25 research outputs found

    Molecular and morphological investigation of сosmopolitan diatom Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grunow (Bacillariophyceae)

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    Until now, the diversity of representatives from the genus Hantzschia Grunow inhabiting of soils in Ukraine and European Russia was limited by the species Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grunow, H. elongatа (Hantzsch) Grunow and H. vivax (W. Sm.) Grunow with some ifraspecific taxa (Aleksakhina and Shtina 1984; Kostikov et al. 2001; Tsarenko et al. 2009; Maltseva 2009). At the same time,the adoption of a narrow species concept by many researchers led to the description of a number of new species within the genus Hantzschia. Thus, 17 new taxa were identified by H. Lange-Bertalot with co-authors (Lange-Bertalot et al. 2003) mainly from samples from Sardinia island, 1 taxon is from springs in Germany (Werum and Lange-Bertalot 2004) and 5 new taxa from fresh water bodies and soil of the South Atlantic islands (Zidarova et al. 2010). Until recently, many of the described species were identified with Hantzschia amphioxys, which is positioned as a cosmopolitan species

    Occurrence of two Krsticiella

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    Preliminary molecular phylogeny of the diatom genus nupela with the description of a new species and consideration of the interrelationships of taxa in the suborder neidiineae d.G. mann sensu e.j. cox

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    © Czech Phycological Society (2020). Molecular investigation of genera Nupela and Brachysira is conducted using strains from Indonesia and Vietnam. New species from the genus Nupela indonesica sp. nov. is described using combined approach. Nupela lesothensis (Schoeman) Lange–Bertalot is investigated using molecular data too. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Nupela and Brachysira are not closest genera. Morphology of Nupela and it differences from Brachysira is discussed. The genus Nupela is differs from all other diatom taxa by having coalescent hymenes ouside of areolae but not inside. Facultative development of raphe between different Nupela species is discussed