41 research outputs found

    Target profiling of an antimetastatic RAPTA agent by chemical proteomics: relevance to the mode of action.

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    The clinical development of anticancer metallodrugs is often hindered by the elusive nature of their molecular targets. To identify the molecular targets of an antimetastatic ruthenium organometallic complex based on 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane (RAPTA), we employed a chemical proteomic approach. The approach combines the design of an affinity probe featuring the pharmacophore with mass-spectrometry-based analysis of interacting proteins found in cancer cell lysates. The comparison of data sets obtained for cell lysates from cancer cells before and after treatment with a competitive binder suggests that RAPTA interacts with a number of cancer-related proteins, which may be responsible for the antiangiogenic and antimetastatic activity of RAPTA complexes. Notably, the proteins identified include the cytokines midkine, pleiotrophin and fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 3. We also detected guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 3 and FAM32A, which is in line with the hypothesis that the antiproliferative activity of RAPTA compounds is due to induction of a G2/M arrest and histone proteins identified earlier as potential targets

    Thiazolidine derivatives as potent and selective inhibitors of the PIM kinase family

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    The PIM family of serine/threonine kinases have become an attractive target for anti-cancer drug development, particularly for certain hematological malignancies. Here, we describe the discovery of a series of inhibitors of the PIM kinase family using a high throughput screening strategy. Through a combination of molecular modeling and optimization studies, the intrinsic potencies and molecular properties of this series of compounds was significantly improved. An excellent pan-PIM isoform inhibition profile was observed across the series, while optimized examples show good selectivity over other kinases. Two PIM-expressing leukemic cancer cell lines, MV4-11 and K562, were employed to evaluate the in vitro anti-proliferative effects of selected inhibitors. Encouraging activities were observed for many examples, with the best example (44) giving an IC50 of 0.75ÎŒM against the K562 cell line. These data provide a promising starting point for further development of this series as a new cancer therapy through PIM kinase inhibition

    A chemical biology toolbox to study protein methyltransferases and epigenetic signaling

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    © 2019, The Author(s). Protein methyltransferases (PMTs) comprise a major class of epigenetic regulatory enzymes with therapeutic relevance. Here we present a collection of chemical probes and associated reagents and data to elucidate the function of human and murine PMTs in cellular studies. Our collection provides inhibitors and antagonists that together modulate most of the key regulatory methylation marks on histones H3 and H4, providing an important resource for modulating cellular epigenomes. We describe a comprehensive and comparative characterization of the probe collection with respect to their potency, selectivity, and mode of inhibition. We demonstrate the utility of this collection in CD4 + T cell differentiation assays revealing the potential of individual probes to alter multiple T cell subpopulations which may have implications for T cell-mediated processes such as inflammation and immuno-oncology. In particular, we demonstrate a role for DOT1L in limiting Th1 cell differentiation and maintaining lineage integrity. This chemical probe collection and associated data form a resource for the study of methylation-mediated signaling in epigenetics, inflammation and beyond

    Rapid Covalent-Probe Discovery by Electrophile-Fragment Screening

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    Covalent probes can display unmatched potency, selectivity, and duration of action; however, their discovery is challenging. In principle, fragments that can irreversibly bind their target can overcome the low affinity that limits reversible fragment screening, but such electrophilic fragments were considered nonselective and were rarely screened. We hypothesized that mild electrophiles might overcome the selectivity challenge and constructed a library of 993 mildly electrophilic fragments. We characterized this library by a new high-throughput thiol-reactivity assay and screened them against 10 cysteine-containing proteins. Highly reactive and promiscuous fragments were rare and could be easily eliminated. In contrast, we found hits for most targets. Combining our approach with high-throughput crystallography allowed rapid progression to potent and selective probes for two enzymes, the deubiquitinase OTUB2 and the pyrophosphatase NUDT7. No inhibitors were previously known for either. This study highlights the potential of electrophile-fragment screening as a practical and efficient tool for covalent-ligand discovery

