25 research outputs found

    Factors confounding the assessment of reflection: a critical review

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    BACKGROUND: Reflection on experience is an increasingly critical part of professional development and lifelong learning. There is, however, continuing uncertainty about how best to put principle into practice, particularly as regards assessment. This article explores those uncertainties in order to find practical ways of assessing reflection. DISCUSSION: We critically review four problems: 1. Inconsistent definitions of reflection; 2. Lack of standards to determine (in)adequate reflection; 3. Factors that complicate assessment; 4. Internal and external contextual factors affecting the assessment of reflection. SUMMARY: To address the problem of inconsistency, we identified processes that were common to a number of widely quoted theories and synthesised a model, which yielded six indicators that could be used in assessment instruments. We arrived at the conclusion that, until further progress has been made in defining standards, assessment must depend on developing and communicating local consensus between stakeholders (students, practitioners, teachers, supervisors, curriculum developers) about what is expected in exercises and formal tests. Major factors that complicate assessment are the subjective nature of reflection's content and the dependency on descriptions by persons being assessed about their reflection process, without any objective means of verification. To counter these validity threats, we suggest that assessment should focus on generic process skills rather than the subjective content of reflection and where possible to consider objective information about the triggering situation to verify described reflections. Finally, internal and external contextual factors such as motivation, instruction, character of assessment (formative or summative) and the ability of individual learning environments to stimulate reflection should be considered

    Insertional mutagenesis identifies multiple networks of cooperating genes driving intestinal tumorigenesis

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    The evolution of colorectal cancer suggests the involvement of many genes. We performed insertional mutagenesis with the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system in mice carrying germline or somatic Apc mutation. Analysis of common insertion sites (CISs) isolated from 446 tumors revealed many hundreds of candidate cancer drivers. Comparison to human datasets suggested that 234 CIS genes are also deregulated in human colorectal cancers. 183 CIS genes are candidate Wnt targets, and 20 are shown to be novel modifiers of canonical Wnt signaling. We also identified gene mutations associated with a subset of tumors containing an expanded number of Paneth cells, a hallmark of deregulated Wnt signaling, and genes associated with more severe dysplasia included members of the FGF signaling cascade. Some 70 genes showed pairwise co-occurrence clustering into 38 sub-networks that may regulate tumor development

    Aspectos genéticos da esclerose múltipla: II. sistema HLA Genetic aspects in multiple sclerosis: HLA system

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    Foi feita análise e revisão de estudos populacionais de associação entre antígenos HLA e a esclerose múltipla (EM). Há evidências de que os genes HLA, principalmente os de classe II, das sub-regiões DR e DQ possam estar envolvidos. O haplótipo DRB1*1501.DQA1*0102.DQB1*0602 referente ao fenótipo DR2.Dw2.DQ6 foi encontrado em associação positiva em vários estudos realizados em populações caucasóides. O desequilíbrio de ligação entre os genes DR e DQ dificulta o reconhecimento da contribuição individual de cada alelo. A heterogeneidade de critérios diagnósticos da EM constitui importante fator metodológico que dificulta a comparação entre os diversos estudos. A padronização dos critérios diagnósticos e dos métodos laboratoriais empregados, assim como a análise individual de grupos de pacientes com formas clínicas diferentes, são medidas que provavelmente permitirão avaliação mais precisa dos fatores genéticos envolvidos no desenvolvimento da EM.<br>Review of studies about HLA antigens and multiple sclerosis (MS). The HLA system, in special class II antigens, subregions DR and DQ, is probably involved in the immunopathogenesis of MS. Haplotype DRB1*1501.DQA1*0102.DQB1*0602, corresponding to phenotype DR2.Dw2.DQ6, is positively associated with MS in several caucasoid populations. Clinical heterogeneity of MS, as well as different diagnostic criteria adopted by investigators are potential sources of confusion and may lead to discrepant results. A better standardization of clinical and laboratorial methodology, appropriate subdivision of patients with different clinical forms of MS, may allow a more accurate evaluation of the role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of MS