78 research outputs found

    Yield and Quality of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata (l.) R. Wilczek) Seeds Produced in Poland

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    The aim of the experiment was to do field and laboratory assessments of yield and quality of mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) seeds cultivated in Western Poland. Mean yield of seeds per plant was higher for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) than for mung one: 13.1 g and 2.58 g, respectively. The mean 1000 mung seeds weight was 50.9 g and their germination – 78 %. Germination capacities of seeds of both beans in the field were similar. Mung beans, compared to common bean, had much smaller seeds, started to bloom later and produced mature seeds later than the latter. Mung bean seeds had more total proteins and Magnesium and Copper than common bean seeds. In Western Poland, production of high quality mung bean seeds was possible

    Opinions on the role of chromium (III) in the prevention and control of diabetes

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    W niniejszej pracy dokonano przeglądu dostępnej literatury dotyczącej poglądĂłw na temat roli chromu (III) w zapobieganiu i leczeniu cukrzycy typu 2. W badaniach wykazano, ĆŒe chrom (III) jest niezbędny w regulacji gospodarki węglowodanowej i lipidowej, a jego dziaƂanie polega między innymi na zwiększeniu liczby receptorĂłw dla insuliny oraz aktywacji receptora insulinowego przez jego fosforylację. NiektĂłrzy badacze uwaĆŒają, ĆŒe niedobĂłr chromu (III) w organizmie moĆŒe prowadzić do nietolerancji glukozy i wystąpienia objawĂłw cukrzycy typu 2. Ponadto u chorych na cukrzycę typu 2 stÄ™ĆŒenie chromu w tkankach moĆŒe być obniĆŒone, w związku z tym niektĂłrzy autorzy zalecają suplementację tym pierwiastkiem. W pracy przytoczono wyniki badaƄ na zwierzętach, rezultaty prĂłb klinicznych oraz omĂłwiono czynniki, ktĂłre mogą wpƂywać na efekt suplementacji chromem. Jednak ze względu na ograniczenia metodologiczne wielu badaƄ klinicznych stanowisko gƂównych towarzystw diabetologicznych w sprawie wskazaƄ do suplementacji chromem u chorych na cukrzycę oraz u osĂłb z otyƂoƛcią pozostaje nadal negatywne.In this work the review of the literature about the role of chromium (III) in prevention and control of diabetes was presented. Studies indicate that Cr (III) is necessary for regulatation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism mainly due to increasing the number of insulin receptors and its activation by phosphorylation. Some authors believe that chromium (III) deficiency can lead to glucose intolerance and symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Moreover, in type 2 diabetic patients tissular chromium levels may be decreased, therefore some authors recommend chromium supplementation. The animal and human studies in that subject as well as factors affecting chromium supplementation were discussed. However, due to methodological limitations of many clinical studies, the statements of major diabetes associations concerning recommendation from chromium supplementation in individuals with diabetes and obesity still remains negative

    Dietary Flavonoids Sensitize HeLa Cells to Tumor Necrosis Factor-Related Apoptosis-Inducing Ligand (TRAIL)

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    TRAIL is a promising candidate for cancer therapeutics that preferentially induces apoptosis in cancer cells. The combined treatment flavonoids with TRAIL might be promising as a chemoprevention and/or new therapy against malignant tumors. We examined the cytotoxic effect of dietary flavonoids in combination with TRAIL on HeLa cells. It was found that treatment with noncytotoxic concentration of some flavonoids significantly sensititizes to TRAIL induced death in HeLa cells. Our study demonstrated that flavone, apigenin and genistein markedly augmented TRAIL mediated cytotoxicity against HeLa, whereas kaempferol and quercetin produced no effect

    Universal biosensor for detection of influenza virus

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    AbstractInfluenza is a contagious disease caught by humans caused by viruses belonging to the family Orthomyxoviridae. Each year, the influenza virus infects millions of people and kills hundreds of thousands of them. Traditional diagnostic methods, such as virus propagation and isolation, antigen capture immunoassays and molecular methods are not sufficient for the detection of the influenza virus. Development of a valid diagnostic assay for quick detection (in less than an hour) of the virus, with high sensitivity, is a challenge for researchers all over the world.Here we present a new, universal immunosensor for detection of the influenza A virus. By using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and direct attachment of antibodies to the gold electrode the assay allows detection of the pathogen with sensitivity similar to molecular methods in relatively short time. Application of universal anti-M1 antibodies allows detection of all serotypes of influenza A virus.The simple design of the sensor facilitates miniaturization of the device and its implementation for routine diagnostics during first contact with the patient, before applying a proper treatment

    TRAIL-induced apoptosis and expression of death receptor TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 in bladder cancer cells.

