3 research outputs found


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    In this study, planning and design features of cemeteries were investigated by considering the development of cemetery concept in Turks and characteristics that determine the cemetery usage status and form were investigated. In the study, visitors' satisfaction degree of their visits to Kayseri Asri Cemetery in Kayseri City center which is continuing to grow have been examined. As a study area, Kayseri Asri Cemetery and the evaluation of the visitor satisfaction survey, firstly the compliance of the cemetery with the planning criteria was examined in general. The survey data of 384 people were analyzed with the help of SPSS Statistics program, and the data obtained were presented in graphical form. At the end of the research, some problems were determined in terms of design in parking lot, pedestrian and vehicle access, reinforcement elements, plant design in Kayseri Asri Cemetery. In addition, it is seen that the majority of the people of Kayseri do not want to spend time other than their use for visiting cemeteries. This situation was caused by the fact that the cemetery was not designed to include park and park-like areas and which may serve passive recreation


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    In urban environments green areas play an important part in forming good qualityenvironments with their ecological, economical, physical, social and aesthetic functions. Open and greenarea systems contribute the formation of urban communities by creating more livable environments. Inthis reseearch open and green areas have been searched in the frame of urban planning. New ideas on“open and green area system” have been developed. So, open and green area system is consist of threeseperate system components as “spatial, social and time”. The spatial system of open and green areas isrelated to their spatial connections. For forming a spatial system that is related to open and green areas,these areas must design as linked with each other and be costituted a spatial cotinuity. The system fromthe social point of view is related to the distribution of open and green areas according to the settlementhierarchy and social requirement. The system from the time point of view is constituted with providingthe historical continuity of open and green areas and their improvement. In Kayseri City, spatialcontinuity of open and green areas haven’t been provided. However, on the urban complex scale, thereare important potential areas for forming an open and green area system in the vicinity of the city. Butthese areas are under the threat of urban development. With an approach that is largely aboutconservation, a continuity that is related to time, can be provided. When the subject is considered fromthe social point of view, it can be seen that open and green areas are not enough in different scales in thecity. With the precautions that will be taken, an open and green area system can be provide in Kayseriurban complex. In this context, the results of the research present recommendations for an effective use of urban open and green areas of Kayseri for urban inhabitants.Kentsel ortamlarda yeşil alanlar ekolojik, ekonomik, fiziksel, toplumsal, estetik işlevleri ilekaliteli yaşam çevrelerinin oluşumunda önemli rol oynamaktadırlar. Açık ve yeşil alan sistemleri dahayaşanabilir çevreler oluşturarak “kentlileşmeye katkıda bulunmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada açık ve yeşilalanlar kent planlama ile ilişkileri çerçevesinde ele alınmış, “açık ve yeşil alan sistemi” yaklaşımı üzerinedüşünceler geliştirilmiştir. Buna göre açık ve yeşil alan sistemi, mekansal, zamansal ve toplumsal açıdanolmak üzere üç ayrı sistemin birlikteliğinden oluşmaktadır. Açık ve yeşil alanların mekansal sistemi,onların birbirleri ile olan mekansal ilişkileriyle ilgilidir. Açık ve yeşil alanlara ilişkin mekansal bir sistemoluşumu için, bu alanlar birbirleri ile bağlantılı olarak tasarlanmalı ve mekansal bir süreklilikoluşturulmalıdır. Toplumsal açıdan sistem, açık ve yeşil alanların yerleşim yeri hiyerarşisine vetoplumsal gereksinime göre dağılımı ile ilgilidir. Zamansal açıdan sistem ise açık ve yeşil alanlarıntarihsel sürekliliğinin sağlanması ve geliştirilmesi ile oluşmaktadır. Kayseri Kenti’nde açık ve yeşilalanların mekansal sürekliliği sağlanmamıştır. Kent bütünü ölçeğinde ise kentin yakın çevresinde açıkve yeşil alan sistemi oluşumu açısından önemli alanlar mevcuttur. Fakat bu alanlar kentsel gelişimintehdidi altındadırlar. Planlama ve uygulamaya koruma ağırlıklı yaklaşım ile kentin açık ve yeşilalanlarında zamansal süreklilik sağlanabilir. Konu toplumsal açıdan ele alındığında ise kentte farklıölçeklerde gereksinim duyulan açık ve yeşil alanların yetersiz olduğu görülür. Alınacak bir dizi önlemile Kayseri kent bütününde bir açık ve yeşil alan sistemi oluşumu sağlanabilir. Bu anlayışla araştırmanınsonucunda kent halkına etkili bir kullanım sunmak üzere neler yapılabileceği konusunda önerilergeliştirilmiştir

    Evaluation of high plateau tourism in Eastern Black Sea region of Turkey

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    High plateau areas come forth with their important tourism potential with the natural and cultural landscape values they possess in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey have become more popularized in the recent years as areas of ecology-based tourism. Going up to high plateau areas is a traditional habit of rural population as well as it includes an aspect of recreation and relaxation. With this aspect high plateau areas offer a tourism and recreation activity for urban people. The main approach on this subject is the question that “how can it be possible for the region or high plateau areas to develop through tourism without destroying the natural, cultural and social structure of the region?” In this direction, the first tourism potential of the areas of the areas have been determined by taking into consideration the areas declared as tourism center in the region. The tourism potential of the high plateau areas in the region was presented by SWOT analysis. Then, tourism problems in the high plateau areas and the legal dimensions of these areas were determined