52 research outputs found

    HLA Class I Polymorphism in the Albanian Population

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    The HLA class I polymorphism was studied in a sample of the Albanian population. Ninety-three unrelated healthy Albanians were typed for HLA-A, -B and -Cw antigens by standard microlyphocytotoxicity test. The antigens with the highest frequencies were: HLA-A2 (34.4%), A3 (14.5%) and A1 (12.4%); B51 (19.3%), B35 (12.4%) and B18 (10.2%); Cw4 (16.2%), Cw7 (16.2%) and Cw6 (10.8%). The HLA haplotypes with high frequency in Albanians included A2-B51 (4.3%), A2-B18 (2.4%), A2-B35 (2.4%), Cw4-B35 (7.6%), and Cw7-B18 (6.5%), which are not significantly different from the other neighboring populations. Low frequency of HLA-A1-B8 haplotype (1.1%) is noted in the Albanian population. The frequency of HLA-B27 antigen (1.1%) is one of the lowest frequencies observed in Caucasians. Such results are important in studies of HLA-A1-B8, HLA-B27 and disease associations. These findings should be also useful in understanding the origin of Albanians, representing a base for future studies about HLA polymorphism in the Albanian population

    History of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering: Croatian Chemistry in the 20th Century. II. From the Collapse of Independent State of Croatia on May 8th, 1945 to the Establishment of the Republic of Croatia on June 25th, 1991.

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    Prikazan je dio razvoja hrvatske kemije od kraja II. svjetskoga rata i propasti Nezavisne Države Hrvatske do uspostave Republike Hrvatske. Ukratko je opisano utemeljenje i razvoj Kemijskoga odsjeka Prirodoslovno-matematičkoga fakulteta u Zagrebu i Instituta Ruđera BoÅ”ković te organizacijsko nastavno unapređenje kemijsko-tehnoloÅ”koga studija. Razmatrana je organizacijska shema i nastava kemije te kemijska istraživanja na Prehrambeno-biotehnoloÅ”kome, Farmaceutsko- -biokemijskome, Medicinskome, Veterinarskome, Agronomskome i Å umarskome fakultetu SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu. Članak predstavlja nastavak naÅ”ega ranijega članka Hrvatska kemija u XX. stoljeću. I. Razdoblje od početka stoljeća do 8. svibnja 1945. (Kem. Ind. 56 (2007) 403-416).The development of Croatian chemistry from the end of the Second World War to the establishment of the Republic of Croatia is outlined. Briefly discussed is the founding and development of the Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Rugjer BoÅ”ković Institute. Also presented is the postwar structure and organization of the chemical- technological study at the Technical Faculty and later at the Faculty of Technology. The chemical lectures and research in chemistry at the Faculty of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agronomy and Faculty of Forestry are reviewed. This article follows logically our first article in this series entitled Croatian Chemistry in the 20th Century. I. From the Turn of the Century to May 8,th 1945 (Kem. Ind. 56 (2007) 403ā€“416)

    Osteoporosis in Men

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    Produženjem očekivanog trajanja života osteoporoza je postala rastući problem u većini razvijenih zemalja svijeta. U radu se raspravlja o učestalosti, patogenezi, dijagnostičkim kriterijima i mogućnostima liječenja osteoporoze u muÅ”karaca. Svaki treći prijelom kuka događa se u muÅ”karaca, a viÅ”e od 11 % muÅ”karaca starijih od 50 godina doživi ovaj prijelom. Dijagnoza idiopatske osteoporoze primjenjuje se za muÅ”karce mlađe od 60 godina u kojih nema drugih mogućih uzroka bolesti. U njih je niska mineralna gustoća kosti (BMD) najvećim dijelom posljedica niske vrÅ”ne koÅ”tane mase. U oko 30 % muÅ”karaca nalazi se sekundarna osteoporoza, a involucijska osteoporoza nastaje u muÅ”karaca starijih od 60 godina, kao rezultat smanjenja koncentracije testosterona i IGF-1. S obzirom na rezultate istraživanja koja su pokazala da vrijednost BMD-a u oba spola pruža slične informacije o riziku prijeloma, čini se da se postojeći kriteriji za dijagnozu osteoporoze u žena mogu iskoristiti i za muÅ”karce. U liječenju, bisfosfonati i teriparatid dokazano i značajno povećavaju BMD u muÅ”karaca. Primjena androgena pokazala se učinkovitom u muÅ”karaca s hipogonadizmom, no opravdanost njihove primjene u eugonada joÅ” uvijek je predmet rasprava. Povećanjem znanja o metabolizmu kosti i koÅ”tanoj pregradnji u novije vrijeme otvorila su se vrata čitavom nizu molekula koje bi u budućnosti mogle postati temelj liječenja osteoporoze u muÅ”karaca.With the prolongation of life expectancy, osteoporosis has become an increasing problem in the majority of developed countries worldwide. The paper discusses the frequency, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and treatment options for osteoporosis in men. Every third hip fracture occurs in men, and more than 11 % of the male population over the age of 50 years suffer the fracture. Diagnostic tests for idiopathic osteoporosis are performed in men under 60 years of age without other potential risk factors of developing the disease. In the majority of cases, their low bone mineral density (BMD) is caused by a low peak bone mass. Secondary osteoporosis occurs in about 30 % of men, and involutionary osteoporosis developed in men over 60 years of age results from their decreased testosterone and IGF-1 levels. The study results showing that BMD levels in both sexes provide similar fracture risk information suggest that the existing diagnostic criteria for female osteoporosis can also be employed in men. It has been proved that biphosphonate and teriparitide therapy significantly increase BMD levels in men. The administration of androgens has been shown to be effective in men with hypogonadism, although their validity for patients with eugonadism has not yet been discussed. An improved knowledge of the bone metabolism and bone remodelling has recently opened the door to an extensive series of molecules that may play a key role in the treatment of male osteoporosis in the future
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