3 research outputs found

    Analysis of physicochemical properties of wines available on the polish market

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    W pracy om贸wiono wina gronowe, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem ich w艂a艣ciwo艣ci prozdrowotnych. Zaprezentowano wyniki bada艅 laboratoryjnych, okre艣laj膮ce ekstrakt og贸lny, kwasowo艣膰 og贸ln膮 oraz zawarto艣膰 antocyjan贸w, a tak偶e autorsk膮 kart臋 oceny organoleptycznej sze艣ciu p贸艂s艂odkich, czerwonych win, r贸偶ni膮cych si臋 po-chodzeniem. Wyniki bada艅 zaprezentowano na wykresach, do kt贸rych do艂膮czono kr贸tki opis. W odniesieniu do og贸lnej po偶膮dalno艣ci wykazano r贸偶nice pomi臋dzy poszczeg贸lnymi pr贸bami (W1-W6). Poddane ocenie wina charakteryzowa艂y si臋 r贸wnie偶 odmiennym sk艂adem fizykochemicznym.The thesis discusses grape wines, with particular emphasis on their pro-health properties. Laboratory results were presented the total extract, total acidity and anthocyanin content, as well as the author鈥檚 organoleptic evaluation card of six semi-sweet red wines of different origins. Test results are presented in diagrams, which are accompanied by a short description. With respect to overall desirability, differences between individual samples were shown. The wines under evaluation were also characterized by a different physicochemical composition

    Changes in the quality characteristics of raspberry fruit due to mechanical vibrations and storage conditions

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    The paper presents the results of a study investigating a mechanical impact, in the form of vibrations, on the overall quality of raspberry fruits after harvest, in view of the conditions of their transport to the consumer and the processing plant. The degree of compaction of the raspberry fruit layer was determined during a test carried out under laboratory conditions, and the amount of juice leakage, resulting from the vibrations to which the raspberries were subjected, was measured. It was demonstrated that the quantity (mass) of juice leakage was considerably affected by the mechanical impact, in the form of vibrations, exerted on a layer of raspberry fruits. The leakage was smaller in cooled fruits, and significantly greater in fruits that were not subjected to cooling immediately after harvest, and were stored under ambient conditions