    Importance of quantifying drug-target engagement in cells

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    Measuring and quantifying the binding of a drug to a protein target inside living cells and thereby correlating biochemical or biophysical activity with target engagement in cells or tissue represents a key step in target validation and drug development. A prototypic target engagement assay should allow for unbiased determination of small molecule-protein interactions in order to confirm cellular mechanism-of-action (MoA) while avoiding major artificial perturbations of cellular homeostasis and integrity. Recently, several new additions to the chemical biology toolbox have expanded our ability to study drug action in intact cells and enabled surveying of intracellular residence time and binding kinetics, which are particularly important for potent receptor ligands and therapeutic moieties with limited therapeutic index

    Mapping the chemical chromatin reactivation landscape identifies BRD4-TAF1 cross-talk

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    Bromodomain-containing proteins of the BET family recognize histone lysine acetylation and mediate transcriptional activation of target genes such as the MYC oncogene. Pharmacological inhibitors of BET domains promise therapeutic benefits in a variety of cancers. We performed a high-diversity chemical compound screen for agents capable of modulating BRD4-dependent heterochromatization of a generic reporter in human cells. In addition to known and new compounds targeting BRD4, we identified small molecules that mimic BRD4 inhibition without direct engagement. One such compound was a potent inhibitor of the second bromodomain of TAF1. Using this inhibitor, we discovered that TAF1 synergizes with BRD4 to control proliferation of cancer cells, making TAF1 an attractive epigenetic target in cancers driven by MYC

    Discovery of novel immunopharmacological ligands targeting the IL-17 inflammatory pathway

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    Interleukin 17 (IL-17) is a proinflammatory cytokine that acts as an immune checkpoint for several autoimmune diseases. Therapeutic neutralizing antibodies that target this cytokine have demonstrated clinical efficacy in psoriasis. However, biologics have limitations such as their high cost and their lack of oral bioavailability. Thus, it is necessary to expand the therapeutic options for this IL-17A/IL-17RA pathway, applying novel drug discovery methods to find effective small molecules. In this work, we combined biophysical and cell-based assays with structure-based docking to find novel ligands that target this pathway. First, a virtual screening of our chemical library of 60000 compounds was used to identify 67 potential ligands of IL-17A and IL-17RA. We developed a biophysical label-free binding assay to determine interactions with the extracellular domain of IL-17RA. Two molecules (CBG040591 and CBG060392) with quinazolinone and pyrrolidinedione chemical scaffolds, respectively, were confirmed as ligands of IL-17RA with micromolar affinity. The anti-inflammatory activity of these ligands as cytokine-release inhibitors was evaluated in human keratinocytes. Both ligands inhibited the release of chemokines mediated by IL-17A, with an IC<sub>50</sub> of 20.9 ± 12.6 μM and 23.6 ± 11.8 μM for CCL20 and an IC<sub>50</sub> of 26.7 ± 13.1 μM and 45.3 ± 13.0 μM for CXCL8. Hence, they blocked IL-17A proinflammatory activity, which is consistent with the inhibition of the signalling of the IL-17A receptor by ligand CBG060392. Therefore, we identified two novel immunopharmacological ligands targeting the IL-17A/IL-17RA pathway with antiinflammatory efficacy that can be promising tools for a drug discovery program for psoriasis

    Shining a light

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    The ability to measure the binding of a compound to its intended target in live cells or tissue is a critical parameter for drug discovery. A new method using polarized light microscopy adds to the current toolbox by enabling monitoring of target engagement in vitro and in vivo at single-cell resolution

    DNA double-strand break-derived RNA drives TIRR/53BP1 complex dissociation

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    Tudor-interacting repair regulator (TIRR) is an RNA-binding protein and a negative regulator of the DNA-repair factor p53-binding protein 1 (53BP1). In non-damage conditions, TIRR is bound to 53BP1. After DNA damage, TIRR and 53BP1 dissociate, and 53BP1 binds the chromatin at the double-strand break (DSB) to promote non-homologous end joining (NHEJ)-mediated repair. However, the exact mechanistic details of this dissociation after damage are unknown. Increasing evidence has implicated RNA as a crucial factor in the DNA damage response (DDR). Here, we show that RNA can separate TIRR/53BP1. Specifically, RNA with a hairpin secondary structure, transcribed at the DSB by RNA polymerase II (RNAPII), promotes TIRR/53BP1 complex separation. This hairpin RNA binds to the same residues on TIRR as 53BP1. Our results uncover a role of DNA-damage-derived RNA in modulating a protein-protein interaction and contribute to our understanding of DSB repair