163 research outputs found

    Using Simulated Micrometeoroid Impacts to Understand the Progressive Space Weathering of the Surface of Mercury

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    The surfaces of airless bodies such as Mercury are continually modified by space weathering, which is driven by micrometeoroid impacts and solar wind irradiation. Space weathering alters the chemical composition, microstructure, and spectral properties of surface regolith. In lunar and ordinarychondritic style space weathering, these processes affect the reflectance properties by darkening (lowering of reflectance), reddening (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength), and attenuation of characteristic absorption features. These optical changes are driven by the production of nanophase Febearing particles (npFe). While our understanding of these alteration processes has largely been based on data from the Moon and near-Earth S-type asteroids, the space weathering environment at Mercury is much more extreme. The surface of Mercury experiences a more intense solar wind flux and higher velocity micrometeoroid impacts than its planetary counterparts at 1 AU. Additionally, the composition of Mercurys surface varies significantly from that of the Moon. Most notably, a very low albedo unit has been identified on Mercurys surface, known as the low reflectance material (LRM). This unit is enriched with up to 4 wt.% carbon, likely in the form of graphite, over the local mean. In addition, the surface concentration of Fe across Mercurys surface is low (<2 wt.%) compared to the Moon. Our understanding of how these low-Fe and carbon phases are altered as a result of space weathering processes is limited. Since Fe plays a critical role in the development of space weathering features on other airless surfaces (e.g., npFe), its limited availability on Mercury may strongly affect the space weathering features in surface materials. In order to understand how space weathering affects the chemical, microstructural, and optical properties of the surface of Mercury, we can simulate these processes in the laboratory [7]. Here we used pulsed laser irradiation to simulate the short duration, high temperature events associated with micrometeoroid impacts. We used forsteritic olivine, likely present on the Mercurian surface, with varying FeO contents, each mixed with graphite, in our experiments. We then performed reflectance spectroscopy and electron microscopy to investigate the spectral, chemical, and microstructural changes in these samples

    The Alphavirus 3′-Nontranslated Region: Size Heterogeneity and Arrangement of Repeated Sequence Elements

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    AbstractThe 3′-nontranslated region (NTR) of representative strains of all known alphavirus species was amplified by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction. For 23 of them, the 3′-NTR sequence was determined. Together with previously published data, this allowed an analysis of the 3′-NTR of the viruses in the genus Alphavirus. The length of the 3′-NTRs varied from 77 nt for Pixuna virus to 609 nt for Bebaru virus. The 19-nt conserved sequence element directly adjacent to the poly(A) tract was found in all viruses, supporting the hypothesis that this region is acis-acting sequence element during viral replication and essential for virus growthin vitro. Within the 3′-NTR of all alphaviruses, repeated sequence elements of various numbers and lengths were found. Their composition was very consistent in both the Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) and the Sindbis-like viruses, although their number was constant only within the latter group. For the VEE viruses, our data suggested that insertion events rather than deletions from an ancestor with a long 3′-NTR created the various number of repeated sequence elements. Among the remaining viruses, both the number and the composition of repeated sequence elements varied remarkedly

    Apatite-Melt Partitioning at 1 Bar: An Assessment of Apatite-Melt Exchange Equilibria Resulting from Non-Ideal Mixing of F and Cl in Apatite

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    The mineral apatite [Ca5(PO4)3(F,Cl,OH)] is present in a wide range of planetary materials. Due to the presence of volatiles within its crystal structure (X-site), many recent studies have attempted to use apatite to constrain the volatile contents of planetary magmas and mantle sources. In order to use the volatile contents of apatite to precisely determine the abundances of volatiles in coexisting silicate melt or fluids, thermodynamic models for the apatite solid solution and for the apatite components in multi-component silicate melts and fluids are required. Although some thermodynamic models for apatite have been developed, they are incomplete. Furthermore, no mixing model is available for all of the apatite components in silicate melts or fluids, especially for F and Cl components. Several experimental studies have investigated the apatite-melt and apatite-fluid partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH in terrestrial and planetary systems, which have determined that apatite-melt partitioning of volatiles are best described as exchange equilibria similar to Fe-Mg partitioning between olivine and silicate melt. However, McCubbin et al. recently reported that the exchange coefficients may vary in portions of apatite compositional space where F, Cl, and OH do not mix ideally in apatite. In particular, solution calorimetry data of apatite compositions along the F-Cl join exhibit substantial excess enthalpies of mixing. In the present study, we conducted apatite-melt partitioning experiments in evacuated, sealed silica-glass tubes at approximately 1 bar and 950-1050 degrees Centigrade on a synthetic Martian basalt composition equivalent to the basaltic shergottite Queen Alexandria Range (QUE) 94201. These experiments were conducted dry, at low pressure, to assess the effects of temperature and apatite composition on the partitioning behavior of F and Cl between apatite and basaltic melt along the F-Cl apatite binary join, where there is non-ideal mixing of F and Cl in apatite

