58 research outputs found


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    Economic indicators are insufficient to describe actual welfare. The limitations of economic indicators in representing the level of welfare of society has increased the world’s attention, hence coined social aspect in development. The level of community welfare can be measures in two ways using 1) objective indicators and 2) subjective indicators. Well-being that measures the product based subjective indicator can be discerned from index of happiness through the context time or place. The aim of this research was to examine level of happiness from the context of place. This work observed Samin tribe, Bombong hillbilly, Baturejo village, Sukolilo sub-district, Pati regency. Samin is a tribal society who has a different culture and specific values. The approach used in this study for happiness is subjective well being (SWB). The study aims to see how big the level of happiness in Samin society. In addition the study also aims to see the influence of happiness with the determinants of happiness in Samin society. The variables were happiness as the dependent variable; income and socio-demographic as independent variable. Socio-demographic consist of gender, education, marital status, health, and religiosity. The data used were primary data which were obtained from interviews with total 81 respondent of Samin society. Consensus measure (CnS) method is employed to change the ordinal scale into mathematical form of happiness level. The approach used in this study is cencored regression model (tobit). The result showed that an average levelof happiness in Samin society is 0.789270. Furthermore, the result showed that variables of income, gender, and education does not affect happiness on Samin society. While variables of marital status, health and religiosity are significant and positively affect happiness in Samin society


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    The analisys in this research was purposed for firstly, to determine the occurence or non-occurence of σ-convergence in Indonesia. Secondly, to determine the occurence or non-occurence of absolute and conditional convergence in Indonesia. Thirdly, to determine the magnitude of speed of convergence if there was the absolute or conditional convergence in Indonesia. Fourthly, to determine the half life of convergence or the time needed to cover the half of initial discrepancy. This research used the secondary data which is rate of economic growth year 2002 -2012, income per capita year 2002 – 2012, gross fixed capital formation year 2002 – 2012, labor market year 2002 – 2012 and total factory productivity data year 2002 – 2012 of 33 provinces in Indonesia. The methode used in this research is panel data with fixed effect model and dummy region. This research had two different analisyses, first, σ-convergence analisys with counting the deviation standard of log of income per capita. And second, β-convergence analisys conducted through analisis absolute convergence and conditional convergence models. The result of this research showed that the σ-convergence have a declining scheme, this scheme illustrated the possibility of a decrease in inequality. The result of absolute convergence showed that there was no convergence in Indonesia. Meanwhile the result of conditional convergence showed that there was economy growth convergence in Indonesia with speed of convergence 5,9 percent per year and the half life of convergence in the amount of 12 years


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    Global crisis that occurred in 1998 and 2008 have been an important lesson for the monetary authority that unanticipated credit growth could be a trigger of vulnerability in the financial system. The aim of this study was to analyze the resilience of Indonesia’s financial system. A stress test on banking credit risk (Non Performing Loans) based on the scenarios analysis was employed by performing a simulation of downturn of macroeconomic condition; thus impact on the ratio of NPL of the banking were explored. The results showed that the inflation rate and interest rate positively and significantly effects banking NPL ratio, whereas growth of GDP real is not significantly and negatively correlated with NPL. This research also found that shocks in economic condition that drives an increase in the level of inflation and interest rates will significantly affect the stability of financial system through an increase in the ratio of NPL. The results of the simulated increase in interest rates and inflation caused by internal factors provide the most considerable impact on the condition of non performing loans banking


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    One of the goals of the MDGs on improving the quality of human resources throughout the world, namely improving the quality of education. Indonesia's efforts to improve the quality of education through the Universal Secondary Program or compulsory 12 years. The purpose of this study is to analyze the success of the performance of the Minimum Service Standards of education to achieve the maximum level of education indicators in Central Java province in 2011-2013. The method used is the method of Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) with the production function to measure the efficiency of 35 regencies / cities in Central Java. The measurement results SFA method that appears is in the form of a score of 0-1. The closer to 1, the more efficient the Regency / the City. Input variable in this study is the ratio of teacher / pupil, teacher / school, the ratio of the number of schools to the number of population aged 16-18 years and a variable output of GER, Enrollment, and Score Average Length School. The results of the analysis using the SFA show that during the period 2011-2013 each District / City have efficiency rate ranges from 80-100%, indicating a high efficiency, although not yet reached full efficiency or 1. From the results of testing hypotheses about the effect of the input variables to the output variable APK, APM and RLS annually have a significant effect. On the input indicators teacher / school and school / SM-age population has a positive effect on output indicators. Whereas, for the variable teacher / student always has a negative effect in influencing the increase and decrease output. Keywords : Efficiency, Education Indicators, minimum service standards, SFA


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    Consumption activities can not be separated from human life. For Muslims, Halal is an absolute requirement for every product to be consumed, including cosmetic products. Labeled halal cosmetics has increased in the Indonesian market. However, still many muslim consumers who do not using labeled halal cosmetics surrounding researcher. Halal labeling considered a capable easier for consumers to obtain information about halal products to be consumed. This research aims to analyze Muslim consumer behavior in consuming halal cosmetic also to analyze expenditure switching behavior in cosmetic consumption. This research used purposive samping method, specified criteria are: female bachelor students of FEB Undip, Moslem, and using cosmetics. Number of samples is 94 respondents were determined using the method Slovin. This research use descriptive analysis, principal component analysis and logistic regression analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis is used to identify the respondent characteristics and some respondent’s direct answers. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used to reduce the questions of the original variables into uncorrelated variables construct and able to absorb most of the original variable information. Results of PCA can reduce 57 questions to 15 variables construct questions. Logistic regression was performed to analyze the effect of fifteen variables constructs and variables on the dependent variable income. The results of logistic regression showed that the behavior of Muslim consumers in the consumption of cosmetics labeled halal driven by: (1) Price non-nominal cosmetics without the halal label, (2) religiosity dimensions of knowledge, (3) type of the peer group, (4) learning, (5) Quality internal product, and (6) external quality of the product. While the switching pattern of consumer expenditure is largely driven by the type of the peer group


