128 research outputs found

    Stellungnahme der Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention (KRINKO) zu Anforderungen an Desinfektionsmittel für den Einsatz in infektionshygienisch sensiblen Bereichen

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    Im Fokus der Anforderungen an die Zulassung von Desinfektionsmitteln im Rahmen der europäischen Biozidverordnung stehen bei der Bewertung von Desinfektionsmitteln primär die Gefahren für die Umwelt und eine mögliche Gefährdung für den Menschen, nicht jedoch die angesichts des zunehmenden Auftretens antibiotikaresistenter Erreger erhöhte Bedeutung von Desinfektionsverfahren, insbesondere im medizinischen Bereich. Bei der Umsetzung der aktuellen KRINKO-Empfehlung „Anforderungen an die Hygiene bei der Reinigung und Desinfektion von Flächen“ bzw. bei der praktischen Anwendung von chemischen Desinfektionsmitteln entstehen immer wieder Fragen zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit von Desinfektionsmitteln sowie zu den Anforde¬rungen an deren Einsatz in speziellen Bereichen. Die im Epidemiologischen Bulletin 23/2023 veröffentlichte Stellungnahme der KRINKO soll die Beantwortung dieser Fragen unterstützen

    Prävention und Kontrolle Katheter-assoziierter Harnwegsinfektionen

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    Цель. Статья посвящена национальной политике и государственным преобразованиям на Северном Кавказе в период Революции и Гражданской войны.Методология. Автор использовал принципы историзма, системного анализа и институциональный подход. Результаты. Свержение монархии вызывало подъем национальных движений на Северном Кавказе. Распад прежних государственных структур сопровождался кардинальным переформатированием политико-правового пространства региона. Наряду с созданием новых форм организации власти происходило восстановление традиционных политических институтов. С приходом к власти большевиков в Петрограде на Северном Кавказе усилились сепаратистские настроения. В прежних губерния и областях провозглашались республики. При этом первоначально часть из них не выступала за выход из состава России. Однако поиск новых национально-государственных форм осложняли Гражданская война и иностранная интервенция. Руководители Белого движения выступали за сохранение единой России. Это стало одной из причин их поражения на юге страны. Победа большевиков, декларировавших право наций на самоопределение, означала новый этап национально-государственного строительства на Северном Кавказе.Область применения результатов. Результаты исследования могут быть применены в исторической науке и образовании.Purpose. The article studies the national-state transformations in the North Caucasus during the Revolution and Civil War. Methodology. The author used the scientific principles of historicism, systems analysis and institutional approach.Results. The overthrow of the monarchy caused the rise of national movements in the North Caucasus. The collapse of the former state structures was accompanied by a radical reformatting of the political and legal space of the region. At the same time the creation of new forms of organization of power, the restoration of traditional political institutions took place. With the Bolsheviks coming to power in Petrograd, separatist sentiments intensified in the North Caucasus. In former provinces and regions there were proclaimed republics. Initially, some of them did not support the withdrawal from Russia. However, the search for new national-state forms was complicated by the Civil War and foreign intervention. The leaders of the White Movement advocated the preservation of the united Russia. It was one of the reasons for their defeat in the south of the country. The victory of the Bolsheviks, who declared the right of nations to self-determination, marked a new stage of national-state construction in the North Caucasus.Practical implications. The results of the study can be applied in historical science and education

    Ergänzung der KRINKO- Empfehlung „Impfungen von Personal in medizinischen Einrichtungen in Deutschland: Empfehlung zur Umsetzung der gesetzlichen Regelung in § 23a Infektionsschutzgesetz“ zur COVID-19-Impfung

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    In der KRINKO-Empfehlung „Impfungen von Personal in medizinischen Einrichtungen in Deutschland: Empfehlung zur Umsetzung der gesetzlichen Regelung in § 23a Infektionsschutz-gesetz“ vom Mai 2021 wurde COVID-19 bisher nicht berücksichtigt, da zunächst u. a. zur Bewertung des Impf- oder Serostatus und zur Übertragbarkeit einer Infektion trotz Impfung keine validen Aussagen gemacht werden konnten. Zwischenzeitlich liegen jedoch Studien zur Impfeffektivität und zur SARS-CoV-2-Transmission durch Geimpfte vor. Eine Stellungnahme der KRINKO zu den entsprechenden Ergänzungen liegt nun vor.Peer Reviewe

