšrement par les minĂ©raux contenant des terres rares tels que le rhabdophane, rencontrĂ©s dans les matĂ©riaux d’altĂ©ration Ă©tudiĂ©s. Abstract An in situ weathering profile overlying chlorite schists in southern Cameroon was chosen to quantify chemical weathering intensity and to study the behaviour of rare earth elements (REE). Mafic index alteration values combined with the ternary diagrams of the Al – Fe – Mg – Ca – Na – K system show that the hydrolysis of feldspars is proportional to that of mafic minerals (losses in Mg), although the hydrolysis of the plagioclases (Ca, Na) is more intense than that of ferromagnesian minerals. The studied materials are localised in the domain of kaolinitisation, except for nodular materials which are slightly lateritised. The change in the behaviour of Mg in the weathering environment is expressed by the low values in Ca/Mg ratio. Potassium and Be are leached in the soil in association with Mg. The order of mobility of the elements in the weathering environment is: Ca ≈  Na > Fe2+ ≈ Sr > Mg ≈ Co > Mn > Li > Ba > Rb > P > Cd > Ni > Si > Be > K > Sn. The enrichments in K, Cs and Be in saprolites are linked to the presence of illite. Cesium accumulation in the soil is due to the presence of kaolinite. The most stable system is: Hf – Nb – W – U. Saprolites, nodular and loose clayey materials are depleted in REE relative to the parent rock. REE exhibit three types of behaviour along the Bengbis profile like indicated by (La/Yb)N ratio values ((La/Yb)N < 1, (La/Yb)N ~ 1 and (La/Yb)N > 1). Light REE and Middle REE accumulate in the weathering materials for pH values ranging between 5.5 and 5.6 and for those of Eh varying between +60 and +70mV. The order of mobility of REE in these horizons is: Middle REE > Heavy REE ≈ Light REE. This fact is counter-intuitive, because Heavy REE are more mobile in supergene environment than Light REE. Adsorption or co-precipitation of LREE onto Fe oxides mainly may control the concentration of these elements in the profile. Weak Ce anomalies in the weathering materials of Bengbis area, due to the change in Ce3+ to Ce4+, are probably due to the presence of low amounts in rhabdophane. The studied weathering materials show a fractionation in Gd (Gd/Gd* ~0.70 – 0.84) due to intense chemical leaching. This fact has been rarely reported in lateritic weathering environment. It appears that, a part of Gd distribution and remobilization is controlled by mafic minerals in the studied weathered materials. REE distribution and mobilization are thus controlled by (1) adsorption or co-precipitation in mafic and Fe minerals, (2) and slightly by REE-bearing minerals such as rhabdophane found in the studied weathering profile. &nbsp

    Regards Croises sur l\'Alteration Supergene des Roches Aluminosilicatees de la Lithosphere et Convergences

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    The head lines of two different characterization methods relating to the evolution of lithospheric aluminosilicated rocks, under the action of meteoric agents, are hereby presented. The traditional method proceeds through different approaches among which is that of balances referring to the original rock by the means of unvarying items. The normative alterology, through which the evolution of rocks is quantified referring to the final stage of the evolution, starts from the constitution of a virtual mineralogical composition and ends up at the determination of the so called alterological parameters. The actual and virtual mineralogical compositions, on which are founded these two characterization methods, are statistically compared by the mean of linear regression, concerning namely rock samples collected from tropical regions. This leads to the statement of a satisfactory results convergence. These two characterization methods or these two crossed considerations concerning the same reality, the first one being turned towards the origin and the second one towards the end of the evolution process, instead of excluding each other, are complementary. Key words: Weathering – Mineralogical and progressive characterizations – Weathering balance – Normative alterology – Convergence. RĂ©sumĂ© Les grandes lignes de deux modes diffĂ©rents de caractĂ©risation de l\'Ă©volution des roches aluminosilicatĂ©es de la lithosphĂšre sous l\'action des agents mĂ©tĂ©oriques sont prĂ©sentĂ©es. Le mode traditionnel procĂšde par diverses approches parmi lesquelles, celle des bilans effectuĂ©s par reference Ă  la roche originelle, Ă  l\'aide d\'invariants. L\'altĂ©rologie normative part de l\'Ă©tablissement d\'une composition minĂ©ralogique virtuelle pour aboutir Ă  la dĂ©termination de paramĂštres dits altĂ©rologiques. L\'Ă©volution des roches y est quantifiĂ©e par rĂ©fĂ©rence au stade final. Les comparaisons statistiques par rĂ©gression linĂ©aire des compositions minĂ©ralogiques rĂ©elles et virtuelles sur lesquelles s\'appuient les deux modes de caractĂ©risation, pour les matĂ©riaux prĂ©levĂ©s en zones inter- et pĂ©ritropicales en particulier, permettent de constater que la convergence des rĂ©sultats est satisfaisante. Les deux modes de caractĂ©risation ou les deux regards croisĂ©s sur une mĂȘme rĂ©alitĂ©, le premier Ă©tant tournĂ© vers l\'origine et le second vers le devenir, loin de s\'exclure, se complĂštent. Mots clĂ©s: AltĂ©ration mĂ©tĂ©orique – Bilans d\'altĂ©ration – AltĂ©rologie normative – Convergence. (Af. J. of Science and Technology: 2003 4(1): 10-31