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    Development that has been undertaken by a country so far aims to improve the welfare of the community which is shown by the high economic growth. In fact, economic growth in a country not only has a positive impact on an economy but also has a negative impact on the environment. Production and consumption processes have created negative externalities for the environment. Negative externality is one form of problem that causes market failure which make optimal pareto is not achieved. The Government through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has been mandated to issue government regulations on Environmental Economic Instruments (IELH) in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 32 of 2009 on the protection and management of the environment. One of the forms of IELH is the environmental tax, that is, the tax is levied on the sale value of goods for the entrepreneur in each production. This paper uses an experimental study to obtain data, test and conduct analysis of human behavior as an economic agent in making a decision. The experimental object of this study were 15 students of the Faculty of Economics and Business taken at random. In this experiment there are two experiments: tax and non-tax experiments. This study has two equation models where the difference between the one and the second equation lies only in the tax variable calculated on the basis of dummy and ratio. The results showed that there are two variables that affect the decision making on the quantity of output produced, the price and the tax calculated by dummy or ratio. Price variables have a positive and significant influence on the quantity of output. While the tax variable is either calculated by dummy or the ratio has a negative effect on the output. However, the tax calculated by dummy does not significantly affect the output, on the other hand the tax calculated with the ratio significantly affects the output. The conclusion of this study is that environmental taxes are indicated effective in reducing environmental degradation


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    This study analyzes empirically the effect of the real effective exchange rate on the balance of trade of agricultural and manufacturing commodities Indonesia with five major trading partners, namely: Japan, China, United State, Singapore, and South Korea through the approach of J-curve phenomenon . This research was analyzed in the short-run and long-run. This study uses data from 2003 to 2013. The method used is the Arellano and Bond Generalized Method of Moments (AB-GMM). Dynamic relationship in this study is characterized by the presence of lag trade balance of agricultural and manufacturing commodities, namely the balance of trade of agricultural and manufacturing commodities the previous year as an independent variable, and the lag of the independent variables, namely gross domestic product Indonesia the previous year, gross domestic product major trading partners previous year, and the real effective exchange rate of the previous year. The results showed that in the short-run and long-run J-curve phenomenon does not occur in the balance of trade of agricultural and manufacturing commodities because the exchange rate of Indonesia is unstable that depreciation does not correct the balance of trade of agricultural and manufacturing commodities


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    This thesis aims to analyze global business cycle and fiscal risk in ASEAN-5 which is expected to be explained by several explanatory variables including primary balance/GDP, oil price, economic growth, output gap, and LIBOR interest rate. More spesifically, this thesis focus on the effect of oil price with Debt/GDP is a benchmark of fiscal risk. This research used panel data of ASEAN-5 period 2000-2014. Prior to conducting the analysis, this study looked at the correlation coefficients between the cycle components (output gap) and the primary balance per GDP to identify the fiscal policy character in each country. The cycle component is calculated by using the difference between original series and trend components using Hodrick Prescott Filter. The fiscal policy characteristics of Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines, and Thailand apply procyclical policies while singapore implements countercyclical fiscal policy. The results of the analysis conducted using the fixed effect method show the global business cycle and world oil price fluctuations affect the fiscal risks. The results of this study indicate when the business cycle in a state of booming domestic governments tend to increase government spending and create fiscal risks. Meanwhile, the LIBOR and Primary Balance rate per GDP which is a variable derivative of the fiscal suistanability concept has an effect on fiscal risk. However, economic growth has no effect because the current debt is the tax burden in the future

    Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Economic Openness Under Inflation Targeting Framework in Asian ITF Economies

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    This study investigates overall ERPT in four ITF-adopting Asian Economies, emphasizing the trilemma between ERPT, economic openness, and the inflation target. Based on quarterly data observations from 1999 to the fourth quarter of 2022 with an application of combined distributed lag and adaptive expectation models that allows a fair assessment concerning ERPT throughout the time dimension, we reveal evidence that exchange rate changes will be transmitted immediately to increasing domestic prices in the short run. Similarly, increased interest policy, GDP, and trade openness will push consumer prices up in the short term through adaptive expectation mechanisms. However, the pass-through effect tends to decrease in the long run due to a credible ITF implementation. Meanwhile, the pass-through effect concerning trade openness varies across countries in the short run, while openness tends to increase pressures on consumer prices in the long run. This condition allows further investigation to examine the pass-through effect and its transmission to various prices, including prices, imports, export prices, economic structure, and the effect of fear of floating in the ITF.JEL Classification: E31, E52, E58, F31, F41How to Cite:Kurnia, A. S., & Sugiyanto, FX. (2023). Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Economic Openness Under Inflation Targeting Framework in Asian ITF Economies. Etikonomi, 22(2), 357 – 368. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v22i2.30967
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