    Meteorite Dust and Health - A Novel Approach for Determining Bulk Compositions for Toxicological Assessments of Precious Materials

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    With the resurgence of human curiosity to explore planetary bodies beyond our own, comes the possibility of health risks associated with the materials covering the surface of these planetary bodies. In order to mitigate these health risks and prepare ourselves for the eventuality of sending humans to other planetary bodies, toxicological evaluations of extraterrestrial materials is imperative (Harrington et al. 2017). Given our close proximity, as well as our increased datasets from various missions (e.g., Apollo, Mars Exploration Rovers, Dawn, etc), the three most likely candidates for initial human surface exploration are the Moon, Mars, and asteroid 4Vesta. Seven samples, including lunar mare basalt NWA 4734, lunar regolith breccia NWA 7611, martian basalt Tissint, martian regolith breccia NWA 7034, a vestian basalt Berthoud, a vestian regolith breccia NWA 2060, and a terrestrial mid-ocean ridge basalt, were examined for bulk chemistry, mineralogy, geochemical reactivity, and inflammatory potential. In this study, we have taken alliquots from these samples, both the fresh samples and those that underwent iron leaching (Tissint, NWA 7034, NWA 4734, MORB), and performed low pressure, high temperature melting experiments to determine the bulk composition of the materials that were previously examined

    Making Mercury's Core with Light Elements

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    Recent results obtained from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging spacecraft showed the surface of Mercury has low FeO abundances (less than 2 wt%) and high S abundances (approximately 4 wt%), suggesting the oxygen fugacity of Mercury's surface materials is somewhere between 3 to 7 log10 units below the IW buffer. The highly reducing nature of Mercury has resulted in a relatively thin mantle and a large core that has the potential to exhibit an exotic composition in comparison to the other terrestrial planets. This exotic composition may extend to include light elements (e.g., Si, C, S). Furthermore, has argued for a possible primary floatation crust on Mercury composed of graphite, which may require a core that is C-saturated. In order to investigate mercurian core compositions, we conducted piston cylinder experiments at 1 GPa, from 1300 C to 1700 C, using a range of starting compositions consisting of various Si-Fe metal mixtures (Si5Fe95, Si10Fe90, Si22Fe78, and Si35Fe65). All metals were loaded into graphite capsules used to ensure C-saturation during the duration of each experimental run. Our experiments show that Fe-Si metallic alloys exclude carbon relative to more Fe-rich metal. This exclusion of carbon commences within the range of 5 to 10 wt% Si. These results indicate that if Mercury has a Si-rich core (having more than approximately 5 wt% silicon), it would have saturated in carbon at low C abundances allowing for the possible formation of a graphite floatation crust as suggested by. These results have important implications for the thermal and magmatic evolution of Mercury

    Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposures - Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond

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    This year marks the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11, the first time humans set foot on the Moon. The Apollo missions not only help answer questions related to our solar system, they also highlight many hazards associated with human space travel. One major concern is the effect of extraterrestrial dust on astronaut health. In an effort to expand upon previous work indicating lunar dust is respirable and reactive, the authors initiated an extensive study evaluating the role of a particulates innate geochemical features (e.g., bulk chemistry, internal composition, morphology, size, and reactivity) in generating adverse toxicological responses in vitro and in vivo. To allow for a broader planetary and geochemical assessment, seven samples were evaluated: six meteorites from either the Moon, Mars, or Asteroid 4 Vesta and a terrestrial basalt analogue. Even with the relatively small geochemical differences (all samples basaltic in nature), significant difference in cardiopulmonary inflammatory markers developed in both single exposure and multiple exposure studies. More specifically: 1) the single exposure studies reveal relationships between toxicity and a meteorite samples origin, its pre-ejected state (weathered versus un-weathered), and geochemical features (e.g. bulk iron content) and 2) multiple exposure studies reveal a correlation with particle derived reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation and neutrophil infiltration. Extended human exploration will further increase the probability of inadvertent and repeated exposures to extraterrestrial dusts. This comprehensive dataset allows for not only the toxicological evaluation of extraterrestrial materials but also clarifies important correlations between geochemistry and health. The utilization of an array of extraterrestrial samples from Moon, Mars, and asteroid 4Vesta will enable the development of a geochemical based toxicological hazard model that can be used for: 1) mission planning, 2) rapid risk assessment in cases of unexpected exposures, and 3) evaluation of the efficacy of various in situ techniques in gauging surface dust toxicity. Furthermore, by better understanding the importance of geochemical features on exposure related health outcomes in space, it is possible to better understand of the deleterious nature of dust exposure on Earth