    The Events and Participants of the Time of Troubles in the Russian Memorial Culture

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    Introduction. The study of historical memory has recently become one of the most relevant research areas. The Time of Troubles of the early 17th century is one of the most acute socio-political crises in the history of the country which has been arousing the interest of many historians. At the same time, the features of reflecting events and participants of the Time of Troubles in various forms of historical memory are becoming the subject of special studies. Methods and materials. The authors used the institutional approach,general scientific methods of logical analysis, the comparative historical and problem chronological methods, the situational analysis. The article is based on the authors’ field observations, historiographic sources and mass media publications. Analysis. Three periods can be distinguished in the memorialization of events and participants of the Time of Troubles: pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and post-Soviet. They are closely related to the periods in the history of the Russian and Soviet states and the policy of memory. In addition, each of them is divided into two stages. Results. In the 17th – 18th centuries, honoring events, heroes and martyrs of the Time of Troubles took religious forms. In the 19th century, the policy of memory was separated from the church and became an independent area of activity. But its dependence on the state was increasing, especially in the era of Nicholas I’s reign. This was evidenced by forming the cult of Susanin. The largest ideological campaign of imperial Russia which caused a significant increase in the number of memorial events and objects dedicated to the Time of Troubles was the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov. After the revolution of 1917, a program of monumental propaganda was implemented. It included overthrowing old monuments of the monarchy and establishing new ones, including ones dedicated to popular movements and their leaders, and Bolotnikov was one of them. Closing and destructing temples acquired a massive character. It involved temples dedicated to the Time of Troubles as well. But since the late 1930s, Soviet policy of memory returned to patriotic principles, which led to creating new monuments to Susanin, Minin and Pozharsky. The modern period in the Soviet policy of memory development is characterized by restoring destroyed temples and erecting new monuments to participants of the Time of Troubles, including those who were “omitted figures”. National Unity Day gave a significant impetus to creating memorial objects in honor of the events and heroes of the Time of Troubles. Monuments of regional and local significance appeared in many places. They were designed not only to “fit” the fate of a particular locality into the general history of the country, but also to make it more attractive for tourists

    Discussion About the Book by Krausz Tamás “The Fate of Ideas During the USSR History and After...”

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    N.E. Vashkau in the essay “On the way to the dialogue of national historiographies” notes the importance of historical memory, interaction within the framework of the intercultural dialogue of historiographies. A.A. German, in solidarity with some of T. Kraus’ views on the historical memory of the Second World War, starts a polemic with him on a number of problems related to the theory, history and practice of the creation, development and fall of Soviet state socialism. T.B. Ivanova (section “Historical memory forecasting the future”) focuses on self-government as an instrument of social emancipation as a direction to develop the social structure, which T. Kraus pays special attention to in theory and political activity. The author pays attention to the wide information and evidence base offered by T. Kraus to prove the value of this idea every time for the next social reconstruction. E.F. Krinko in the section “Soviet history in a Marxist reading: Tamas Kraus on revolution, socialism, war and other issues” notes that the publication of the book provides us with a deep understanding about the Hungarian historian views basing on the denial of capitalism with its ideals of individualism and private property and commitment to the socialist idea. He emphasizes that T. Kraus rejects both the application of the theory of totalitarianism to Soviet history due to its limited research potential, and the apologetics of Soviet man and state socialism. S.G. Sidorov focused on the second section of T. Kraus’ book “War and Genocide. Historical facts and the politics of memory”, in which the author gives answers to important questions: who is responsible for the war; whether it is possible to compare the Nazi Germany with the USSR as well as GULAG and Auschwitz; who is guilty of civilians genocide and others. Sidorov has come to the conclusion that the application of “his methodological conviction – the third way” actually led the author to estimates that are close to many ones given by modern Russian historians, and allowed him to reasonably and fairly criticize the views on World War II, the Soviet period of Russian history prevailing today in Hungary and in the West