85 research outputs found


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     本研究では,死別による悲嘆について概説し,精神的な問題を理解することで,震災復興や精神的ケアの重要性を述べた.悲嘆のプロセスモデルには,精神的打撃と麻痺に始まり希望に終わる9 段階モデル,・正常な悲哀過程の7段階モデルがあり,プロセスを経てやがて回復していく.悲嘆が強く病的な経過をたどると複雑性悲嘆に至り,様々な身体的・精神的症状を呈するようになり,悲嘆からの回復を妨げる要因となる.先行研究による災害や事故・事件からの家族での複雑性悲嘆の有病率は,9.11 アメリカにおける同時多発テロで43%,事故や殺人で,21.9%,親族以外の災害・事故事件などで2.4%であった.災害などで故人と関係性の深い家族などを喪失することによる複雑性悲嘆の有病率がきわめて高い.高齢者の複雑性悲嘆の有病率は,4.8%との報告があり,一般成人の2倍という高率である.特に”女性の高齢者”,”子どもを亡くした母親”は,複雑性悲嘆の発症のハイリスクのため注意が必要である.悲嘆が及ぼす身体的症状では,心肺組織系統,消化器系統,神経系統すべてに及び,睡眠障害,食欲低下,アルコール中毒や薬物中毒,心身症などがある.喪失後,13か月後に心疾患,高血圧,自殺念慮,24 か月後に,アルコール依存症,心疾患,自殺念慮,否認,これらの状態悪化が認められた.また,6 か月後から24 か月後に心疾患,がん,頭痛,インフルエンザなどに罹患率の増加が挙げられている.震災後,転居や仮設住宅に移住し,慣れない周囲の環境の変化から引きこもりがちとなり,周囲との人間関係が希薄になっている人もいる.周囲との孤独感からアルコール依存症や,自殺を引き起こしたり,問題が見えにくくなってくる可能性がある.新しい避難地,または仮設住宅において新たなコミュニティーを作り上げ,社会的ネットワークの強化の必要性がある

    養護教諭を志望する学生の養護教諭イメージと職務意識の特徴 : 講義による変化

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    本研究の目的は,養護教諭を志望する学生について,(1) 養護教諭の職務に対する意識と養護教諭のイメージの特徴を明らかにすること,(2)講義の中で情報提供をすることによって,職務に対する認識や養護教諭のイメージがどのように変化するかを明らかにすること,(3)どのような要因が,養護教諭のイメージや養護教諭志望に影響するかを検討することであった。女子大学の学生176人(生活福祉学専攻52人,児童学専攻65人,心理学専攻59人)を対象に,質問紙調査を実施した。生活福祉学専攻の学生については,講義終了後再び同じような調査を行った(前後比較可能なデータは49であった)。「保健室来室の理由」「仕事の重要性や連携の必要性」「養護教諭のイメージ」「養護教諭への志望動機」それぞれについて因子分析を行い,因子に対応する尺度を構成して信頼性を確認した。主要な結果は次の通りであった。①養護教諭を志望する学生は他学部専攻の学生よりも小学校での保健室利用頻度が高く,仕事の重要性および連携の必要性についての得点が高かった。②授業前後の比較では,小学校のイメージは【温かさ・魅力】【勤勉・憧れ】【働きがい】得点のすべてが高くなり,【環境衛生・地域連携】の重要性得点も高くなった。中・高等学校のイメージは,【勤勉・有能】が高くなったが【魅力】は低下し,【保健管理・保健指導】の重要性得点も低くなった。③パス解析の結果,小学校では【児童への発信】【健診・救急処置】の重要性の認識が高いほど【温かさ】【勤勉】【魅力】のすべてイメージが高かった。一般に保健室での【心身の相談】が多いほど【小中高校でのよい経験】の志望動機を高め,さらにそれが「養護教諭になりたい気持ち」を高めていた。また,授業を通じての影響は,小学校では,【健診・救急処置】【組織対応】における連携の必要性の認識が高まるほどに「養護教諭になりたい気持ち」が高かった。中・高等学校では【生徒・地域への発信】の重要性の認識が高まるほど「養護教諭になりたい気持ち」が高かった。以上のことから,短期間であっても,具体的な資料提供を継続することによって,養護教諭を志望する学生の意識やイメージが変わることが示唆された

    The origin of infra-slow oscillations of oxygenated hemoglobin observed in functional near-infrared spectroscopy

