6 research outputs found

    Median sinirin oluşum varyasyonlarının incelenmesi

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    &Ouml;ZET Ama&ccedil;: &nbsp; &nbsp; Bu &ccedil;al&yacute;&thorn;mada, kol seviyesinde median sinirin olu&thorn;um varyasyonlar&yacute;n&yacute; belirlemek amac&yacute;yla yap&yacute;ld&yacute;. Hastalar ve Y&ouml;ntem: &nbsp; &nbsp; Bu ama&ccedil;la aksilla ve kol seviyesinde 30 kadavran&yacute;n median sinirlerinin olu&thorn;umlar&yacute;, klasik diseksiyon y&ouml;ntemi ile a&ccedil;&yacute;l&yacute;p incelendi. Bulgular: &nbsp; &nbsp; Median sinir varyasyonu 30 olgunun 7&rsquo;sinde g&ouml;r&uuml;ld&uuml;.Varyasyonlu median sinirler &uuml;&ccedil; k&ouml;k&uuml;n birle&thorn;mesi ile olu&thorn;uyordu. K&ouml;klerden biri fasciculus medialis&rsquo;ten, di&eth;eri fasciculus lateralis&rsquo;ten, bir di&eth;eri ya do&eth;rudan fasciculus lateralis&rsquo;ten veya musculocutaneus sinir yoluyla fasciculus lateralis&rsquo;ten geliyordu. Varyasyonlu yedi olgunun be&thorn;inde &uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;nc&uuml; k&ouml;k distalde fasciculus lateralis&rsquo;ten do&eth;up burada median sinirle birle&thorn;iyordu. Di&eth;er iki olguda &uuml;&ccedil;&uuml;nc&uuml; k&ouml;k fasciculus lateralis&rsquo;ten, ancak musculocutaneous sinirin olu&thorn;umundan sonra distalde, buradan gelen dallardan olu&thorn;arak median sinirle birle&thorn;iyordu. Sonu&ccedil;: &nbsp; &nbsp; Aksillar b&ouml;lge ve kol seviyesinde yap&yacute;lacak cerrahi m&uuml;dahalelerde bu varyasyonlar&yacute;n bilinmesi &ouml;nem arzetmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler &nbsp; &nbsp; : Median Sinir, Varyasyon. SUMMARY FORMATION VARIATIONS OF MEDIAN NERVE Purpose: &nbsp; &nbsp; The aim of this study is determining anomalous formations of the median nerve in the arm. Patients and Methods: &nbsp; &nbsp; For this purpose, the course of the median nerve was investigated in the arms of 30 adults cadavers. Results: &nbsp; &nbsp; Median nerves of 30 cadavers were inspected with classical dissection method from the level of axilla to the arm. Anatomic variations of the median nerve were detected in 7 cadavers. In these cadavers the median nerves were formed by the fusion of three roots; one of them coming from the medial fascicle, one from the lateral fascicle, and one from the lateral fascicle either directly or through the musculocutaneous nerve. In five of seven cadavers with variation, the third root arose from the lateral fascicle and was joined to the median nerve at the distal level. In the remaining two cases, the third root arose from the branches coming from the lateral fascicle and joined to the median nerve distal to the origination of the musculocutaneous nerve. Conclusion: &nbsp; &nbsp; The anatomic variations of the median nerve must be kept in mind to avoid mistakes in surgical operations of the axillary region and the arm. Key Words: &nbsp; &nbsp; Median Nerve, Variation. &nbsp; &nbsp;</p