    Assessing the Behavior of Typically Lithophile Elements Under Highly Reducing Conditions Relevant to the Planet Mercury

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    With the data returned from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (lvtESSENGER) mission, there are now numerous constraints on the physical and chemical properties of Mercury, including its surface composition. The high S and low FeO contents observed from MESSENGER suggest a low oxygen fugacity of the present materials on the planet's surface. Most of our understanding of elemental partitioning behavior comes from observations made on terrestrial rocks, but Mercury's oxygen fugacity is far outside the conditions of those samples, estimated at approximately 3-7 log units below the Iron-Wustite (lW) oxygen buffer, several orders of magnitude more reducing than other terrestrial bodies we have data from. With limited oxygen available, lithophile elements may instead exhibit chalcophile, halophile, or siderophile behaviors. Furthermore, very few natural samples of rocks that formed under reducing conditions (e.g., enstatite chondrites, achondrites, aubrites) are available in our collections for examination of this change in geochemical affinity. Our goal is to determine the elemental partitioning behavior of typically lithophile elements at lower oxygen fugacity as a function of temperature and pressure. Experiments were conducted at I GPa in a 13 mm QUICKpress piston cylinder and at 4 GPa in an 880-ton multi-anvil press, at temperatures up to 1850 C. The composition of starting materials for the experiments were designed so the final run products contained metal, silicate melt, and sulfide melt phases. Oxygen fugacity was controlled in the experiments by adding silicon metal to the samples, in order to utilize the Si-Si02 buffer, which is approx. 5 log units more reducing than the IW buffer at our temperatures of interest. The target silicate melt composition was diopside (CaMgSi206) because measured surface compositions indicate partial melting of a pyroxene-rich mantle. The results of our experiments will aid in our understanding of the fate of elements during the differentiation and thermal evolution of Mercury and other highly reducing planetary bodies

    Understanding the Space Weathering of Mercury via Simulation of Micrometeorite Impacts

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    Space weathering alters the surfaces of airless planetary bodies via irradiation from the solar wind and micrometeorite impacts. These processes modify the microstructure, chemical composition, and spectral properties of surface materials, typically resulting in the reddening (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength), darkening (reducing albedo), and attenuation of characteristic absorption features in reflectance spectra. In lunar samples, these changes in optical properties are driven by the production of reduced nanophase Fe particles (npFe). Our understanding of space weathering has largely been based on data from the Moon and, more recently, near-Earth S-type asteroids. However, the environment at Mercury is significantly different, with the surface experiencing intense solar wind irradiation and higher velocity micrometeorite impacts. Additionally, the composition of Mercurys surface varies significantly from that of the Moon, including a component with very low albedo known as low reflectance material (LRM) which is enriched with up to 4 wt.% carbon over the local mean. Our understanding of how carbon phases, including graphite, are altered as a result of these processes is limited