    The normative alterology, an efficient and helpful decision making tool for the multiform valorization of weathered rock materials of tropical countries

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    The evolution of lithospheric aluminosilicate-bearing rocks under the action of meteoric agents can be characterized, either by the means of the traditional and litho-dependent procedure, which uses mass balances done by reference to the supposedly homogeneous original rock with the help of invariant items, or while using the normative alterology, which is not litho-dependent, has no invariant item, exploits the chemical composition in major elements and determines alterological parameters, through interposed virtual mineralogical composition, namely those quantifiedby reference to the hypothetical final evolution stage of aluminosilicates. These two looks, crossing on a same reality, are turned, the first one toward the origin and the second one toward the future of the examined materials. Statistical comparisons of real and virtual mineralogical compositions which the two characterization ways lean on, show a satisfactory convergence. The examination of eligible features in the choice of clayey materials, usable on the one hand in industries ofbuilding, fine ceramics and refractory wares, and on the second hand to produce rubber, paper, paint and plastics, shows a qualitative gradation with regard to mineralogical composition. The normative alterology, applied on materials collected from regions between and around the tropics, appears then to be an appropriate and helpful tool for the selection decision.Key words: Meteoric alteration - Weathering mass balance - Normative alterology - Convergence - Clay materials - Building materials - Fine ceramics - Refractory wares - Rubber - Paper - Paint - Plastic

    Macrophytes and water quality of the Nkoup River System (Foumbot, Cameroon)

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    No Abstract.Journal of the Cameroon Academy of Sciences Vol. 7 (2) 2007: pp. 59-7

    Caractérisation des dépÎts argileux de Nanga-Eboko (Centre Cameroun):Aptitude dans la production des briques cuites

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    Cette Ă©tude entre dans le cadre de la valorisation des argiles industrielles du Cameroun avec pour perspective la mise sur pied des unitĂ©s de production industrielles des matĂ©riaux de construction (Briques et tuiles cuites). Ainsi, dans ce travail, nous avions Ă  estimĂ© Ă  9-12)x105 m3 la quantitĂ© d’argile que regorge la localitĂ© Nanga-Eboko (RĂ©gion du Centre Cameroun). Sur le plan chimique, l’argile contient: ~70% silice, ~ 12% alumine, ~ 7% fer) et sur le plan minĂ©ralogique :~ 40-60% kaolinite, ~20-25% quartz et illite ~12% Feldspath et smectite sont prĂ©sents (9 et 5% resp.). L'observation microscopique et l’IR montrent des formes irrĂ©guliĂšres de kaolinite mal cristallisĂ©e, caractĂ©ristique des argiles d'origine sĂ©dimentaire. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s des briques (800-1100°C) montrent un retrait linĂ©aire Ă©levĂ© (3-11%), un taux d'absorption d'eau faible (17-8%) et des valeurs de compression (11-50 Mpa). Au vu de la plasticitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e (24%) de ces argiles, de leurs particules fines (70%, l'ajout de dĂ©graissant (sable ou latĂ©rite) est nĂ©cessaire pour une bonne optimisation du mĂ©lange afin d'avoir un produit fini de qualitĂ© pour la construction de bĂątiments

    Mineralogical Transformation and Microstructure of the alluvial clays firing

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    Caractérisation et valorisation des argiles de Foumban (Ouest CCameroon