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    Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL/Apo2L) is a member of TNF superfamily able to induce programmed death in cancer cells with no toxicity against normal tissues. TRAIL mediate apoptosis follows binding to the two death receptors, TRAIL-R1 (DR4) and/or TRAIL-R2 (DR5). In this study we investigated the cytotoxic and apoptotic effect of TRAIL on bladder cancer cells and the expression of death receptor TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 on the surface of these cancer cells. Three human bladder transitional cancer cell (TCC) lines - SW780, 647V and T24 were tested for TRAIL sensitivity. The bladder cancer cells were incubated with human soluble recombinant TRAIL. Cytotoxicity was measured by MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-dimethyltetrazolium bromide) and LDH (lactate dyhydrogenase) assays. Apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry with annexin V-FITC/propidium iodide and by fluorescence microscopy with Hoechst 33342/annexin V-FITC/Ethidium Homodimer. The cell surface expression of TRAIL death receptors on bladder cancer were determined using flow cytometry with phycoerythrin-conjugated monoclonal anti-human TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2. Our investigations confirmed that SW780 cells were sensitive to TRAIL, and two other bladder cancer cell lines, 647V and T24, were resistant to TRAIL induced apoptosis. We therefore examined the expression of TRAIL death receptors on bladder cancer cell surfaces. We showed decreased expression of TRAIL-R2 receptor in TRAIL-resistant bladder cancer cells and increased expression of this death receptor in TRAIL-sensitive SW780 cells. The expression of TRAILR1 receptor was similar in all bladder cancer cell lines. TRAIL is one of the promising candidates for cancer therapeutics. However, some cancer cells are resistant to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. It is therefore important to overcome this resistance for the clinical use of TRAIL in cancer therapy. TRAIL death receptors are attractive therapeutic targets in cancer treatment. The cytotoxic agents capable of up-regulating the expression of TRAIL-R1 and TRAIL-R2 can sensitize cancer cells to TRAIL induced apoptosis

    Antibody response to DNA vaccine against H5N1 avian influenza virus in broilers immunized according to three schedules.

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    Broiler type chickens were immunized intramuscularly with a DNA vaccine encoding hemagglutinin (HA) from H5N1 avian influenza virus. The chickens were divided into four groups: control group which was not immunized, a group which obtained only one dose, and two groups which were immunized twice, one group with a boost two weeks after the priming and the other four weeks. Blood samples were collected at several time points and the dynamics of the humoral response to the vaccine was studied. High level of anti-HA antibodies was detected only in the last two groups, that is in chickens immunized according to the prime-boost strategy, regardless of the schedule. An additional interesting observation of this study was detection of the cross-reactivity of an anti-H5 HA positive serum with H5N2 and H1N1 viruses, suggesting that the DNA vaccine tested can induce antibodies of a broad specificity

    Associations between the dopamine D4 receptor gene polymorphisms and personality traits in elite athletes

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    Personality traits and temperament may affect sports performance. Previous studies suggest that dopamine may play an important role in behavior regulation and physical exercise performance. The aim of this study is to determine associations between dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4 Ex3) polymorphisms and personality traits (such as neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeability and conscientiousness) in elite combat athletes. A total of 302 physically active, unrelated, self-reported Caucasian participants were recruited for this study. The participants consisted of 200 elite male combat athletes and 102 healthy male participants (control group). For personality trait measurements, the NEO Five-Factor Personality Inventory (NEO-FFI) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory questionnaires were used. For the genetic assays, blood was collected and all samples were genotyped using the real-time PCR method. A 2 x 3 factorial ANOVA revealed statistically significant differences on the Openness NEO Five Factor Inventory scale for both examined factors, i.e. sport status and genetics DTD4 Ex3. Combat athletes achieved higher scores on the Conscientiousness NEO-FFI scale when compared to controls (7.18 vs 5.98). On the other hand, combat athletes scored lower on the Openness scale in comparison with control group (4.42 vs. 4.63). Subjects with the DRD4 Ex3 s/s genotype had lower results on the openness scale in comparison with participants with the DRD4 Ex3 s/1 genotype (4.01 vs. 4.57) and higher DRD4 Ex3 1/1 genotype (4,01 vs. 3,50). In conclusion, we found an association between the dopamine D4 receptor gene in variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) polymorphisms and athletic status for two NEO-FFI factors: Openness and Conscientiousness. The DRD4 exon 3 polymorphism may be associated with the selected personality traits in combat athletes, thereby modulating athletes’ predisposition to participate in high risk sports

    Folic Acid and Protein Content in Maternal Diet and Postnatal High-Fat Feeding Affect the Tissue Levels of Iron, Zinc, and Copper in the Rat

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    Although maternal, fetal, and placental mechanisms compensate for disturbances in the fetal environment, any nutritional inadequacies present during pregnancy may affect fetal metabolism, and their consequences may appear in later life. The aim of the present study is to investigate the influence of maternal diet during gestation on Fe, Zn, and Cu levels in the livers and kidneys of adult rats. The study was carried out on the offspring (n = 48) of mothers fed either a protein-balanced or a protein-restricted diet (18% vs. 9% casein) during pregnancy, with or without folic acid supplementation (0.005- vs. 0.002-g folic acid/kg diet). At 10 weeks of age, the offspring of each maternal group were randomly assigned to groups fed either the AIN-93G diet or a high-fat diet for 6 weeks, until the end of the experiment. The levels of Fe, Zn, and Cu in the livers and kidneys were determined by the F-AAS method. It was found that postnatal exposure to the high-fat diet was associated with increased hepatic Fe levels (p < 0.001), and with decreased liver Zn and Cu contents (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively), as well as with decreased renal Cu contents (p < 0.001). Moreover, the offspring’s tissue mineral levels were also affected by protein and folic acid content in the maternal diet. Both prenatal protein restriction and folic acid supplementation increased the liver Zn content (p < 0.05) and the kidney Zn content (p < 0.001; p < 0.05, respectively), while folic acid supplementation resulted in a reduction in renal Cu level (p < 0.05). Summarizing, the results of this study show that maternal dietary folic acid and protein intake during pregnancy, as well as the type of postweaning diet, affect Fe, Zn, and Cu levels in the offspring of the rat. However, the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon are unclear, and warrant further investigation