    Stability of Actinolite on Venus

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    Venus currently has a hostile surface environment with temperatures of ~460 C, pres-sures near 92 bars, and an atmosphere composed of super critical CO2 hosting a myriad of other potentially reactive gases (e.g., SO2, HCl, HF). However, it has been proposed that its surface may not have always been so harsh. Models suggest there may have been billions of years of clement conditions allowing an Earth-like environment with liquid water oceans. If such conditions existed, it is possible Venus formed a similar array of hydrous or aqueous minerals as seen on other planets with liquid surface water (e.g., Mars, Earth). Based on thermodynamic modeling, many of these phases would not be stable under the current atmospheric conditions on Venus, dehydrating due to the high temperatures and low concentration of H2O in the atmosphere. However, the rate of decomposition of these phases may allow them to remain present on the surface over geologic time. For example, experiments on the reaction rate of tremolite (Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2) show a 50% decomposition time of 2.7 Gyr for micrometer sized grains in unreactive atmospheres (i.e., without SO2) at 740 K, and a 50% decomposition time of 70 Gyr for crystals several millimeters to centimeters in size. If hydrous minerals can remain on the surface of Venus over geologic time, it has implications for our detection of evidence of these past environments, and also for the overall water budget of the planet. If after surficial dehydration the planet was able to still store water in its crust, possible processes such as subduction or metamorphism could still have operated using stored water long after liquid surface water evaporated. Several previous studies have focused on experimental investigations of mineral stability on Venus. In particular, the works of studied the decomposition rate of tremolite under conditions relevant to Venus. As their focus was on decomposition of the mineral due to lack of water in the atmosphere, their experiments were undertaken using only CO2 or N2 gas at atmospheric pressure. Re-cent experiments have examined reactivity of other minerals with the Venusian atmosphere using more complex gas compositions at similar pressures to those seen on Venus. These studies show reaction of silicate minerals with atmospheric components on relatively short timescales (i.e., on the order of days). The reported reactions of silicate materials in both studies produced iron oxides, Ca sulfates, and Na sulfates. These ions are present in many amphiboles, and Ca was proposed by Johnson and Fegley to potentially have an important role in the decomposition mechanism for tremolite, with the Ca-O bond being the first to break during decomposition. The potential involvement of Ca in both processes raises the question of whether or not the reaction to form a secondary mineral phase will influence the rate of amphibole break-down (e.g., discussion in for tremolite). Additionally, reaction of Ca with atmospheric gases may result in a different secondary mineral assemblage than simple amphibole decomposition, which will need to be recognized when searching for evidence of past hydrated minerals on the Venusian surface. In order to understand the effect of this reaction on the overall preservation potential of amphibole on the surface of Venus, we are conducting experiments in both reactive and nonreactive atmospheres using the mineral actinolite (Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2), an amphibole with similar crystal structure to tremolite that contains both Ca and Fe

    Experimental Constraints on the Partitioning Behavior of F, Cl, and OH Between Apatite and Basaltic Melt

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    The mineral apatite is present in a wide range of planetary materials. The presence of volatiles (F, Cl, and OH) within its crystal structure (X-site) have motivated numerous studies to investigate the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt with the end goal of using apatite to constrain the volatile contents of planetary magmas and mantle sources. A number of recent experimental studies have investigated the apatite-melt partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH in magmatic systems. Apatite-melt partitioning of volatiles are best described as exchange equilibria similar to Fe-Mg partitioning between olivine and silicate melt. However, the partitioning behavior is likely to change as a function of temperature, pressure, oxygen fugacity, apatite composition, and melt composition. In the present study, we have conducted experiments to assess the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt over a pressure range of 0-6 gigapascals, a temperature range of 950-1500 degrees Centigrade, and a wide range of apatite ternary compositions. All of the experiments were conducted between iron-wustite oxidation potentials IW minus 1 and IW plus 2 in a basaltic melt composition. The experimental run products were analyzed by a combination of electron probe microanalysis and secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS). Temperature, apatite crystal chemistry, and pressure all play important roles in the partitioning behavior of F, Cl, and OH between apatite and silicate melt. In portions of apatite ternary space that undergo ideal mixing of F, Cl, and OH, exchange coefficients remain constant at constant temperature and pressure. However, exchange coefficients vary at constant temperature (T) and pressure (P) in portions of apatite compositional space where F, Cl, and OH do not mix ideally in apatite. The variation in exchange coefficients exhibited by apatite that does not undergo ideal mixing far exceeds the variations induced by changes in temperature (T) or pressure (P) . In regions where apatite undergoes ideal mixing of F, Cl, and OH, temperature has a stronger effect than pressure on the partitioning behavior, but both are important. Furthermore, fluorine becomes less compatible in apatite with increasing pressure and temperature. We are still in the process of analyzing our experimental run products, but we plan to quantify the effects of P and T on apatite-melt partitioning of F, Cl, and OH
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