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    There is increasing interest in the intrinsic activity of the resting brain, especially the activity slower than 0.1Hz (i.e., low-frequency oscillations, or LFOs). To investigate the origin of LFOs observed in functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), we recorded multichannel fNIRS and electroencephalography (EEG) from the frontal cortex of 11 healthy young volunteers in the resting state. Electrocardiography (ECG), electro-oculography and respiration were also measured. Synchronous oscillations of oxy-hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) around 1.0Hz were detected in all fNIRS channels, and their frequency was consistent with a peak frequency of ECG, suggesting the changes of cerebral blood flow due to heart beats. In addition, oxy-Hb oscillations around 0.1Hz (i.e., LFOs) appeared in the fNIRS. The channels where LFOs appeared differed among the subjects, and the LFOs appeared or disappeared even in the same fNIRS channels. The appearance of LFOs in fNIRS channels was significantly higher when the LFOs appeared on the EEG in the adjacent EEG electrodes compared to when LFOs did not appear on EEG. The amplitude and coherence (synchronicity) of the LFOs were increased by changing the subjects' position from dorsal to the sitting position in both fNIRS and EEG, and the coherence in particular was increased in the homologous fNIRS channels on the bilateral hemispheres. These results suggest that LFOs of oxy-Hb couple with resting-state EEG activity

    Variation and process of life history evolution in insular dwarfism as revealed by a natural experiment

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    Islands are a classic focus for evolutionary studies. One topic of great interest has been the evolution of “dwarfs,” significantly smaller island mammals relative to their continental counterparts. Although a consensus has been achieved regarding the multivariate ecological causes behind changes in body size, the processes involved remain largely unexplored. Life history variables, including age at first reproduction, growth rate, and longevity, are likely to be key to understanding the process of insular dwarfism. The Japanese archipelago, with its numerous islands, offers a unique natural experiment for the evolution of different sizes within the same group of organisms; namely, deer. Thus, we investigated eight deer populations with a total number of 52 individuals exhibiting body size variation, both extant and fossil, to clarify the effect of insularity on life history traits. We applied several methods to both extant and extinct populations to resolve life history changes among these deer populations. Skeletochronology, using lines of arrested growth formed in long bones (femur and tibia), successfully reconstructed body growth curves and revealed a gradual change in growth trajectories reflecting the degree of insularity. Slower growth rates with prolonged growth periods in more isolated deer populations were revealed. An extensive examination of bone microstructure further corroborated this finding, with much slower growth and later somatic maturity evident in fossil insular deer isolated for more than 1.5 Myr. Finally, mortality patterns assessed by demographic analysis revealed variation among deer populations, with a life history of insular populations shifting toward the “slow life.”Hayashi S., Kubo M.O., Sánchez-Villagra M.R., et al. Variation and process of life history evolution in insular dwarfism as revealed by a natural experiment. Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1095903 (2023); https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1095903

    Jiadifenolide induces the expression of cellular communication network factor (CCN) genes, and CCN2 exhibits neurotrophic activity in neuronal precursor cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Jiadifenolide has been reported to have neurotrophin-like activity in primary rat cortical neurons, and also possesses neurotrophic effects in neuronal precursor cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), as we have previously reported. However, the molecular mechanisms by which jiadifenolide exerts its neurotrophic effects in rat and human neurons are unknown. Thus, we aimed to investigate the molecular mechanisms and pathways by which jiadifenolide promotes neurotrophic effects. Here, we found that jiadifenolide activated cellular communication network factor (CCN) signaling pathways by up-regulating mRNA level expression of CCN genes in human neuronal cells. We also found that CCN2 (also known as connective tissue growth factor, CTGF) protein promotes neurotrophic effects through activation of the p44/42 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway. This is the first discovery which links neurotrophic activity with CCN signaling

    Variation and process of life history evolution in insular dwarfism as revealed by a natural experiment

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    Islands are a classic focus for evolutionary studies. One topic of great interest has been the evolution of “dwarfs,” significantly smaller island mammals relative to their continental counterparts. Although a consensus has been achieved regarding the multivariate ecological causes behind changes in body size, the processes involved remain largely unexplored. Life history variables, including age at first reproduction, growth rate, and longevity, are likely to be key to understanding the process of insular dwarfism. The Japanese archipelago, with its numerous islands, offers a unique natural experiment for the evolution of different sizes within the same group of organisms; namely, deer. Thus, we investigated eight deer populations with a total number of 52 individuals exhibiting body size variation, both extant and fossil, to clarify the effect of insularity on life history traits. We applied several methods to both extant and extinct populations to resolve life history changes among these deer populations. Skeletochronology, using lines of arrested growth formed in long bones (femur and tibia), successfully reconstructed body growth curves and revealed a gradual change in growth trajectories reflecting the degree of insularity. Slower growth rates with prolonged growth periods in more isolated deer populations were revealed. An extensive examination of bone microstructure further corroborated this finding, with much slower growth and later somatic maturity evident in fossil insular deer isolated for more than 1.5 Myr. Finally, mortality patterns assessed by demographic analysis revealed variation among deer populations, with a life history of insular populations shifting toward the “slow life.


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