21 research outputs found


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    This study, which aims to reveal the views of Pre-service Teachers in Turkey about cultural sensitivity concepts defined as seeing the mother culture as superior to other cultures, ethnocentrism and respecting other cultures, was designed with a relational screening model among quantitative research methods. The study was conducted in the 2017-2018 academic year, and 512 students participated in the study voluntarily. The data collected through the personal information form, ethnocentrism and cultural sensitivity scales as a result of the analyses, it was found between the mean scores of ethnocentrism and cultural sensitivity differed significantly according to the students’ gender and having friends from different countries and/or cultures, and that cultural sensitivity differed significantly according to religiousness levels. While a negative, moderate and significant relationship was found between the views of Pre-service Teachers in Turkey about ethnocentrism and cultural sensitivity, it was found between ethnocentrism significantly predicts cultural sensitivity.  Article visualizations


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    Coronavirus (CoV) (2019‐nCoV) is a large, enveloped, positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus. The abnormal outbreak of 2019‐nCoV in Wuhan warns of the risk of CoV (2019‐nCoV) to public health which causes viral pneumonia outbreak. In our review, we will discuss the biology of CoVs and the potential risk of the novel CoV (2019‐nCoV) and guide us to strategic objectives for controlling the virus


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    Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a tropical disease caused by infection with the parasitic filarial worms: Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and Brugia timori. The symptoms of this chronic disease appear in adults (in men more than in women) and include damage to the lymphatic system, arms, legs, and genitals, which cause significant pain, reducing productivity, and social problems. LF is a cause of continued disability, pain, disfigurement, and sexual disability in the world, so the knowledge of the disease and the infection control is very important. In addition to the importance of prevention, that includes giving medicine and using controlling ways of mosquitoes. Moreover, the prevention of disease is important, that includes giving medicine and using controlling ways of mosquitoes. However, although the efforts of health organizations to reduce the LF infections, there are still many challenges including the early diagnosis and control of infection among people

    A Study on the Prediction of the Teaching Profession Attitudes by Communication Skills and Professional Motivation

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    This study aims to investigate the prediction of the attitudes regarding teaching profession by the communication skills and professional motivation of pedagogical formation students. 261 pre-service teachers receiving pedagogical formation training Istanbul at a private university in the 2014-2015 academic year were included in the research as the study group. The personal information form developed by the researcher, motivation levels scale of pre-service teachers on teaching profession, teaching profession attitude scale and communication skills assessment scale were used in order to collect data. As a result of the study, it was found out that the attitudes of pedagogical formation students towards teaching profession do not vary significantly by gender, age, marital status, having a stable income, education level, regular works and training level, while the attitude towards the teaching profession varies by the bachelor’s program graduated from, the reason for choosing teaching profession and the type of the university graduated from. Communication skills and professional motivation levels we are significantly correlated with the attitudes of the student teachers taking pedagogical formation.  The two variables in question explain 21 percent of the total variance in the attitude towards teaching profession

    Türkiye’nin Güneydoğu Akdeniz Sahillerindeki Kızıldeniz Göçmeni Sargocentron rubrum (Forsskal, 1775)’un Balık Boy ve Otolit Boyutları Arasındaki İlişkiler

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    In the present study, sampling was monthly collected from commercial fishing longline boats operating in the southeastern Mediterranean Sea (Arsuz coast) during September 2017-April 2018 and the relationship between fish length and otolith dimensions (length, width and weight) of 151 redcoat samples were examined. Right otolith pairs were used for calculations since there were no statistical differences between left and right otoliths (P>0.05). Total fish lengths of all samples ranged from between 11.4-21.0 cm. Otolith lengths and otolith widths were calculated between 0.35-0.86 cm and 0.26-0.56 cm for all samples. Otolith weights were determined between 0.010-0.059 g. Total fish length-otolith length, total fish length-otolith width and total fish length-otolith weight relationships were determined as OL= 0.0512TL+0.186 (r2=0.865), OWi= 0.0255TL+0.0021 (r2=0.825) and OW= 0.00002TL2.678 (r2=0.936) on the total of 151 specimens, respectively. Linear relationships between total fish length-otolith length and total fish length-otolith width were found in all fish. The results of study will have new contributions to the field and useful to fisheries management.Bu çalışmada, Eylül 2017-Nisan 2018 dönemlerinde Güneydoğu Akdeniz'de (Arsuz kıyılarında) faaliyet gösteren ticari balıkçı parekete teknelerinden aylık olarak örneklenen 151 adet Kıızkdeniz göçmeni Hindistan balığı bireylerinin balık boyu ve otolit boyutları (uzunluk, genişlik, ağırlık) arasındaki ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Sağ ve sol otolitler arasında istatistiksel fark bulunmadığından, hesaplamalarda sağ otolit çiftleri kullanıldı (P> 0.05). Tüm örneklerin toplam balık uzunlukları 11.4-21.0 cm arasında değişmiştir. Tüm örnekler için otolit uzunlukları ve otolit genişlikleri 0.35-0.86 cm ile 0.26-0.56 cm arasında hesaplandı. Otolit ağırlıkları ise 0.010-0.059 g olarak belirlendi. Toplam balık boyu-otolit uzunluğu, toplam balık boyu-otolit genişliği ve toplam balık boyu-otolit ağırlık ilişkisi sırasıyla, toplam 151 örnek üzerinde; OL = 0.0512xTL + 0.186 (r2 = 0.865), OWi = 0.0255xTL + 0.0021 (r2 = 0.825), OW = 0.00002xTL2.678 (r2 = 0.9366) olarak belirlendi. Tüm balıklarda toplam balık boyu-otolit uzunluğu ve toplam balık boyu-otolit genişliği arasında doğrusal ilişki bulunmuştur. Çalışmanın sonuçları, alana yeni katkılar sağlayacak ve balıkçılık yönetimine faydalı olacaktır

    25.1 High Efficiency Monolithic Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cell with a High Bandgap Perovskite Absorber

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    Monolithic perovskite silicon tandem solar cells can overcome the theoretical efficiency limit of silicon solar cells. This requires an optimum bandgap, high quantum efficiency, and high stability of the perovskite. Herein, a silicon heterojunction bottom cell is combined with a perovskite top cell, with an optimum bandgap of 1.68 amp; 8201;eV in planar p i n tandem configuration. A methylammonium free FA0.75Cs0.25Pb I0.8Br0.2 3 perovskite with high Cs content is investigated for improved stability. A 10 molarity increase to 1.1 amp; 8201;m of the perovskite precursor solution results in amp; 8776;75 amp; 8201;nm thicker absorber layers and 0.7 amp; 8201;mA amp; 8201;cm amp; 8722;2 higher short circuit current density. With the optimized absorber, tandem devices reach a high fill factor of 80 and up to 25.1 certified efficiency. The unencapsulated tandem device shows an efficiency improvement of 2.3 absolute over 5 amp; 8201;months, showing the robustness of the absorber against degradation. Moreover, a photoluminescence quantum yield analysis reveals that with adapted charge transport materials and surface passivation, along with improved antireflection measures, the high bandgap perovskite absorber has the potential for 30 tandem efficiency in the near futur


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    This review highlights the Zika virus which is considered a global concern due to its rapid pandemic potential and effect on humans, and according to its pandemic status, the World Health Organization declared on February 2016 it as a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern.” Therefore, we define the epidemiology of Zika virus in addition to its pathogenesis, diagnostic techniques, and treatment