10 research outputs found

    Suicide Seasonality: Complex Demodulation as a Novel Approach in Epidemiologic Analysis

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    Seasonality of suicides is well-known and nearly ubiquitous, but recent evidence showed inconsistent patterns of decreasing or increasing seasonality in different countries. Furthermore, strength of seasonality was hypothesized to be associated with suicide prevalence. This study aimed at pointing out methodological difficulties in examining changes in suicide seasonality. METHODODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The present study examines the hypothesis of decreasing seasonality with a superior method that allows continuous modeling of seasonality. Suicides in Austria (1970-2008, N = 67,741) were analyzed with complex demodulation, a local (point-in-time specific) version of harmonic analysis. This avoids the need to arbitrarily split the time series, as is common practice in the field of suicide seasonality research, and facilitates incorporating the association with suicide prevalence. Regression models were used to assess time trends and association of amplitude and absolute suicide numbers. Results showed that strength of seasonality was associated with absolute suicide numbers, and that strength of seasonality was stable during the study period when this association was taken into account.Continuous modeling of suicide seasonality with complex demodulation avoids spurious findings that can result when time series are segmented and analyzed piecewise or when the association with suicide prevalence is disregarded

    Diversity among Bi-ethnic students and differences in educational outcomes and social functioning

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    The number of bi-ethnic children is increasing. The focus of this study is on bi-ethnic students in the Netherlands with one parent with an ethnic majority background and one parent with an ethnic minority background. Most studies that have investigated educational outcomes and social functioning in school for bi-ethnic students have not focused on the diversity within this group. In this study, we described the demographic, social and cultural diversity among bi-ethnic students and examined whether, in particular, ethnic background and gender of the migrant parent were related to the educational outcomes and social functioning of bi-ethnic students. Data on a total of 653 sixth grade bi-ethnic students (age 11–12) in primary education of the national Dutch cohort study (COOL5−18) were used in this study. To analyse the relationship between the ethnic background and gender of the migrant parent and the educational outcomes and social functioning among bi-ethnic students, multivariate multilevel analyses were performed. The research findings indicate that bi-ethnic students differ demographically, socially and culturally in a manner dependent on ethnic background and gender of the migrant parent. We also found that the ethnic background and the gender of the migrant parent were related to cognitive outcomes, social-emotional functioning and citizenship competences. When trying to understand and support bi-ethnic students, we must consider the diversity among them

    Numerical analyses of the earthquake-induced Takanodai landslide, Kumamoto, Japan

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    The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes, Japan, caused a number of geo-disasters in the Aso Volcanic Caldera, including a large-scale flow-type slope failure known as the Takanodai landslide. Between April and October 2016, the First Author conducted a series of post-earthquake geotechnical damage surveys and field investigations in the affected areas, and retrieved samples of volcanic soils. Following a detailed laboratory soil characterization, a numerical investigation including dynamic soil response and seismic slope stability analyses were performed by using the Quake/W and Slope/W software. In this paper, the results of the numerical analyses are presented and discussed. The numerical investigation indicated that the pumice soil deposit was responsible for the landslide triggering, and that the key factors for the flow-type failure were a combination of large inertial forces (i.e. shear stresses) and significant excess pore water pressure generation