134 research outputs found

    Estimation og forudsigelse af rejsetider ved brug af TRIM data

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    Motorvejsnettet omkring København er i dag udstyret med müleudstyr i form af induktionsspoler, hvorfra der indsamles oplysninger om bl.a. antallet af køretøjer og gennemsnitshastighed, de sükaldte TRIM data. Fra disse data beregnes rejsetider pü givne strÌkninger, og denne information sendes ud via Danmarks Radio, Sky Radio, og Internettet pü websiden trafikken.dk. Disse prognoser er baseret pü en aggregering og beregning udført pü TRIM data. Projektets sigte er at udvikle statistiske metoder til at identificere køretøj ud fra TRIM data pü enkeltkøretøjsniveau og dermed estimere rejsetider mellem spoler direkte. Süfremt de enkelte rejsetider kan estimeres, vil det vÌre muligt at validere nøjagtigheden af de eksisterende prognoser. Samtidig vil en identifikation pü enkeltkøretøjsniveau give mulighed for estimation af variationen i rejsetider. For at validere nøjagtigheden af de statistiske metoder afprøves identifikation og prognosemodeller pü süvel TRIM data som simulerede data fra mikrosimulationsprogrammet VISSIM. Endelig udvikles statistiske prognosemodeller, som alternativ til eksisterende prognosemodeller i TRIM systemet

    High Body Mass Index in Adolescent Girls Precedes Psoriasis Hospitalization

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    Psoriasis is associated with being overweight, but the temporal relationship is not known. This historical cohort study tested whether severe psoriasis resulting in hospitalization in adulthood was preceded by excess increase in age-adjusted body mass index, a known risk factor in childhood for being overweight in adulthood. The study cohort was based on the Copenhagen School Health Records Register, birth years 1930 to 1984 (309,152 schoolchildren). Cases were found through the Danish National Patient Register for the period 1977 to 2001. A total of 1074 (0.36%) of the schoolchildren were identified as having psoriasis, with at least one hospital admission. Multivariate analysis demonstrated an association between excess increase in body mass index and psoriasis in females only. Being overweight in adolescence was the main factor behind this observation. The female group showed a significant association between psoriasis and body mass index at ages 12 (p=0.028) and 13 years (p=0.010). This was not the case for males or for body mass index measured at ages 11 years and below

    Evaluation of a digital method to assess evening meal intake in a free-living adult population

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    Background: In recent years new applications of technologies, including digital images, to capture dietary behaviour in real time have been explored. Objectives: To validate a digital method for estimating evening meal intake in a free-living adult population, and to examine the feasibility of the method for recording evening meal intake over a prolonged period of time. Design: The digital method was compared against weighed records of 19 participants’ usual evening meals for five consecutive days. Two trained image analysts independently estimated the weight of individual foods within the meals into major food categories, and the nutrient content was calculated. A second study included interviews with 28 participants recording their evening meals on weekdays for three consecutive weeks to get their perspective on the feasibility of the method. Results: High correlation coefficients between the digital method and weighed records were found for all measured food categories and nutrients. Comparable means and acceptable limits of agreement (mean difference +/− 2 SD) were found with regard to macronutrient distribution (e.g. fat content −5 to 6 E%), energy density (−75 to 91 kJ/100 g), and energy-adjusted foods (e.g. fruit and vegetable content −241 to 236 g/10 MJ). The majority of the participants expressed satisfaction with the method and were willing to record their evening meals for 1 month or more using the digital method. Conclusion: The digital method is valid and feasible for evening meal estimation in real-time where a prolonged recording period of participants’ meals is needed
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